80’s Estonian TV Commercial

  1. Have a spare pair of underpants ready. Do not be eating anything.
  2. Be sure that you are not under the influence of any hallucinogens. Put that pint down, too.
  3. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you are in a safe place, and you can turn off your computer at any time.
  4. Watch this 80’s Estonian TV ad (about 5.3MB). I think it’s supposed to be shot from the perspective of a chicken on a bad LSD trip.

The Subtle Art Of Beer Snobbery

Thanks to Jon for showing me The Subtle Art Of Beer Snobbery. Can’t help but feel that our favourite TastyLager guzzler is trying to make a point, hmm?

Went out few a few last night with Andy R, Claire, and Bryn to welcome Strokey Adam and Emma into town (they’re visiting this week – but not staying for Troma Night <shocker>). It was great to be able tp tag-team with Andy in an effort to make Adam laugh so hard that he wet himself. We didn’t quite manage, but we came pretty close.

Poor Strokey. He’s no less terrified of me than he ever was.

Card Protector

Feel free to put this ad banner on your own web site or weblog. And make sure you take advantage of this great service, yourself, too. (by the way, you can’t see this post on Abnib, you’ll have to click here to see it).

The content of this post depended upon Flash, a now-obsolete technology. The joke was that it was a “banner ad” style form advertising a service that checked if your credit card details had been stolen online; all you have to do is enter your card details into this strange suspicious form and it’ll tell you whether your card details have been stolen!

Walk Into Mortor

One does not simply walk into Mortor…

Lord Of The Rings Animation - 'One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mortor [sic]'

More Flash: “Second Term”

Jon has posted to his blog about "Second Term", JibJab‘s most recent parody of the American policial system (you’ll remember It’s Good To Be In D.C. and This Land, which I blogged about earlier). In any case, the versions you’ll find on JibJab and Yahoo are surrounded by advertisements and can’t easily be resized (hey; if you’ve got the processing power to run it full-screen, do so!), so I’ve made a copy of it here for you to watch.

Freedom Sport And Surf

There’s a lesson here for any business with a web site:

I’m sure that you may be familiar with Freedom Sport & Surf, the sports goods shop on Alexandra Road (opposite the carpet shop formerly known as Rumbletums Cafe). Well; they had a website – FreedomSportAndSurf.com. But they let the domain name expire, and it’s been picked up by a porn site: take a look.

In any case, the owners of the store aren’t internet-savvy, and had completely forgotten they had a web site. Similarly, most of the staff weren’t aware of it, either, until a lady came in, recently, and informed the staff member at the counter they she thought it was “disgraceful” that the shop had “things like that” on it’s website, where “children could view it”.

Today, staff at the shop are frantically scrubbing the web address from their carrier bags. Hilarity.

The Ad Graveyard

The Ad Graveyard collects some of the best and funniest rejected and cancelled advertisements in the world.

Cancelled advertisement: man on a bike, photographed at an angle at which his tan-coloured bicycle seat appears to be his penis.

Build Your Own Tin Foil Hat

StopAbductions.com has a guide to building your own “Thought Screen Helmet”. From the website:

The thought screen helmet blocks telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. When aliens can’t communicate or control humans, they do not take them.

The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only two failures were reported since 1998.

Go read it. It’s funny.

More Geeky Fun – Hack Security Cameras

This was one of my most-popular articles in 2005. If you enjoyed it, you might also enjoy:

Here’s a giggle – somebody’s found a cleverly crafted Google search string that will reveal the (unprotected) web interfaces of a particular kind of Panasonic web-capable security camera. Just point a web browser at http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=mozclient&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=inurl%3A%22ViewerFrame%3FMode%3D%22, then select one of the cameras (you might have to try a few before you get a working one). If you get a motorised one, you can even remotely control it! Here’s some I found earlier:

Update 17th August 2011: fixed broken link to Panasonic website!

Which “Secret Of Monkey Island” Character Are You?

Herman Toothrot

Golly, I’m Herman Toothrot. I’m unique, pleasent, er… unique. Oh, let’s face it, I’m an old pantless weirdo. I trained a bunch of monkeys to sail a ship back from a deserted island but didn’t go myself, I think my dead friend has never looked better, and I talk to people who aren’t there… kind of. But I don’t worry: that’s why everyone loves me.
*~What “Secret of Monkey Island” character are you?~*

Well; I saw that coming. The bigger question is: if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, what color is the tree?
