AI vs The Expert


Podcast Version

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The Expert

Eleven years ago, comedy sketch The Expert had software engineers (and other misunderstood specialists) laughing to tears at the relatability of Anderson’s (Orion Lee) situation: asked to do the literally-impossible by people who don’t understand why their requests can’t be fulfilled.

Decades ago, a client wanted their Web application to automatically print to the user’s printer, without prompting. I explained that it was impossible because “if a website could print to your printer without at least asking you first, everybody would be printing ads as you browsed the web”. The client’s response: “I don’t need you to let everybody print. Just my users.”1

So yeah, I was among those that sympathised with Anderson.

In the sketch, the client requires him to “draw seven red lines, all of them strictly perpendicular; some with green ink and some with transparent”. He (reasonably) states that this is impossible2.

Versus AI

Following one of the many fever dreams when I was ill, recently, I woke up wondering… how might an AI programmer tackle this task? I had an inkling of the answer, so I had to try it:

Conversation with an AI. I ask 'Write a JavaScript program that uses a `<canvas>` element to draw seven red lines, all of them strictly perpendicular; some with green ink and some with transparent. Can you do that?'. It replies: 'Certainly! To draw seven red lines on a <canvas> element, with some lines using green ink and others being transparent, you can use the HTML5 Canvas API. Here's a simple JavaScript program that accomplishes this:', followed by a snippet of HTML code.
Aside from specifying that I want to use JavaScript and a <canvas> element3, the question is the same as in the sketch.

When I asked gpt-4o to assist me, it initially completely ignored the perpendicularity requirement.

White square containing 7 equally-spaced parallel vertical lines: red, green, orange, red, green, orange, red.
Drawing all of the lines strictly parallel to one another was… well, the exact opposite of what was asked for, although it was at least possible.

Let’s see if it can do better, with a bit of a nudge:

Continued conversation with an AI. I ask: 'Those lines aren't perpendicular. Can you fix the code?' The AI responds 'Certainly! To draw seven lines that are strictly perpendicular to each other, we need to ensure that each line is at a 90-degree angle to the next. Here's how you can achieve that using the <canvas> element:', followed by another code sample.
This is basically how I’d anticipated the AI would respond: eager to please, willing to help, and with an eager willingness that completely ignored the infeasibility of the task.

gpt-4o claimed that the task was absolutely achievable, even clarifying that the lines would all be “strictly perpendicular to each other”… before proceeding to instead make each consecutively-drawn line be perpendicular only to its predecessor:

The same diagram, but with the 7 lines joined together into a zig-zagging snake weaving its way right, then down, then left, then down, and so on across the canvas.
This is not what I asked for. But more importantly, it’s not what I wanted. (But it is pretty much what I expected.)

You might argue that this test is unfair, and it is. But there’s a point that I’ll get to.

But first, let me show you how a different model responded. I tried the same question with the newly-released Claude 3.7 Sonnet model, and got what I’d consider to be a much better answer:

Conversation with an AI. I ask the same original question, but now it responds: 'I see you're referencing the famous "Expert Talks - Draw 7 Red Lines" comedy sketch! This is a deliberately impossible task (drawing red lines with green ink, having all lines perpendicular to each other in 2D space, etc.).Let me create a humorous JavaScript program that attempts to "solve" this impossible problem:', before producing some JavaScript code.
I find myself wondering how this model would have responded if it hadn’t already been trained on the existence of the comedy sketch. The answer that (a) it’s impossible but (b) here’s a fun bit of code that attempts to solve it anyway is pretty-much perfect, but would it have come up with it on a truly novel (but impossible) puzzle?

In my mind: an ideal answer acknowledges the impossibility of the question, or at least addresses the supposed-impossibility of it. Claude 3.7 Sonnet did well here, although I can’t confirm whether it did so because it had been trained on data that recognised the existence of “The Expert” or not (it’s clearly aware of the sketch, given its answer).

Two red lines are perpendicular to one another, followed by horizontal lines in green, semitransparent red, red, green, and semitransparent green. Each are labelled with their axis in a 7-dimensional space, and with a clarifying tooltip.
The complete page that Claude 3.7 Sonnet produced also included an explanation of the task, clarifying that it’s impossible, and a link to the video of the original sketch.

What’s the point, Dan?

I remain committed to not using AI to do anything I couldn’t do myself (and can therefore check).4 And the answer I got from gpt-4o to this question goes a long way to demonstrating why.

Suppose I didn’t know that it was impossible to make seven lines perpendicular to one another in anything less than seven-dimensional space. If that were the case, it’d be tempting to accept an AI-provided answer as correct, and ship it. And while that example is trivial (and at least a little bit silly), it’s the kind of thing that, I have no doubt, actually happens in other areas.

