ET App

Travelling around Edinburgh by tram this weekend, I kept being advertised the “ET app”.

Print advertisement for the "ET App", stating: Download the et app to purchase your mobile tickets including bundle deals.

I didn’t install the app, in case it was bundled with spyware.

After all, everybody my age knows: ET phones home.



Fresh D&D campaign with some Abnib folks! I’m playing a Harengon Barbarian.

I’m a fierce bunny rabbit!

Composite photo showing on the left a render of large anthropomorphic rabbit with chestnut-coloured fur, brandishing a shield and a warhammer; on the right Dan, wearing a rabbit ear headband and with a nose and whiskers painted on his face, looking threatening (insofar as it's possible to do so while looking like a bunny).


Gemini Squared

How did I never think of accessing Gemini (the protocol) on my Gemini (portable computer) before today?

Of course, I recently rehomed my Gemini so instead I had to access Gemini on my Cosmo (Gemini’s successor), which isn’t nearly as cool.1

Dan's recent article, "Gemini and Spartan without a browser", displayed over Gemini on the screen of a Planet Computers Cosmo palmtop.


1 Still pretty cool though. Reminds me of using Lynx on my Psion 5mx last millenium…


Gemini and Spartan without a browser

A particular joy of the Gemini and Spartan protocols – and the Markdown-like syntax of Gemtext – is their simplicity.

Screenshot showing this blog post as viewed over the Gemini protocol in the Lagrange browser
The best way to explore Geminispace is with a browser like Lagrange browser, of course.

Even without a browser, you can usually use everyday command-line tools that you might have installed already to access relatively human-readable content.

Here are a few different command-line options that should show you a copy of this blog post (made available via CapsulePress, of course):


Gemini communicates over a TLS-encrypted channel (like HTTPS), so we need a to use a tool that speaks the language. Luckily: unless you’re on Windows you’ve probably got one installed already1.

Using OpenSSL

This command takes the full gemini:// URL you’re looking for and the domain name it’s at. 1965 refers to the port number on which Gemini typically runs –

printf "gemini://\r\n" | \
  openssl s_client -ign_eof -connect

Using GnuTLS

GnuTLS closes the connection when STDIN closes, so we use cat to keep it open. Note inclusion of --no-ca-verification to allow self-signed certificates (optionally add --tofu for trust-on-first-use support, per the spec).

{ printf "gemini://\r\n"; cat -; } | \
  gnutls-cli --no-ca-verification

Using Ncat

Netcat reimplementation Ncat makes Gemini requests easy:

printf "gemini://\r\n" | \
  ncat --ssl 1965


Spartan is a little like “Gemini without TLS“, but it sports an even-more-lightweight request format which makes it especially easy to fudge requests2.

Using Telnet

Note the use of cat to keep the connection open long enough to get a response, as we did for Gemini over GnuTLS.

{ printf " /posts/gemini-without-a-browser 0\r\n"; cat -; } | \
  telnet 300

Using cURL

cURL supports the telnet protocol too, which means that it can be easily coerced into talking Spartan:

printf " /posts/gemini-without-a-browser 0\r\n" | \
  curl telnet://

Using Ncat/Netcat

Because TLS support isn’t needed, this also works perfectly well with Netcat – just substitute nc/netcat or whatever your platform calls it in place of ncat:

printf " /posts/gemini-without-a-browser 0\r\n" | \
  ncat 300

I hope these examples are useful to somebody debugging their capsule, someday.


1 You can still install one on Windows, of course, it’s just less-likely that your operating system came with such a command-line tool built-in

2 Note that the domain and path are separated in a Spartan request and followed by the size of the request payload body: zero in all of my examples


Making WordPress Fast (The Hard Way)

This isn’t the guide for you

The Internet is full of guides on easily making your WordPress installation run fast. If you’re looking to speed up your WordPress site, you should go read those, not this.

Those guides often boil down to the same old tips:

  1. uninstall unnecessary plugins,
  2. optimise caching (both on the server and, via your headers, on clients/proxies),
  3. resize your images properly and/or ensure WordPress is doing this for you,
  4. use a CDN (and use DNS prefetch hints)1,
  5. tune your PHP installation so it’s got enough memory, keeps a process alive, etc.,
  6. ensure your server is minifying2 and compressing files, and
  7. run it on a faster server/behind a faster connection3
You’ve heard those tips before, right? Today, let’s try something different.

The hard way

This article is for people who aren’t afraid to go tinkering in their WordPress codebase to squeeze a little extra (real world!) performance.

It’s for people whose neverending quest for perfection is already well beyond the point of diminishing returns.

But mostly, it’s for people who want to gawp at me, the freak who actually did this stuff just to make his personal blog a tiny bit nippier without spending an extra penny on hosting.

You shouldn’t use Lighthouse as your only measure of your site’s performance. But it’s still reassuring when you get to see those fireworks!

Don’t start with the hard way. Exhaust all the easy solutions – or at least, make a conscious effort which easy solutions to enact or reject – first. Only if you really want to get into the weeds should you actually try doing the things I propose here. They’re not for most sites, and they’re not the for faint of heart.

