Good Food, Bad Authorisation

I was browsing (BBC) Good Food today when I noticed something I’d not seen before: a “premium” recipe, available on their “app only”:

Screenshot showing recipes, one of which is labelled "App only" and "Premium".

I clicked on the “premium” recipe and… it looked just like any other recipe. I guess it’s not actually restricted after all?

Just out of curiosity, I fired up a more-vanilla web browser and tried to visit the same page. Now I saw an overlay and modal attempting1 to restrict access to the content:

Overlay attempting to block content to the page beneath, saying "Try 1 year for just £9.99 and save 81%".

It turns out their entire effort to restrict access to their premium content… is implemented in client-side JavaScript. Even when I did see the overlay and not get access to the recipe, all I needed to do was open my browser’s debugger and run document.body.classList.remove('tp-modal-open'); for(el of document.querySelectorAll('.tp-modal, .tp-backdrop')) el.remove(); and all the restrictions were lifted.

What a complete joke.

Why didn’t I even have to write my JavaScript two-liner to get past the restriction in my primary browser? Because I’m running privacy-protector Ghostery, and one of the services Ghostery blocks by-default is one called Piano. Good Food uses Piano to segment their audience in your browser, but they haven’t backed that by any, y’know, actual security so all of their content, “premium” or not, is available to anybody.

I’m guessing that Immediate Media (who bought the BBC Good Food brand a while back and have only just gotten around to stripping “BBC” out of the name) have decided that an ad-supported model isn’t working and have decided to monetise the site a little differently2. Unfortunately, their attempt to differentiate premium from regular content was sufficiently half-hearted that I barely noticed that, too, gliding through the paywall without even noticing were it not for the fact that I wondered why there was a “premium” badge on some of their recipes.

Screenshot from, circa 2007.
You know what website I miss? It went downhill and then died around 2016, but for a while it was excellent.

Recipes probably aren’t considered a high-value target, of course. But I can tell you from experience that sometimes companies make basically this same mistake with much more-sensitive systems. The other year, for example, I discovered (and ethically disclosed) a fault in the implementation of the login forms of a major UK mobile network that meant that two-factor authentication could be bypassed entirely from the client-side.

These kinds of security mistakes are increasingly common on the Web as we train developers to think about the front-end first (and sometimes, exclusively). We need to do better.


1 The fact that I could literally see the original content behind the modal was a bit of a giveaway that they’d only hidden it, not actually protected it in any way.

2 I can see why they’d think that: personally, I didn’t even know there were ads on the site until I did the experiment above: turns out I was already blocking them, too, along with any anti-ad-blocking scripts that might have been running alongside.

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1 comment

  1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

    I’m not saying that these guys can’t do IT, but I tried to email the app team via the email address on their FAQ page and it bounced… for an SPF violation. That’s odd, I thought: I’m pretty confident my SPF records are correct…

    …but it turns out the email address I contacted redirects-on messages to somewhere else, internal. And that system checks the SPF record without understanding that it’s seeing a redirected email. So it emailed me to say that my email to them bounced and to fix it I need to…. mark their email server as a trusted sender for email from my domain. Wot. 🤦

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