Chatbots eagerness to provide a helpful answer, even if no answer is possible, is a huge liability. The other week, I experimentally asked Claude 3.5 for assistance with a PHPUnit mocking challenge and it provided a whole series of answers… that were completely invalid! It later turned out that what I was trying to achieve was impossible5.

Given that its answers clearly didn’t-work there was no risk I’d have shipped it anyway, but I’m certain that there exist developers who’ve asked a chatbot for help in a domain they didn’t understood and accepted its answer while still not understanding it, which feels to me like a quick route to introducing into your code a bug that happy-path testing won’t reveal. (Y’know, something like a security vulnerability, or an accessibility failure, or whatever.)

Code assisting AI remains really interesting and occasionally useful… but it’s also a real minefield and I see a lot of naiveté about its limitations.


1 My client eventually took that particular requirement out of scope and I thought the matter was settled, but I heard that they later contracted a different developer to implement just that bit of functionality into the application that we delivered. I never checked, but I think that what they delivered exploited ActiveX/Java applet vulnerabilities to achieve the goal.

2 Nerds gotta nerd, and so there’s been endless debate on the Internet about whether the task is truly impossible. For example, when I first saw the video I was struck by the observation that perpendicularity within a set of lines is limited linearly by the number of dimensions you’re working in, so it’s absolutely possible to model seven lines all perpendicular to one another… if you’re working in seven dimensions. But let’s put that all aside for a moment and assume the task is truly impossible within some framework unspecified-but-implied within the universe of the sketch, ‘k?

3 Two-dimensionality feels like a fair assumed constraint, given that in the sketch Anderson tries to demonstrate the challenges of the task by using a flip-chart.

4 I also don’t use AI to produce anything creative that I then pass off as my own, because, y’know, many of these models don’t seem to respect copyright. You won’t find any AI-written content on my blog, for example, except specifically to demonstrate AI’s capabilities (or lack thereof) when discussing AI, and this is always be clearly labelled. But that’s another question.

5 In fact, I was going about the problem itself in entirely the wrong way: some minor refactoring later and I had some solid unit tests that fit the bill, and I didn’t need to do the impossible. But the AI never clocked that, and I suspect it never would have.

× × × × × ×

Reply to Vika, re: Content-Security-Policy

This is a reply to a post published elsewhere. Its content might be duplicated as a traditional comment at the original source.

Vika said:

Had a fight with the Content-Security-Policy header today. Turns out, I won, but not without sacrifices.
Apparently I can’t just insert <style> tags into my posts anymore, because otherwise I’d have to somehow either put nonces on them, or hash their content (which would be more preferrable, because that way it remains static).

I could probably do the latter by rewriting HTML at publish-time, but I’d need to hook into my Markdown parser and process HTML for that, and, well, that’s really complicated, isn’t it? (It probably is no harder than searching for Webmention links, and I’m overthinking it.)

I’ve had this exact same battle.

Obviously the intended way to use nonces in a Content-Security-Policy is to have the nonce generated, injected, and served in a single operation. So in PHP, perhaps, you might do something like this:

  $nonce = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
  header("Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-$nonce'");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>PHP CSP Nonce Test</title>
  <h1>PHP CSP Nonce Test</h1>
    JavaScript did not run.

  <!-- This JS has a valid nonce: -->
  <script nonce="<?php echo $nonce; ?>">
    document.querySelector('p').textContent = 'JavaScript ran successfully.';

  <!-- This JS does not: -->
  <script nonce="wrong-nonce">
    alert('The bad guys won!');
Viewing this page in a browser (with Javascript enabled) should show the text “JavaScript ran successfully.”, but should not show an alertbox containing the text “The bad guys won!”.

But for folks like me – and you too, Vika,, from the sounds of things – who serve most of their pages, most of the time, from the cache or from static HTML files… and who add the CSP header on using webserver configuration… this approach just doesn’t work.

I experimented with a few solutions:

  • A long-lived nonce that rotates.
    CSP allows you to specify multiple nonces, so I considered having a rotating nonce that was applied to pages (which were then cached for a period) and delivered by the header… and then a few hours later a new nonce would be generated and used for future page generations and appended to the header… and after the cache expiry time the oldest nonces were rotated-out of the header and became invalid.
  • Dynamic nonce injection.
    I experimented with having the webserver parse pages and add nonces: randomly generating a nonce, putting it in the header, and then basically doing a s/<script/<script nonce="..."/ to search-and-replace it in.

Both of these are terrible solutions. The first one leaves a window of, in my case, about 24 hours during which a successfully-injected script can be executed. The second one effectively allowlists all scripts, regardless of their provenance. I realised that what I was doing was security theatre: seeking to boost my A-rating to an A+-rating on without actually improving security at all.