Performance is a tradeoff. Every performance improvement costs you something else: time, money, DX, UX, etc. What you choose to trade for performance gains depends on your priority of constituencies, which may differ from mine.4

This is not a recipe book. This won’t tell you what code to change or what commands to run. The right answers for your content will be different than the right answers for mine. Also: you shouldn’t change what you don’t understand! But I hope these tips will help you think about what questions you need to ask to make your site blazing fast.

Okay, let’s get started…

1. Backstab the plugins you can’t live without

If there are plugins you can’t remove because you depend upon their functionality, and those plugins inject content (especially JavaScript) on the front-end… backstab them to undermine that functionality.

For example, if you want Jetpack‘s backup and downtime monitoring features, but you don’t want it injecting random <link rel='stylesheet' id='...-jetpack-css' href='...' media='all' />‘s (an extra stylesheet to download and parse) into your pages: find the add_filter hook it uses and remove_filter it in your theme5.

Screenshot of a code editor showing a typical WordPress theme's header.php, but with the wp_head() line commented out.
Alternatively, entirely remove the wp_head() and manually reimplement the functionality you actually need. Insert your own joke about “Headless WordPress” here.

Better yet, remove wp_head() from your theme entirely6. Now, instead of blocking the hooks you don’t want polluting your <head>, you’re specifically allowing only those you want. You’ll want to take care to get some semi-essential ones like <link rel="canonical" href="...">7.

Now most of your plugins are broken, but in exchange, your theme has reclaimed complete control over what gets sent to the user. You can select what content you actually want delivered, and deliver no more than that. It’s harder work for you, but your site becomes so much lighter.

Animated GIF from The Simpsons. Leonard Nimoy says "Well, my work is done here." Barney says "What do you mean? You didn't do anything?" Nimoy laughs and replies "Didn't I?" before disappearing as if transported away by a Star Trek teleporter.
Your site is faster now. It doesn’t work, but it’s quick about it!

2. Throw away 100% of your render-blocking JavaScript (and as much as you can of the rest)

The single biggest bottleneck to the user viewing a modern WordPress website is the JavaScript that needs to be downloaded, compiled, and executed before the page can be rendered. Most of that’s plugins, but even on a nearly-vanilla installation you might find a copy of jQuery (eww!) and some other files.

In step 1 you threw it all away, which is great… but I’m betting you were depending on some of that to make your site work? Let’s put it back, carefully and selectively, while minimising the impact on load time.

That means scripts should be loaded (a) low-down, and/or (b) marked defer (or, better yet, async), so they don’t block page rendering.

If you haven’t already, you might like to View Source on this page. Count my <script> tags. You’ll probably find just two of them: one external file marked async, and a second block right at the bottom.

Screenshot showing source code of <script> tags on There's one <script async> that loads instant.js, and an inline script with three sections: one that adds Web Share API functionality, one that manages VR360 images, and one that loads a service worker.
The only third-party script routinely loaded on is Instant.Page, which specifically exists to improve perceived performance. It preloads links when you hover over or start-to-touch them.

The inline <script> in my footer.php wraps a single line of PHP: which looks a little like this: <?php echo implode("\n\n", apply_filters( 'danq_footer_js', [] ) ); ?>. For each item in an initially-empty array, it appends to the script tag. When I render anything that requires JavaScript, e.g. for 360° photography, I can just add to that (keyed, to prevent duplicates when viewing an archive page) array. Thus, the relevant script gets added exclusively to the pages where it’s needed, not to the entire site.

The only inline script added to every page loads my service worker, which itself aims to optimise caching as well as providing limited “offline” functionality.

While you’re tweaking your JavaScript anyway, you might like to check that any suitable addEventListeners are set to passive mode. Especially if you’re doing anything with touch or mousewheel events, you can often increase the perceived performance of these interactions by not letting your custom code block the default browser behaviour.

I promise you; most of your blog’s front-end JavaScript is either (a) garbage nobody wants, (b) polyfills for platforms nobody uses, or (c) huge libraries you’ve imported so you can use just one or two functions form them. Trash them.

3. Don’t use a CDN

Wait, what? That’s the opposite of what everybody else recommends. To understand why, you have to think about why people recommend a CDN in the first place. Their reasons are usually threefold:

  1. Proximity
    A CDN delivers content geographically-closer to the user.
    Often true. But in step 4 we’re going to make sure that everything critical comes within the first TCP sliding window anyway, so there’s little benefit, and there’s a cost to that extra DNS lookup and fresh handshake. Edge caching your own content may have value, but for most sites it’ll have a much smaller impact than almost everything else on this list.
  2. Precaching
    A CDN improves the chance resources are precached in the user’s browser.
    Retort: Possibly true, especially with fonts (although see step 6) but less than you’d think with JS libraries because there are so many different versions/hosts of each. Yours may well be the only site in the user’s circuit that uses a particular one!
  3. Power
    Claim: A CDN has more resources than you and so can better-withstand spikes of traffic.
    Retort: Maybe, but they also introduce an additional single-point-of-failure. CDNs aren’t magically immune to downtime nor content-blocking, and if you depend on one you’ve just doubled the number of potential failure points that can make your site instantly useless. Furthermore: in exchange for those resources you’re trading away your users’ privacy and security: if a CDN gets hacked, every site that uses it gets hacked too.

