Dan Q found GC4NX9Y Light Pyramid (MK Artwalks)

This checkin to GC4NX9Y Light Pyramid (MK Artwalks) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found the host easily, but had to wait for a gap in thir lunchtime dog walkers to be able to mount a good search. After checking in a few obvious places I picked something up and there was the cache!

Took a walk up to the Light Pyramid where I snapped the attached photo of me pointing towards the X-Scape centre, where I’ve been working today (my kids have ski lessons, so I’ve been sitting in the cafe with my laptop with the exception of this, my lunch break!).

On which note, I’d better go find myself a sandwich! Thanks for bringing me up here, and TFTC.

Dan, near a white pyramid-shaped sculpture, points at a distant hill-shaped building.