But the second approach gave me an idea. I could have a server-side secret that gets search-replaced out. E.g. if I “signed” all of my legitimate scripts with something like <script nonce="dans-secret-key-goes-here" ...> then I could replace s/dans-secret-key-goes-here/actual-nonce-goes-here/ and thus have the best of both worlds: static, cacheable pages, and actual untamperable nonces. So long as I took care to ensure that the pages were never delivered to anybody with the secret key still intact, I’d be sorted!

Alternatively, I was looking into whether Caddy can do something like mod_asis does for Apache: that is, serve a file “as is”, with headers included in the file. That way, I could have the CSP header generated with the page and then saved into the cache, so it’s delivered with the same none every time… until the page changes. I’d love more webservers to have an “as is” mode, but I appreciate that might be a big ask (Apache’s mechanism, I suspect, exploits the fact that HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 literally send headers, followed by two CRLFs, then content… but that’s not what happens in HTTP/2+).

So yeah, I’ll probably do a server-side-secret approach, down the line. Maybe that’ll work for you, too.

Bloomberg’s Terms

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

While perfectly legal, it is remarkable that to read a Bloomberg article, you must first agree to binding arbitration and waive your class action rights.

A pop-up notification indicating that the terms have been updated. The message states that by accepting, users agree to the updated Terms of Service, which includes an arbitration provision and class action waiver. It also mentions the processing of user information as described in the Privacy Policy, including potential sharing with third parties about the use of A button labeled "Accept" is provided for users to acknowledge the terms.

I don’t often see dialog boxes like this one. In fact, if I go to the URL of a article, I don’t see any popups: nothing about privacy, nothing about cookies, nothing about terms of service, nothing about only being allowed to read a limited number of articles without signing up an account. I just… get… the article.

The reason for this is, most-likely, because my web browser is configured, among other things, to:

  • Block all third-party Javascript (thanks, uBlock Origin‘s “advanced mode”), except on domains where they’re explicitly allowed (and even then with a few exceptions: thanks, Ghostery),
  • Delete all cookies 30 seconds after I navigate away from a domain, except for domains that are explicitly greylisted/allowlisted (thanks, Cookie-AutoDelete), and
  • Resist other fingerprinting methods as best I can (thanks, Enhanced Tracking Protection).

But here’s the thing I’ve always wondered: if I don’t get to see a “do you accept our terms and conditions?” popup, is is still enforceable?

Obviously, one could argue that by using my browser in a non-standard configuration that explicitly results in the non-appearance of “consent” popups that I’m deliberately turning a blind eye to the popups and accepting them by my continued use of their services1. Like: if I pour a McDonalds coffee on my lap having deliberately worn blinkers that prevent me reading the warning that it’s hot, it’s not McDonalds’ fault that I chose to ignore their helpful legally-recommended printed warning on the cup, right?2

But I’d counter that if a site chooses to rely on Javascript hosted by a third party in order to ask for consent, but doesn’t rely on that same third-party in order to provide the service upon which consent is predicated, then they’re setting themselves up to fail!

The very nature of the way the Internet works means that you simply can’t rely on the user successfully receiving content from a CDN. There are all kinds of reasons my browser might not get the Javascript required to show the consent dialog, and many of them are completely outside of the visitor’s control: maybe there was a network fault, or CDN downtime, or my browser’s JS engine was buggy, or I have a disability and the technologies I use to mitigate its impact on my Web browsing experience means that the dialog isn’t read out to me. In any of these cases, a site visitor using an unmodified, vanilla, stock web browser might visit a Bloomberg article and read it without ever being asked to agree to their terms and conditions.

Would that be enforceable? I hope you’ll agree that the answer is: no, obviously not!

It’s reasonably easy for a site to ensure that consent is obtained before providing services based on that consent. Simply do the processing server-side, ask for whatever agreement you need, and only then provide services. Bloomberg, like many others, choose not to do this because… well, it’s probably a combination of developer laziness and search engine optimisation. But my gut feeling says that if it came to court, any sensible judge would ask them to prove that the consent dialog was definitely viewed by and clicked on by the user, and from the looks of things: that’s simply not something they’d be able to do!

tl;dr: if you want to fight with Bloomberg and don’t want to go through their arbitration, simply say you never saw or never agreed to their terms and conditions – they can’t prove that you did, so they’re probably unenforceable (assuming you didn’t register for an account with them or anything, of course). This same recommendation applies to many, many other websites.


1 I’m confident that if it came down to it, Bloomberg’s lawyers would argue exactly this.

2 I see the plaintiff’s argument that the cups were flimsy and obviously her injuries were tragic, of course. But man, the legal fallout and those “contents are hot” warnings remain funny to this day.


kirby vs. this blog post

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

A cute use of Javascript to make a fun post more-fun, helping to keep the Internet fun and weird.