Consider edge-caching your own content only if you think you need it, but ditch jsDeliver, cdnjs, Google Hosted Libraries etc.

Screenshot showing a waterfall representation of downloading and rendering the homepage. DCL (Dom Content Loaded) occurs at 20.62ms.
Despite having no edge cache and being hosted in a different country to me, I can open a completely fresh browser and reach DOMContentLoaded on the my homepage in ~20ms. You should learn how to read a waterfall performance chart just so you can enjoy how “flat” mine is.

Hell: if you can, ditch all JavaScript served from third-parties and slap a Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' header on your domain to dramatically reduce the entire attack surface of your site!8

4. Reduce your HTML and CSS size to <12kb compressed

There’s a magic number you need to know: 12kb. Because of some complicated but fascinating maths (and depending on how your hosting is configured), it can be significantly faster to initially load a web resource of up to 12kb than it is to load one of, say, 15kb. Also, for the same reason, loading a web resource of much less than 12kb might not be significantly faster than loading one only a little less than 12kb.

Exploit this by:

  1. Making your pages as light as possible9, then
  2. Inlining as much essential content as possible (CSS, SVGs, JavaScript etc.) to bring you back up to close-to that magic number again!
$ curl --compressed -so /dev/null -w "%{size_download}\n"
Note that this is the compressed, over-the-wire size. Last I checked, my homepage weighed-in at about 10.4kb compressed, which includes the entirety of its HTML and CSS, most of its JS, and a couple of its SVG images.

Again, this probably flies in the face of everything you were taught about performance. I’m sure you were told that you should <link> to your stylesheets so that they can be cached across page loads. But it turns out that if you can make your HTML and CSS small enough, the opposite is true and you should inline the stylesheet again: caching styles becomes almost irrelevant if you get all the content in a single round-trip anyway!

For extra credit, consider optimising your homepage’s CSS so it’s even smaller by excluding directives that only apply to non-homepage pages, and vice-versa. Assuming you’re using a preprocessor, this shouldn’t be too hard: at simplest, you can have a homepage.css and main.css, each derived from a set of source files some of which they share (reset/normalisation, typography, colours, whatever) and the rest which is specific only to that part of the site.

Most web pages should fit entirely onto a floppy disk. This one doesn’t, mostly because of all the Simpsons clips, but most should.

Can’t manage to get your HTML and CSS down below the magic number? Then at least ensure that your HTML alone weighs in at <12kb compressed and you’ll still get some of the benefits. If you’ve got the headroom, you can selectively include a <style> block containing only the most-crucial CSS, with a particular focus on any that results in layout shifts (e.g. anything that specifies the height: of otherwise dynamically-sized block elements, or that declares an element position: absolute or position: fixed). These kinds of changes are relatively computationally-expensive because they cause content to re-flow, so provide hints as soon as possible so that the browser can accommodate for them.

5. Make the first load awesome

We don’t really talk about content being “above the fold” like we used to, because the modern Web has such a diverse array of screen sizes and resolutions that doing so doesn’t make much sense.

But if loading your full page is still going to take multiple HTTP requests (scripts, images, fonts, whatever), you should still try to deliver the maximum possible value in the first round-trip. That means:

  • Making sure all your textual content loads immediately! Unless you’re delivering a huge amount of text, there’s absolutely no excuse for lazy-loading text: it’s usually tiny, compresses well, and it’s fast to parse. It’s also the most-important content of most pages. Get it delivered to the browser so it can be rendered rightaway.
  • Lazy-loading images that are “expected” to be below the fold, using the proper HTML mechanism for this (never a JavaScript approach).
  • Reserving space for blocks by sizing images appropriately, e.g. using <img width="..." height="..." ...> or having them load as a background with background-size: cover or contain in a block sized with CSS delivered in the initial payload. This reduces layout shift, which mitigates the need for computationally-expensive content reflows.
  • If possible (see point 4), move vector images that support basic site functionality, like logos, inline. This might also apply to icons, if they’re “as important” as text content.
  • Marking everything up with standard semantic HTML. There’s a trend for component-driven design to go much too far, resulting in JavaScript components being used in place of standard elements like links, buttons, and images, resulting in highly-fragile websites: when those scripts fail (or are very slow to load), the page becomes unusable.
Screenshot of's homepage with all external resources and all CSS disabled. It's plain-text, but it's still entirely useable.
If you want to be sure you’re prioritising your content first and foremost, try disabling all CSS, JavaScript, and external resources (or just access your site in a browser that ignores those things, like Lynx), and check that it’s still usable. As a bonus, this helps you check for several accessibility issues.

6. Reduce your dependence on downloaded fonts

Fonts are lovely and can be an important part of your brand identity, but they can also add a lot of weight to your web pages.

