Golden Axed

Hot on the heels of my victory over Wonder Boy 35 years after I first played it, I can now finally claim to have beaten Golden Axe, 25 years after I first played it.

A young boy in green pyjamas stands alongside a video games cabinet. The screen shows 16-bit graphics of a golden axe, below which the text reads: "After a long, hard battle you finally defeat the evil emperor. Now the world will be at peace again. You are a true hero!"

Couldn’t have done it without my magic-wielding 7-year-old co-op buddy.

A young boy in green pyjamas stands alongside a video games cabinet. The screen shows 16-bit graphics of a golden axe, below which the text reads: "After a long, hard battle you finally defeat the evil emperor. Now the world will be at peace again. You are a true hero!"×


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