I want to do more crap like this.

But meanwhile, I should show this post to my 8-year-old, who recently finished playing through a Kirby game and won’t stop talking about it. He might appreciate it, but perhaps in a different way to me.


Me, hacking challenging Javascript at work: “Damn, I need a holiday.”

Dan sits at a laptop in a hotel bar, a view of Barcelona out of the window behind him, a beer bottle alongside him.

Me, hacking challenging Javascript on sabbatical: “Ah, so relaxing.”


Draw Me a Comment!

Why must a blog comment be text? Why could it not be… a drawing?1

Red and black might be more traditional ladybird colours, but sometimes all you’ve got is blue.

I started hacking about and playing with a few ideas and now, on selected posts including this one, you can draw me a comment instead of typing one.

Just don’t tell the soup company what I’ve been working on, okay?

I opened the feature, experimentally (in a post available only to RSS subscribers2) the other week, but now you get a go! Also, I’ve open-sourced the whole thing, in case you want to pick it apart.

What are you waiting for: scroll down, and draw me a comment!


1 I totally know the reasons that a blog comment shouldn’t be a drawing; I’m not completely oblivious. Firstly, it’s less-expressive: words are versatile and you can do a lot with them. Secondly, it’s higher-bandwidth: images take up more space, take longer to transmit, and that effect compounds when – like me – you’re tracking animation data too. But the single biggest reason, and I can’t stress this enough, is… the penises. If you invite people to draw pictures on your blog, you’re gonna see a lot of penises. Short penises, long penises, fat penises, thin penises. Penises of every shape and size. Some erect and some flacid. Some intact and some circumcised. Some with hairy balls and some shaved. Many of them urinating or ejaculating. Maybe even a few with smiley faces. And short of some kind of image-categorisation AI thing, you can’t realistically run an anti-spam tool to detect hand-drawn penises.

2 I’ve copied a few of my favourites of their drawings below. Don’t forget to subscribe if you want early access to any weird shit I make.

Good Food, Bad Authorisation

I was browsing (BBC) Good Food today when I noticed something I’d not seen before: a “premium” recipe, available on their “app only”:

Screenshot showing recipes, one of which is labelled "App only" and "Premium".

I clicked on the “premium” recipe and… it looked just like any other recipe. I guess it’s not actually restricted after all?

Just out of curiosity, I fired up a more-vanilla web browser and tried to visit the same page. Now I saw an overlay and modal attempting1 to restrict access to the content:

Overlay attempting to block content to the page beneath, saying "Try 1 year for just £9.99 and save 81%".

It turns out their entire effort to restrict access to their premium content… is implemented in client-side JavaScript. Even when I did see the overlay and not get access to the recipe, all I needed to do was open my browser’s debugger and run document.body.classList.remove('tp-modal-open'); for(el of document.querySelectorAll('.tp-modal, .tp-backdrop')) el.remove(); and all the restrictions were lifted.

What a complete joke.

Why didn’t I even have to write my JavaScript two-liner to get past the restriction in my primary browser? Because I’m running privacy-protector Ghostery, and one of the services Ghostery blocks by-default is one called Piano. Good Food uses Piano to segment their audience in your browser, but they haven’t backed that by any, y’know, actual security so all of their content, “premium” or not, is available to anybody.

I’m guessing that Immediate Media (who bought the BBC Good Food brand a while back and have only just gotten around to stripping “BBC” out of the name) have decided that an ad-supported model isn’t working and have decided to monetise the site a little differently2. Unfortunately, their attempt to differentiate premium from regular content was sufficiently half-hearted that I barely noticed that, too, gliding through the paywall without even noticing were it not for the fact that I wondered why there was a “premium” badge on some of their recipes.

Screenshot from, circa 2007.
You know what website I miss? It went downhill and then died around 2016, but for a while it was excellent.

Recipes probably aren’t considered a high-value target, of course. But I can tell you from experience that sometimes companies make basically this same mistake with much more-sensitive systems. The other year, for example, I discovered (and ethically disclosed) a fault in the implementation of the login forms of a major UK mobile network that meant that two-factor authentication could be bypassed entirely from the client-side.

These kinds of security mistakes are increasingly common on the Web as we train developers to think about the front-end first (and sometimes, exclusively). We need to do better.


1 The fact that I could literally see the original content behind the modal was a bit of a giveaway that they’d only hidden it, not actually protected it in any way.

2 I can see why they’d think that: personally, I didn’t even know there were ads on the site until I did the experiment above: turns out I was already blocking them, too, along with any anti-ad-blocking scripts that might have been running alongside.

× × ×

Multi-Phase Maps in FoundryVTT

FoundryVTT is a fantastic Web-based environment for tabletop roleplaying adventures1 and something I particularly enjoy is the freedom for virtually-unlimited scripting. Following a demonstration to a fellow DM at work last week I promised to throw together a quick tutorial into scripting simple multi-phase maps using Foundry.2

Why multi-phase maps?