If you’re ready and able to drop your webfonts and appreciate the beauty and flexibility of a system font stack (I get it: I’m not there quite yet!), you can at least make smarter use of your fonts:

  • Every modern browser supports WOFF2, so you can ditch those chunky old formats you’re clinging onto.
  • If you’re only using the Latin alphabet, minify your fonts further by dropping the characters you don’t need: tools like Google Webfonts Helper can help with this, as well as making it easier to selfhost fonts from the most-popular library (is a smart idea for the reasons described under point 3, above!). There are tools available to further minify fonts if e.g. you only need the capital letters for your title font or something.
      • Browsers are pretty clever and will work-around it if you make a mistake. Didn’t include an emoji or some obscure mathematical symbol, and then accidentally used them in a post? Browsers will switch to a system font that can fill in the gap, for you.
  • Make the most-liberal use of the font-display: CSS directive that you can tolerate!
    • Don’t use font-display: block, which is functionally the default in most browsers, unless you absolutely have to.
    • font-display: fallback is good if you’re too cowardly/think your font is too important for you to try font-display: optional.
    • font-display: optional is an excellent choice for body text: if the browser thinks it’s worthwhile to download the font (it might choose not to if the operating system indicates that it’s using a metered or low-bandwidth connection, for example), it’ll try to download it, but it won’t let doing so slow things down too much and it’ll fall-back to whatever backup (system) font you specify.
    • font-display: swap is also worth considering: this will render any text immediately, even if the right font hasn’t downloaded yet, with no blocking time whatsoever, and then swap it for the right font when it appears. It’s probably better for headings, because large paragraphs of text can be a little disorienting if they change font while a user is looking at them!
If writing is for nerds, then typography must be doubly-so. But you’ve read this far, so I’m confident that you qualify…

7. Cache pre-compressed static files

It’s possible that by this point you’re saying “if I had to do this much work, I might as well just use a static site generator”. Well good news: that’s what you’re about to do!

Obviously you should make sure all your regular caching improvements (appropriate HTTP headers for caching, a service worker that further improves on that logic based on your content’s update schedule, etc.) first. Again: everything in this guide presupposes that you’ve already done the things that normal people do.

By aggressively caching pre-compressed copies of all your pages, you’re effectively getting the best of both worlds: a website that, for anonymous visitors, is served directly from .html.gz files on a hard disk or even straight from RAM in memcached10, but which still maintains all the necessary server-side interactivity to allow it to be used as a conventional Web-based CMS (including accepting comments if that’s your jam).

WP Super Cache can do the heavy lifting for you for a filesystem-based solution so long as you put it into “Expert” mode and amending your webserver configuration. I’m using Nginx, so I needed a try_files directive like this:

location / {
  try_files /wp-content/cache/supercache/$http_host/$wp_super_cache_path/index-https.html $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

8. Optimise image formats

I’m sure your favourite performance testing tool has already complained at you about your failure to use the best formats possible when serving images to your users. But how can you fix it?

There are some great plugins for improving your images automatically and/or in bulk – I use EWWW Image Optimizer – but to really make the most of them you’ll want to reconfigure your webserver to detect clients that Accept: image/webp and attempt to dynamically serve them .webp variants, for example. Or if you’re ready to give up on legacy formats and replace all your .pngs with .webps, that’s probably fine too!

Image containing the text
The image you see at is probably an image/webp. But if your browser doesn’t support WebP, you’ll get an image/png instead!

Assuming you’ve got curl and Imagemagick‘s identify, you can see this in action:

  • curl -s -H "Accept: image/webp" | identify -
    (Will give you a WebP image)
  • curl -s -H "Accept: image/png" | identify -
    (Will give you a PNG image, even though the URL is the same)

9. Simplify, simplify, simplify

The single biggest impact you can have upon the performance of your WordPress pages is to make them less complex.

I’m not necessarily saying that everybody should follow in my lead and co-publish their WordPress sites on the Gemini protocol. But you’ve got to admit: the simplicity of the Gemini protocol and the associated Gemtext format makes both lightning fast.

Screenshot showing this blog post as viewed via Gemini, in the Lagrange browser.
You don’t have to go as light as Gemtext – like this page on Gemini does – to see benefits.

Writing my templates and posts so that they’re compatible with CapsulePress helps keep my code necessarily-simple. You don’t have to do that, though, but you should be asking yourself:

  • Does my DOM need to cascade so deeply? Could I achieve the same with less?
  • Am I pre-emptively creating content, e.g. adding a hidden <dialog> directly to the markup in the anticipation that it might be triggered later using JavaScript, rather than having that JavaScript run document.createElement the element after the page becomes readable?
  • Have I created unnecessarily-long chains of CSS selectors11 when what I really want is a simple class name, or perhaps even a semantic element name?

10. Add a Service Worker

A service worker isn’t magic. In particular, it can’t help you with those new visitors hitting your site for the first time12.

A service worker lets you do smart things on behalf of the user’s network connection, so that by the time they ask for a resource, you already fetched it for them.

But a suitable service worker can do a few things that can help with performance. In particular, you might consider:

  • Precaching assets that you anticipate they’re likely to need (e.g. if you use different stylesheets for the homepage and other pages, you can preload both so no matter where a user lands they’ve already got the CSS they’ll need for the entire site).
  • Preloading popular pages like the homepage and recent articles, allowing them to load quickly.
  • Caching a fallback pages – and other resources as-they’re-accessed – to support a full experience for users even if they (or your site!) disconnect from the Internet (or even embedding “save for offline” functionality!).

Chapters 7 and 8 of Going Offline by Jeremy Keith are especially good for explaining how this can be achieved, and it’s all much easier than everything else I just described.

Anything else?

