Dan Q found GC7B9C6 Heykel&Boğaz/Sculpture & Bosphorus- Virtual Reward

This checkin to GC7B9C6 Heykel&Boğaz/Sculpture & Bosphorus- Virtual Reward reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

As others have observed, this is a bit challenging right now owing to the hoardings that have been erected in the way. But like others, I found a gap in the fence through which I was able to photograph the sculpture (while holding up a piece of paper with the geocaching logo and my username, to prevent reuse!). TFTC!

Dan Q found GC6JQAX Rainbow Stairs

This checkin to GC6JQAX Rainbow Stairs reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I’d hoped not to need the spoiler image but after an extended hunt I gave up and used it. Soon the cache was in hand. Found a space to squeeze my name into the log, and returned to its sneaky hiding spot. Also ran all the way up and down to count the steps and update OpenStreetMap, which didn’t have an accurate count.

Whether or not this piece of art is or was an act of political defiance, it might need to be one once again. Brought my own rainbow so I could be part of it, too. 🌈✊

Dan waves a rainbow bandana in front of a wall painted in multitudinous colours, on a staircase with each step painted a different colour.

TFTC. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.


Dan Q found GC7B79C Kız Kulesi/Maiden’s Tower- Virtual Reward

This checkin to GC7B79C Kız Kulesi/Maiden's Tower- Virtual Reward reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Went over on the ferry. Using my phone as my GPSr and also my camera, so snapped a thumbs up, and my name, and my face, all with the tower visible. Looks like it’s going to rain so I’d better find some shelter! TFTC!

A "thumbs up" sign close to the lens, looking over the water towards a tower, close to shore.

The same tower, but now with 'Dan Q' held on a piece of paper in front of it.

Dan stands and takes a selfie while pointing to the distant tower.

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Dan Q found GCAJHQ1 The Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III

This checkin to GCAJHQ1 The Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Two virtual caches in such close proximity! And what a beautiful fountain. As requested, photo shows the fountain and my username, but also me! Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK, and TFTC!

Dan holds up a sign showing his name in front of a gilded fountain decorated in Arabic script.


Dan Q found GCAJG5P The Two Mosques Virtual Reward 4.0

This checkin to GCAJG5P The Two Mosques Virtual Reward 4.0 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Here with worth colleagues on our “day off” from meetings and code hackathons, we’re planning to visit the mosque I chose to photograph behind me. TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.

In front of the Hagia Sophia, Dan shoots a 'thumbs up' for a selfie.


Dan Q found GC6VTEG Galata Bridge #3

This checkin to GC6VTEG Galata Bridge #3 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

After lunch with my work team in a delightful restaurant overlooking the bridge (which I’m just-about pointing at in the attached photo) I decided to take a diversion on the route back to our coworking space to come and find this geocache, my most-Easterly yet.

The coordinates put me exactly at a likely spot, but it actually took until I’d searched three different candidate hosts before the cache container was in my hand. Signed log and (stealthily) returned to hiding place. TFTC!

Dan stands on a busy, wide foot/road bridge, pointing at the top floor of a building overlooking the river that it crosses.


Dan Q found GC892N8 Galata Tower

This checkin to GC892N8 Galata Tower reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My second visit of the day to the tower, has I didn’t have a working pen with me on the first. Decided to go all-in on using my working pen by drawing myself holding a sign, showing myself holding a sign, showing myself holding a sign… you get the idea.

In front of the Galata Tower, Dan holds up a sign that reads 'I am at Galata' and depicts him holding up a sign that reads 'I am at Galata' and depicts him holding up a sign, and so on...

TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.


Dan Q found GC67ZH1 Karakoy Tunel

This checkin to GC67ZH1 Karakoy Tunel reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

QEF after a meeting in a nearby coworking space with some work colleagues from around the globe. A little stealth was required: given what’s going on in the city right now, I definitely didn’t want to look suspicious to one of the nearby cops! Soon retrieved, signed, and returned the cache. TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!

Dan waves from a narrow but busy Istanbul city street.


Dan Q found GCB3FAQ The Grand Bazaar fossils

This checkin to GCB3FAQ The Grand Bazaar fossils reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I’m visiting Istanbul to meet with colleagues, but we took some time off from our meetings and work this afternoon to come and get lost in the Grand Bazaar. While browsing the amazing diversity of stalls I found myself staring at the floors, which are made of the same kind of limestone as my kitchen floor (in which my kids love hunting for fossils!). Wouldn’t that make a great Earthcache, I thought… and it turns out it anyway is one! So I spent a little while hunting for the best fossil I could find (I’d hoped for a gastropod of some kind, but had to settle for a bivalve), and sent the answers to the CO. Fantastic stuff. TFTC! FP awarded. And, possibly, FTF!

"Dan Q" and today's date written on a small piece of paper, alongside a pen, which points to a bivalve fossil in a limestone floor.


Dan Q did not find GC4Z033 WOW – Walking On Water

This checkin to GC4Z033 WOW - Walking On Water reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Gave up after an extended hunt, aided by the spoiler photo. All that’s hidden here is a discarded one food container. Hoping to find one of CO’s other nearby caches during my time here in Istanbul, this week.

Dan Q found GCAP4MF Church Micro 15127…Curbridge

This checkin to GCAP4MF Church Micro 15127...Curbridge reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I had an errand to run in the Windrush Place estate on the other side of the A40, and the geopup needed a walk, so I opted to park the car over in Witney so my four-legged friend and I could walk the remaining way over to Curbridge and find this cache.

Dan and his dog sit on a bench outside a churchyard.

The first challenge was, of course, getting over the pedestrian-unfriendly roundabout and across be bridge to Curbridge, but the second challenge wasn’t much easier. Which bit of the church was the extension? It wasn’t immediately clear and we had to make a few guesses before our numbers lined up to anything believable.

Finally, we set off. The geohound went crazy, and I soon realised why: our route was taking us almost exactly past the doggy daycare she attends twice a week. It was strange enough for me to find myself at a GZ I pass several times a week, but it must have been even stranger for the doggo, whose keen nose could probably tell that we’d unexpectedly come by somewhere so familiar to her!

The coordinates were bang on and I soon had the cache in hand. Thanks for a lovely walk and the opportunity to explore on foot a place previously only familiar to me by car. SL, TFTC!


Dan Q found GC3KQK8 RRR11 Pillow talk!

This checkin to GC3KQK8 RRR11 Pillow talk! reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My partner Ruth is, by installments, attempting to walk the entire Thames Path. Today, I’m on transport support so I’ve driven ahead of her to Culham Lock and the dog and I are walking back to meet her Abingdon Lock before we both come back down this way.

I mostly expect to target geocaches on my return journey, when I’ll also have a geokid with me, but this one basically leapt out at me as soon as I spotted the titular hiding place in an otherwise empty GZ! So I swiped, signed, and returned it while the geopup checked out the local smells. TFTC!