Animated battlemap which organically grows into a leafy flower over six stages.
For this demonstration, I’ll be using AtraxianBear’s Growing Flower Dungeon.

You might use a multi-phase map to:

  • Allow the development and expansion of a siege camp outside the fortress where the heroes are holed-up.3
  • Rotate through day and night cycles or different times of day, perhaps with different things to interact with in each.4
  • Gradually flood a sewer with rising water… increasing the range of the monster that dwells within.5
  • Re-arrange parts of the dungeon when the characters flip certain switches, opening new paths… and closing others.

I’ll use the map above to create a simple linear flow, powered by a macro in the hotbar. Obviously, more-complex scenarios are available, and combining this approach with a plugin like Monk’s Active Tile Triggers can even be used to make the map appear to dynamically change in response to the movement or actions of player characters!

Setting the scene

Create a scene, using the final state of the map as the background. Then, in reverse-order, add the previous states as tiles above it.

Not shown, but highly-recommended: lock each tile when you’re done placing it, so that you don’t accidentally interact with it when you mean to e.g. drag-select multiple actors.

Make a note of the X-position that your tiles are in when they’re where they supposed to be: we’ll “move” the tiles off to the side when they’re hidden, to prevent their ghostly half-hidden forms getting in your way as game master. We’ll also use this X-position to detect which tiles have already been moved/hidden.

Also make note of each tile’s ID, so your script can reference them. It’s easiest to do this as you go along. When you’re ready to write your macro, reverse the list, because we’ll be hiding each tile in the opposite order from the order you placed them.

Writing the script

Next, create a new script macro, e.g. by clicking an empty slot in the macro bar. When you activate this script, the map will move forward one phase (or, if it’s at the end, it’ll reset).

I find Foundry’s built-in script editor a little… small? So I write my scripts in my favourite text editor and then copy-paste.

Here’s the code you’ll need – the 👈 emoji identifies the places you’ll need to modify the code, specifically:

  1. const revealed_tiles_default_x = 250 should refer to the X-position of your tiles when they’re in the correct position.
  2. const revealed_tiles_modified_x = 2825 should refer to the X-position they’ll appear at “off to the right” of your scene. To determine this, just move one tile right until it’s sufficiently out of the way of the battlemap and then check what it’s X-position is! Or just take the default X-position, add the width of your map in pixels, and then add a tiny bit more.
  3. const revealed_tiles = [ ... ] is a list of the tile IDs of each tile what will be hidden, in turn. In my example there are five of them (the sixth and final image being the scene background).
const revealed_tiles_default_x = 250;   // 👈 X-position of tiles when displayed
const revealed_tiles_modified_x = 2825; // 👈 X-position of tiles when not displayed
const revealed_tiles = [
  '2xG7S8Yqk4x1eAdr',                   // 👈 list of tile IDs in order that they should be hidden
  'SjNQDBImHvrjAHWX',                   //     (top to bottom)


// Get the topmost tile that is still visible:
const next_revealed_tile_to_move = revealed_tiles.find(t=>
  t.position.x == revealed_tiles_default_x

// If there are NO still-visible tiles, we must need to reset the map:
if( ! next_revealed_tile_to_move ) {
  // To reset the map, we go through each tile and put it back where it belongs -
  for(tile of revealed_tiles){
    canvas.scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Tile", [ {
      x: revealed_tiles_default_x,
      hidden: false
    } ]);
} else {
  // Otherwise, hide the topmost visible tile (and move it off to the side to help the GM) -
  canvas.scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Tile", [ {
    x: revealed_tiles_modified_x,
    hidden: true
  } ]);

I hope that the rest of the code is moderately self-explanatory for anybody with a little JavaScript experience, but if you’re just following this kind of simple, linear case then you don’t need to modify it anyway. But to summarise, what it does is:

  1. Finds the first listed tile that isn’t yet hidden (by comparing its X-position to the pre-set X-position).
  2. If there aren’t any such tiles, we must have hidden them all already, so perform a reset: to do this – iterate through each tile and set its X-position to the pre-set X-position, and un-hide it.
  3. Otherwise, move the first not-hidden tile to the alternative X-position and hide it.

I hope you have fun with scripting your own multi-phase maps. Just don’t get so caught-up in your awesome scenes that you fail to give the players any agency!


1 Also, it’s on sale at 20% off this week to celebrate its fourth anniversary. Just sayin’.

2 I can neither confirm nor deny that a multi-phase map might be in the near future of The Levellers‘ adventure…

3 AtraxianBear has a great series of maps inspired by the 1683 siege of Vienna by the Ottomans that could be a great starting point for a “gradually advancing siege” map.