Did I miss anything? If you’ve got a tip about ramping up WordPress performance that isn’t one of the “typical seven” – probably because it’s too hard to be worthwhile for most people – I’d love to hear it!


1 You’ll sometimes see guides that suggest that using a CDN is to be recommended specifically because it splits your assets among multiple domains/subdomains, which mitigates browsers’ limitation on the number of files they can download simultaneously. This is terrible advice, because such limitations essentially don’t exist any more, but DNS lookups and TLS handshakes still have a bandwidth and computational cost. There are good things about CDNs, sometimes, but this has not been one of them for some time now.

2 I’m not sure why guides keep stressing the importance of minifying code, because by the time you’re compressing them too it’s almost pointless. I guess it’s helpful if your compression fails?

3 “Use a faster server” is a “just throw money/the environment at it” solution. I’d like to think we can do better.

4 For my personal blog, I choose to prioritise user experience, privacy, accessibility, resilience, and standards compliance above almost everything else.

5 If you prefer to keep your backstab code separate, you can put it in a custom plugin, but you might find that you have to name it something late in the alphabet – I’ve previously used names like zzz-danq-anti-plugin-hacks – to ensure that they load after the plugins whose functionality you intend to unhook: broadly-speaking, WordPress loads plugins in alphabetical order.

6 I’ve assumed you’re using a classic, not block, theme. If you’re using a block theme, you get a whole different set of performance challenges to think about. Don’t get me wrong: I love block themes and think they’re a great way to put more people in control of their site’s design! But if you’re at the point where you’re comfortable digging this deep into your site’s PHP code, you probably don’t need that feature anyway, right?

7 WordPress is really good at serving functionally-duplicate content, so search engines appreciate it if you declare a proper canonical URL.

8 Before you choose to block all third-party JavaScript, you might have to whitelist Google Analytics if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind selling their visitor data to the world’s biggest harvester of personal information in exchange for some pretty graphs. I’m not that kind of person.

9 You were looking to join me in 512kb club anyway, right?

10 I’ve experimented with mounting a ramdisk and storing the WP Super Cache directory there, but it didn’t make a huge difference, probably because my files are so small that the parse/render time on the browser side dominates the total cascade, and they’re already being served from an SSD. I imagine in my case memcached would provide similarly-small benefits.

11 I really love the power of CSS preprocessors like Sass, but they do make it deceptively easy to create many more – and longer – selectors than you intended in your final compiled stylesheet.

12 Tools like Lighthouse usually simulate first-time visitors, which can be a little unfair to sites with great performance for established visitors. But everybody is a first-time visitor at least once (and probably more times, as caches expire or are cleared), so they’re still a metric you should consider.

× × × × × ×

Incredible Doom

I just finished reading Incredible Doom volumes 1 and 2, by Matthew Bogart and Jesse Holden, and man… that was a heartwarming and nostalgic tale!

Softcover bound copies of volumes 1 and 2 of Incredible Doom, on a wooden surface.
Conveniently just-over-A5 sized, each of the two volumes is light enough to read in bed without uncomfortably clonking yourself in the face.

Set in the early-to-mid-1990s world in which the BBS is still alive and kicking, and the Internet’s gaining traction but still lacks the “killer app” that will someday be the Web (which is still new and not widely-available), the story follows a handful of teenagers trying to find their place in the world. Meeting one another in the 90s explosion of cyberspace, they find online communities that provide connections that they’re unable to make out in meatspace.

A "Geek Code Block", printed in a dot-matrix style font, light-blue on black, reads: GU D-- -P+ C+L? U E M+ S-/+ N--- H-- F--(+) !G W++ T R? X?
I loved some of the contemporary nerdy references, like the fact that each chapter page sports the “Geek Code” of the character upon which that chapter focusses.1
So yeah: the whole thing feels like a trip back into the naivety of the online world of the last millenium, where small, disparate (and often local) communities flourished and early netiquette found its feet. Reading Incredible Doom provides the same kind of nostalgia as, say, an afternoon spent on But it’s got more than that, too.
Partial scan from a page of Incredible Doom, showing a character typing about "needing a solution", with fragments of an IRC chat room visible in background panels.
The user interfaces of IRC, Pine, ASCII-art-laden BBS menus etc. are all produced with a good eye for accuracy, but don’t be fooled: this is a story about humans, not computers. My 9-year-old loved it too, and she’s never even heard of IRC (I hope!).

It touches on experiences of 90s cyberspace that, for many of us, were very definitely real. And while my online “scene” at around the time that the story is set might have been different from that of the protagonists, there’s enough of an overlap that it felt startlingly real and believable. The online world in which I – like the characters in the story – hung out… but which occupied a strange limbo-space: both anonymous and separate from the real world but also interpersonal and authentic; a frontier in which we were still working out the rules but within which we still found common bonds and ideals.

A humorous comic scene from Incredible Doom in which a male character wearing glasses walks with a female character he's recently met and is somewhat intimidated by, playing-out in his mind the possibility that she might be about to stab him. Or kiss him. Or kiss him THEN stab him.
Having had times in the 90s that I met up offline with relative strangers whom I first met online, I can confirm that… yeah, the fear is real!

