Dan Q found GC54D9K WAG 1 – See the light

This checkin to GC54D9K WAG 1 - See the light reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Ignoring times that I’ve passed-through, I’ve only ever visited Goring twice before. It’s time to rectify that! This morning, the dog and I drove down from Stanton Harcourt (near Witney), parked up, and begun our attempts at the first half of the WAG trail (along with a couple of others along the way).

Starting as we mean to continue, this was a very quick first find. TFTC.

Dan, wearing blue jeans and a grey hoodie, kneels alongside Demmy, a French Bulldog, on a dirt path between a forest and the wooden fences at the edge of some gardens.



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