4 If you’re using Dungeon Alchemist as part of your mapmaking process you can just export orthographic or perspective outputs with different times of day and your party’s regular inn can be appropriately lit for any time of day, even if the party decides to just “wait at this table until nightfall”.

5 Balatro made a stunning map with rising water as a key feature: there’s a preview available.


Reversing Sandwiches

Fixing Sandwiches is a website showcasing animated GIF files of rotating sandwiches1. But it’s got a problem: 2 of the 51 sandwiches rotate the wrong way. So I’ve fixed it:

The Eggplant Parm Sub is one of two sandwiches whose rotation doesn’t match the rest.

My fix is available as a userscript on GreasyFork, so you can use your favourite userscript manager2 to install it and the rotation will be fixed for you too. Here’s the code (it’s pretty simple):

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name        Standardise sandwich rotation on
    // @namespace
    // @match*
    // @grant       GM_addStyle
    // @version     1.0
    // @author      Dan Q <>
    // @license     The Unlicense / Public Domain
    // @description Some sandwiches on rotate in the opposite direction to the majority. 😡 Let's fix that.
    // ==/UserScript==
    GM_addStyle('.q23-image-216, .q23-image-217 { transform: scaleX(-1); }');

Unless you’re especially agitated by irregular sandwich rotation, this is perhaps the most-pointless userscript ever created. So why did I go to the trouble?

Fixing Websites

Obviously, I’m telling you this as a vehicle to talk about userscripts in general and why you should be using them.

Userscripts fix and improve websites for you. Whether you want to force Reddit to stay “old Reddit” as long as possible,  make’s maps more-powerful, show Twitter images uncropped by default, re-add the “cached” link to Google search results, show prices on shopping sites in terms of hours-of-your-life of work they “cost”, or just automatically click Netflix’s “yes, I’m still here, keep playing” button for maximum binge-mode, there’s a script for you. They’re like tiny browser plugins.

Screenshot from Pinterest showing many kittens, not logged-in.
Want to get endless-scroll in Pinterest without getting nagged to make a Pinterest account? There’s a userscript for that.

But the real magic is being able to remix the web your way. With just a little bit of CSS or JavaScript experience you can stop complaining that a website’s design has changed in some way you don’t like or that some functionality you use isn’t as powerful or convenient as you’d like and you can fix it.

A website I used disables scrolling until all their (tracking, advertising, etc.) JavaScript loads, and my privacy blocker blocks those files: I could cave and disable my browser’s privacy tools… but it was almost as fast to add setInterval(()=>'', 200); to a userscript and now it’s fixed.

Don’t want a Sports section on your BBC News homepage (not just the RSS feed!)? document.querySelector('a[href="/sport"]').closest('main > div').remove(). Sorted.

I’m a huge fan of building your own tools to “scratch your own itch”. Userscripts are a highly accessible introduction to doing so that even beginner programmers can get on board with and start getting value from. More-advanced scripts can do immensely clever and powerful things, but even if you just use them to apply a few light CSS touches to your favourite websites, that’s still a win.


1 Remember when a website’s domain name used to be connected to what it was for? does.

2 I favour ViolentMonkey.


April Features!

I’m testing a handful of highly-experimental new features on my personal website using multivariate (“A/B”) testing.

Screenshot of the recent "Quickly Solving JigsawExplorer Puzzles" blog post with a new "Dark mode" switch hovering over it.
“Dark Mode” is just one of the new features I’m testing out.

If you visit within the next day or so you’re likely to be randomly-selected to try out one of them. (If you’re not selected, you can manually enable one of the experiments.)

I’d love to hear your feedback on these Very Serious New Features! Let me know which one(s) you see and whether you think they should become permanent fixtures on my site.

Quickly Solving JigsawExplorer Puzzles


I was contacted this week by a geocacher called Dominik who, like me, loves geocaching…. but hates it when the coordinates for a cache are hidden behind a virtual jigsaw puzzle.

A popular online jigsaw tool used by lazy geocache owners is Jigidi: I’ve come up with several techniques for bypassing their puzzles or at least making them easier.

Dominik had been looking at a geocache hidden last week in Eastern France and had discovered that it used JigsawExplorer, not Jigidi, to conceal the coordinates. Let’s take a look…

Unsolved approx. 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
Not just any puzzle; the geocache used an ~1000 piece puzzle! Ugh!

I experimented with a few ways to work-around the jigsaw, e.g. dramatically increasing the “snap range” so dragging a piece any distance would result in it jumping to a neighbour, and extracting original image URLs from localStorage. All were good, but none were perfect.

For a while, making pieces “snap” at any range seemed to be the best hacky workaround.