Anyway, this is all a long-winded way of saying that Incredible Doom is a lot of fun and if it sounds like your cup of tea, you should read it.

Also: shortly after putting the second volume down, I ended up updating my Geek Code for the first time in… ooh, well over a decade. The standards have moved on a little (not entirely in a good way, I feel; also they’ve diverged somewhat), but here’s my attempt:

GCS^$/SS^/FS^>AT A++ B+:+:_:+:_ C-(--) D:+ CM+++ MW+++>++
ULD++ MC+ LRu+>++/js+/php+/sql+/bash/go/j/P/py-/!vb PGP++
G:Dan-Q E H+ PS++ PE++ TBG/FF+/RM+ RPG++ BK+>++ K!D/X+ R@ he/him!
----- END GEEK CODE VERSION 6.0 -----


1 I was amazed to discover that I could still remember most of my Geek Code syntax and only had to look up a few components to refresh my memory.

× × × ×

Reading Rolled Papyri

One of my favourite parts of my former role at the Bodleian Libraries was getting to work on exhibitions. Not just because it was varied and interesting work, but because it let me get up-close to remarkable artifacts that most people never even get the chance to see.

Miniature model of an exhibition space, constructed using painted blocks and laid-out on the floor of an exhibition space.
We also got to play dollhouse, laying out exhibitions in miniature.

A personal favourite of mine are the Herculaneum Papyri. These charred scrolls were part of a private library near Pompeii that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Rediscovered from 1752, these ~1,800 scrolls were distributed to academic institutions around the world, with the majority residing in Naples’ Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III.

Under-construction exhibition including a highly-reflective suit worn by volcano field researchers.
The second time I was in an exhibition room with the Bodleian’s rolled-up Herculaneum Papyri was for an exhibition specifically about humanity’s relationship with volcanoes.

As you might expect of ancient scrolls that got buried, baked, and then left to rot, they’re pretty fragile. That didn’t stop Victorian era researchers trying a variety of techniques to gently unroll them and read what was inside.

Blackened fragments of an unrolled papyrus.
Unrolling the scrolls tends to go about as well as you’d anticipate. A few have been deciphered this way. Many others have been damaged or destroyed by unrolling efforts.

Like many others, what I love about the Herculaneum Papyri is the air of mystery. Each could be anything from a lost religious text to, I don’t know, somebody’s to-do list (“buy milk, arrange for annual service of chariot, don’t forget to renew volcano insurance…”).1

In recent years, we’ve tried “virtually unrolling” the scrolls using a variety of related technologies. And – slowly – we’re getting there.

X-ray tomography is amazing, but it’s hampered by the fact that the ink and paper have near-equivalent transparency to x-rays. Plus, all the other problems. But new techniques are helping to overcome them.

So imagine my delight when this week, for the first time ever, a complete word was extracted from one of the carbonised, still-rolled-up scrolls from Herculaneum. Something that would have seemed inconceivable to the historians who first discovered and catalogued the scrolls is now possible, thanks to their careful conservation over the years along with the steady advance of technology.

Computer-assisted photograph showing visible letters on a rolled scroll, with highlighting showing those that can be deciphered, forming a word.
The word appears to be “purple”: either πορφύ̣ρ̣ας̣ (a noun, similar to how we might say “pass the purple [pen]” or πορφυ̣ρ̣ᾶς̣: if we can decode more words around it then it which might become clear from the context.
Anyway, I thought that was exciting news so I wanted to share.


1 For more-serious academic speculation about the potential value of the scrolls, Richard Carrier’s got you covered.

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I’m probably not going to get you a Christmas present. You probably shouldn’t get me one either.

Dan, wearing an "elf costume" Christmas jumper, looks into the camera while cuddling a French Bulldog. The pair are sitting on a beige sofa.
All I need for Christmas is… a woolly jumper and a dog, apparently. (And I only need the latter if the goose doesn’t get delivered.)

If you’re one of my kids and you’ve decided that maybe my blog isn’t just “boring grown-up stuff” and have come by, then you’re one of the exceptions. Lucky you.

Children get Christmas gifts from me. But if you’re an adult, all you’re likely to get from me is a hug, a glass of wine, and more food than you can possibly eat in a single sitting.

Top-down view of a dining table set with a Christmas-themed tablecloth. The meal has concluded and the seats have been vacated, but large amounts of food - most of a turkey, half a nutloaf, lots of mashed potato, several sprouts, stuffing balls, and chestnuts, some roast potatoes and parsnips, an entire boat full of gravy, and almost a dozen Yorkshire puddings - are still set out.
Turns out the real meaning of Christmas was eating yourself into indigestion all along.

I’ve come to the conclusion – much later than my mother and my sisters, who were clearly ahead of the curve – that Christmas presents are for kids.

Maybe, once, Christmas presents were for adults too, but by now the Internet has broken gift-giving to the extent it’s almost certainly preferable for me and the adults in my life if they just, y’know, order the thing they want than hoping that I’ll pick it out for them. Especially as so many of us are at a point where we already have a plethora of “stuff”, and don’t want to add to it unnecessarily at a time of year when, frankly, we’ve got better things to spend our time and money on.

