The Elegance of the ASCII Table



The Elegance of the ASCII Table

ASCII, a standard whose legacy defines to this day how most of the letters and numbers in your computer get encoded into ones and zeroes, is elegant and beautiful. Via lessons in computer history, punched tape, and typewriters, I'd love to share some of its logic with you.

A Stupid Joke About Elephants



A Stupid Joke About Elephants

It was too hot to sleep, so I learned about how to differentiate species' of elephant from one another instead. And then I thought of a really, really stupid joke, which you now get to experience too...

Special Roads



Special Roads

Today I learned why some British roads have seemingly-unnecessary speed limit signs, e.g. "70" signs on something that appears to be a motorway.

Window Tax



Window Tax

Britain and the Netherlands both had window taxes at various times. But the social and architectural effects were quite different.