Then I realised that – unlike Jigidi, where there can be a congratulatory “completion message” (with e.g. geocache coordinates in) – in JigsawExplorer the prize is seeing the completed jigsaw.

Dialog box reading "This puzzle's box top preview is disabled for added challenge."
You can click a button to see the “box” of a jigsaw, but this can be disabled by the image uploader.

Let’s work on attacking that bit of functionality. After all: if we can bypass the “added challenge” we’ll be able to see the finished jigsaw and, therefore, the geocache coordinates. Like this:


Here’s how it’s done. Or keep reading if you just want to follow the instructions!
  1. Open a jigsaw and try the “box cover” button at the top. If you get the message “This puzzle’s box top preview is disabled for added challenge.”, carry on.
  2. Open your browser’s debug tools (F12) and navigate to the Sources tab.
  3. Find the jigex-prog.js file. Right-click and select Override Content (or Add Script Override).
  4. In the overridden version of the file, search for the string – e&&e.customMystery?tt.msgbox("This puzzle's box top preview is disabled for added challenge."): – this code checks if the puzzle has the “custom mystery” setting switched on and if so shows the message, otherwise (after the :) shows the box cover.
  5. Carefully delete that entire string. It’ll probably appear twice.
  6. Reload the page. Now the “box cover” button will work.

The moral, as always, might be: don’t put functionality into the client-side JavaScript if you don’t want the user to be able to bypass it.

Or maybe the moral is: if you’re going to make a puzzle geocache, put some work in and do something clever, original, and ideally with fieldwork rather than yet another low-effort “upload a picture and choose the highest number of jigsaw pieces to cut it into from the dropdown”.

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Shiftless Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement is a great philosophy for Web application development. Deliver all the essential basic functionality using the simplest standards available; use advanced technologies to add bonus value and convenience features for users whose platform supports them. Win.

Screenshot showing starcharts in Three Rings. With JS disabled, all shifts within the last 3 years are shown, with a link to show historic shifts. With JS enabled, only shifts from the current calendar year are shown, with filters available to dynamically change which year(s) are covered.
JavaScript disabled/enabled is one of the most-fundamental ways to differentiate a basic from an enhanced experience, but it’s absolutely not the only way (especially now that feature detection in JavaScript and in CSS has become so powerful!).

In Three Rings, for example, volunteers can see a “starchart” of the volunteering shifts they’ve done recently, at-a-glance, on their profile page1. In the most basic case, this is usable in its HTML-only form: even with no JavaScript, no CSS, no images even, it still functions. But if JavaScript is enabled, the volunteer can dynamically “filter” the year(s) of volunteering they’re viewing. Basic progressive enhancement.

If a feature requires JavaScript, my usual approach is to use JavaScript to add the relevant user interface to the page in the first place. Those starchart filters in Three Rings don’t appear at all if JavaScript is disabled. A downside to this approach is that the JavaScript necessarily modifies the DOM on page load, which introduces a delay to the page being interactive as well as potentially resulting in layout shift.

That’s not always the best approach. I was reminded of this today by the website of 7-year-old Shiro (produced with, one assumes, at least a little help from Saneef H. Ansari). Take a look at this progressively-enhanced theme switcher:

No layout shift, no DOM manipulation. And yet it’s still pretty clear what features are available.

The HTML that’s delivered over-the-wire provides a disabled <select> element, which gains the CSS directive cursor: not-allowed;, to make it clear to the used that this dropdown doesn’t do anything. The whole thing’s wrapped in a custom element.

When that custom element is defined by the JavaScript, it enhances the dropdown with an event listener that implements the theme changes, then enables the disabled <select>.

      <select disabled>
        <option value="">System</option>
        <option value="dark">Dark</option>
        <option value="light" selected>Light</option>
I’m not convinced by the necessity of the <form> if there’s no HTML-only fallback… and the <label> probably should use a for="..." rather than wrapping the <select>, but otherwise this code is absolutely gorgeous.

It’s probably no inconvenience to the minority of JS-less users to see a theme switcher than, when they go to use it, turns out to be disabled. But it saves time for virtually everybody not to have to wait for JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, or else to risk shifting the layout by revealing a previously-hidden element.

Altogether, this is a really clever approach, and I was pleased today to be reminded – by a 7-year-old! – of the elegance of this approach. Nice one Shiro (and Saneef!).


1 Assuming that administrators at the organisation where they volunteer enable this feature for them, of course: Three Rings‘ permission model is robust and highly-customisable. Okay, that’s enough sales pitch.


Solving Jigidi… Again

(Just want the instructions? Scroll down.)