Dan, wearing a Princess Twilight Sparkle / Frank Herbert's Dune crossover fan art t-shirt, sits on a grey sofa in front of a lit Christmas tree, holding a glass of wine. At the other end of the sofa JTA, a white man with a thick beard and glasses, reads to a (tired-looking) young boy. All three are surrounded by books.
I’ll still be participating fully in my household‘s “book exchange” Christmas Eve tradition, though, because it’s awesome.

Birthdays are still open season, because they aren’t hampered by the immediate expectation of reciprocity that Christmas carries. And I reserve the right to buy groups of (or containing) adults gifts at Christmas. But individual adults aren’t getting one this year, and they certainly shouldn’t feel like they need to get me anything either.1

I don’t know to what extent, if at all, Ruth and JTA will be following me in this idea, so if you’re somebody who might have expected a gift from or wanted to give a gift to one of them… you’re on your own; you work it out!

Here’s to a Merry Christmas full of presents for children, only!


1 If you’ve already bought me a gift for Christmas this year… firstly, that’s way too organised: you know it’s only October, right? And secondly: my birthday’s only a couple of weeks later…

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Weird A.I. Yankovic, a cursed deep dive into the world of voice cloning

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

In the parallel universe of last year’s Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, Dr. Demento encourages a young Al Yankovic (Daniel Radcliffe) to move away from song parodies and start writing original songs of his own. During an LSD trip, Al writes “Eat It,” a 100% original song that’s definitely not based on any other song, which quickly becomes “the biggest hit by anybody, ever.”

Later, Weird Al’s enraged to learn from his manager that former Jackson 5 frontman Michael Jackson turned the tables on him, changing the words of “Eat It” to make his own parody, “Beat It.”
Your browser does not support the video tag.

This got me thinking: what if every Weird Al song was the original, and every other artist was covering his songs instead? With recent advances in A.I. voice cloning, I realized that I could bring this monstrous alternate reality to life.

This was a terrible idea and I regret everything.

Everything that is wrong with, and everything that is right with, AI voice cloning, brought together in one place. Hearing simulations of artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Kurt Cobain singing Weird Al’s versions of their songs is… strange and unsettling.

Some of them are pretty convincing, which is a useful and accessible reminder about how powerful these tools are becoming. An under-reported story from a few years back identified what might be the first recorded case of criminals using AI-based voice spoofing as part of a telephone scam, and since then the technology needed to enact such fraud has only become more widely-available. While this weirder-than-Weird-Al project is first and foremost funny, for many it foreshadows darker things.

Easy FoundryVTT Cloud Hosting

Foundry is a wonderful virtual tabletop tool well-suited to playing tabletop roleplaying games with your friends, no matter how far away they are. It compares very favourably to the market leader Roll20, once you get past some of the initial set-up challenges and a moderate learning curve.

Screenshot from FoundryVTT, showing a party of three adventurers crossing a rickety bridge through a blood-red swamp, facing off against a handful of fiends coming the other way. A popup item card for a "Dragon Slayer Longsword" is visible, along with two 20-sided dice.
The party of adventurers I’ve been DMing for since last summer use Foundry to simulate a tabletop (alongside a conventional video chat tool to let us see and hear one another).

You can run it on your own computer and let your friends “connect in” to it, so long as you’re able to reconfigure your router a little, but you’ll be limited by the speed of your home Internet connection and people won’t be able to drop in and e.g. tweak their character sheet except when you’ve specifically got the application running.

A generally better option is to host your Foundry server in the cloud. For most of its history, I’ve run mine on Fox, my NAS, but I’ve recently set one up on a more-conventional cloud virtual machine too. A couple of friends have asked me about how to set up their own, so here’s a quick guide:

Screenshot from Linode showing a server, "Foundry", running, with specs as described below.
I used Linode to spin up a server because I still had a stack of free credits following a recent project. The instructions will work on any cloud host where you can spin up a Debian 12 virtual machine, and can be adapted for other distributions of Linux.

You will need…

  • A Foundry license ($50 USD / £48 GBP, one-off payment1)
  • A domain name for which you control the DNS records; you’ll need to point a domain, like “” (or a subdomain of it, e.g. “”), at an IP address you’ll get later by creating an “A” record: your domain name registrar can probably help with this – I mostly use Gandi and, ignoring my frustration with recent changes to their email services, I think they’re great
  • An account with a cloud hosting provider: this example uses Linode but you can adapt for any of them
  • A basic level of comfort with the command-line

1. Spin up a server

Getting a virtual server is really easy nowadays.

Annotated screenshot showing a Linode provisioning form, with "Debian 12", the "London, UK", region, and "Dedicated 4GB" plan options selected.
Click, click, click, and you’ve got yourself a server.

You’ll need:

  • The operating system to be Debian 12 (or else you’ll need to adapt the instructions below)
  • The location to be somewhere convenient for your players: pick a server location that’s relatively-local to the majority of them to optimise for connection speeds
  • Approximately 2 CPUs and 4GB of RAM, per Foundry’s recommended server specifications
  • An absolute minimum of 1GB of storage space, I’d recommend plenty more: The Levellers’ campaign currently uses about 10GB for all of its various maps, art, videos, and game data, so give yourself some breathing room (space is pretty cheap) – I’ve gone with 80GB for this example, because that’s what comes as standard with the 2 CPU/4GB RAM server that Linode offer

Choose a root password when you set up your server. If you’re a confident SSH user, add your public key so you can log in easily (and then disable password authentication entirely!).