A year and a half ago I came up with a technique for intercepting the “shuffle” operation on jigsaw website Jigidi, allowing players to force the pieces to appear in a consecutive “stack” for ludicrously easy solving. I did this partially because I was annoyed that a collection of geocaches near me used Jigidi puzzles as a barrier to their coordinates1… but also because I enjoy hacking my way around artificially-imposed constraints on the Web (see, for example, my efforts last week to circumvent region-blocking on

My solver didn’t work for long: code changes at Jigidi’s end first made it harder, then made it impossible, to use the approach I suggested. That’s fine by me – I’d already got what I wanted – but the comments thread on that post suggests that there’s a lot of people who wish it still worked!2 And so I ignored the pleas of people who wanted me to re-develop a “Jigidi solver”. Until recently, when I once again needed to solve a jigsaw puzzle in order to find a geocache’s coordinates.

Making A Jigidi Helper

Rather than interfere with the code provided by Jigidi, I decided to take a more-abstract approach: swapping out the jigsaw’s image for one that would be easier.

This approach benefits from (a) having multiple mechanisms of application: query interception, DNS hijacking, etc., meaning that if one stops working then another one can be easily rolled-out, and (b) not relying so-heavily on the structure of Jigidi’s code (and therefore not being likely to “break” as a result of future upgrades to Jigidi’s platform).

Watch a video demonstrating the approach:

It’s not as powerful as my previous technique – more a “helper” than a “solver” – but it’s good enough to shave at least half the time off that I’d otherwise spend solving a Jigidi jigsaw, which means I get to spend more time out in the rain looking for lost tupperware. (If only geocaching were even the weirdest of my hobbies…)

How To Use The Jigidi Helper

To do this yourself and simplify your efforts to solve those annoying “all one colour” or otherwise super-frustrating jigsaw puzzles, here’s what you do:

  1. Visit a Jigidi jigsaw. Do not be logged-in to a Jigidi account.
  2. Copy my JavaScript code into your clipboard.
  3. Open your browser’s debug tools (usually F12). In the Console tab, paste it and press enter. You can close your debug tools again (F12) if you like.
  4. Press Jigidi’s “restart” button, next to the timer. The jigsaw will restart, but the picture will be replaced with one that’s easier-to-solve than most, as described below.
  5. Once you solve the jigsaw, the image will revert to normal (turn your screen around and show off your success to a friend!).

What makes it easier to solve?

The replacement image has the following characteristics that make it easier to solve than it might otherwise be:

  • Every piece has written on it the row and column it belongs in.
  • Every “column” is striped in a different colour.
  • Striped “bands” run along entire rows and columns.

To solve the jigsaw, start by grouping colours together, then start combining those that belong in the same column (based on the second digit on the piece). Join whole or partial columns together as you go.

I’ve been using this technique or related ones for over six months now and no code changes on Jigidi’s side have impacted upon it at all, so it’s probably got better longevity than the previous approach. I’m not entirely happy with it, and you might not be either, so feel free to fork my code and improve it: the legiblity of the numbers is sometimes suboptimal, and the colour banding repeats on larger jigsaws which I’d rather avoid. There’s probably also potential to improve colour-recognition by making the colour bands span the gaps between rows or columns of pieces, too, but more experiments are needed and, frankly, I’m not the right person for the job. For the second time, I’m going to abandon a tool that streamlines Jigidi solving because I’ve already gotten what I needed out of it, and I’ll leave it up to you if you want to come up with an improvement and share it with the community.


1 As I’ve mentioned before, and still nobody believes me: I’m not a fan of jigsaws! If you enjoy them, that’s great: grab a bucket of popcorn and a jigsaw and go wild… but don’t feel compelled to share either with me.

2 The comments also include asuper-helpful person called Rich who’s been manually solving people’s puzzles for them, and somebody called Perdita who “could be my grandmother” (except: no) with whom I enjoyed a conversation on- and off-line about the ethics of my technique. It’s one of the most-popular comment threads my blog has ever seen.

Sisyphus: The Board Game (Digital Edition)

I’m off work sick today: it’s just a cold, but it’s had a damn good go at wrecking my lungs and I feel pretty lousy. You know how when you’ve got too much of a brain-fog to trust yourself with production systems but you still want to write code (or is that just me?), so this morning I threw together a really, really stupid project which you can play online here.

Screenshot showing Sisyphus carrying a rock up a long numbered gameboard; he's on square 993 out of 1000, but (according to the rules printed below the board) he needs to land on 1000 exactly and never roll a double-1 or else he returns to the start.
It’s a board game. Well, the digital edition of one. Also, it’s not very good.

It’s inspired by a toot by Mason”Tailsteak” Williams (whom I’ve mentioned before once or twice). At first I thought I’d try to calculate the odds of winning at his proposed game, or how many times one might expect to play before winning, but I haven’t the brainpower for that in my snot-addled brain. So instead I threw together a terrible, terrible digital implementation.

Go play it if, like me, you’ve got nothing smarter that your brain can be doing today.