For laziness, this guide has you run Foundry as root on your new server. Ensure you understand the implications of this.2

2. Point your (sub)domain at it

DNS propogation can be pretty fast, but… sometimes it isn’t. So get this step underway before you need it.

Your newly-created server will have an IP address, and you’ll be told what it is. Put that IP address into an A-record for your domain.

Screenshot from Gandi showing adding an A record for ->
The interface for adding a new DNS record in Gandi is pretty simple – record type, time to live, name, address – but it’s rarely more complicated that this with any registrar that provides DNS services.

3. Configure your server

In my examples, my domain name is and my server is at Yours will be different!

Connect to your new server using SSH. Your host might even provide a web interface if you don’t have an SSH client installed: e.g. Linode’s “Launch LISH Console” button will do pretty-much exactly that for you. Log in as root using the password you chose when you set up the server (or your SSH private key, if that’s your preference). Then, run each of the commands below in order (the full script is available as a single file if you prefer).

3.1. Install prerequisites

You’ll need unzip (to decompress Foundry), nodejs (to run Foundry), ufw (a firewall, to prevent unexpected surprises), nginx (a webserver, to act as a reverse proxy to Foundry), certbot (to provide a free SSL certificate for Nginx), nvm (to install pm2) and pm2 (to keep Foundry running in the background). You can install them all like this:

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install -y unzip nodejs ufw nginx certbot nvm
npm install -g pm2

3.2. Enable firewall

By default, Foundry runs on port 30000. If we don’t configure it carefully, it can be accessed directly, which isn’t what we intend: we want connections to go through the webserver (over https, with http redirecting to https). So we configure our firewall to allow only these ports to be accessed. You’ll also want ssh enabled so we can remotely connect into the server, unless you’re exclusively using an emergency console like LISH for this purpose:

ufw allow ssh
ufw allow http
ufw allow https
ufw enable

3.3. Specify domain name

Putting the domain name we’re using into a variable for the remainder of the instructions saves us from typing it out again and again. Make sure you type your domain name (that you pointed to your server in step 2), not mine (

3.4. Get an SSL certificate with automatic renewal

So long as the DNS change you made has propogated, this should Just Work. If it doesn’t, you might need to wait for a bit then try again.

certbot certonly --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email --rsa-key-size 4096 --webroot -w /var/www/html -d $DOMAIN

Don’t continue past this point until you’ve succeeded in getting the SSL certificate sorted.

The certificate will renew itself automatically, but you also need Nginx to restart itself whenever that happens. You can set that up like this:

printf "#!/bin/bash\nservice nginx restart\n" > /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/
chmod +x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/

3.5. Configure Nginx to act as a reverse proxy for Foundry

You can, of course, manually write the Nginx configuration file: just remove the > /etc/nginx/sites-available/foundry from the end of the printf line to see the configuration it would write and then use/adapt to your satisfaction.

set +H
printf "server {\n listen 80;\n listen [::]:80;\n server_name $DOMAIN;\n\n # Redirect everything except /.well-known/* (used for ACME) to HTTPS\n root /var/www/html/;\n if (\$request_uri !~ \"^/.well-known/\") {\n return 301 https://\$host\$request_uri;\n }\n}\n\nserver {\n listen 443 ssl http2;\n listen [::]:443 ssl http2;\n server_name $DOMAIN;\n\n ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem;\n ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem;\n\n client_max_body_size 300M;\n\n location / {\n # Set proxy headers\n proxy_set_header Host \$host;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto \$scheme;\n\n # These are important to support WebSockets\n proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;\n proxy_set_header Connection \"Upgrade\";\n\n proxy_pass;\n }\n}\n" > /etc/nginx/sites-available/foundry
ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/foundry /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/foundry
service nginx restart

3.6. Install Foundry

3.6.1. Create a place for Foundry to live

mkdir {vtt,data}
cd vtt

3.6.2. Download and decompress it

Screenshot from FoundryVTT showing where to find the "Timed URL" download link button.
For this step, you’ll need to get a Timed URL from the Purchased Licenses page on your FoundryVTT account.

Substitute in your Timed URL in place of <url from website> (keep the quotation marks – " – though!):

wget -O "<url from website>"

3.6.3. Configure PM2 to run Foundry and keep it running

Now you’re finally ready to launch Foundry! We’ll use PM2 to get it to run automatically in the background and keep running:

pm2 start --name "Foundry" node -- resources/app/main.js --dataPath=/root/data

You can watch the logs for Foundry with PM2, too. It’s a good idea to take a quick peep at them to check it launched okay (press CTRL-C to exit):

pm2 logs 0

4. Start adventuring!

Screenshot showing FoundryVTT requesting a license key.
Point your web browser at your domain name (e.g. I might go to and you should see Foundry’s first-load page, asking for your license key.

Provide your license key to get started, and then immediately change the default password: a new instance of Foundry has a blank default password, which means that anybody on Earth can administer your server: get that changed to something secure!

Now you’re running on Foundry!


1 Which currency you pay in, and therefore how much you pay, for a Foundry license depends on where in the world you are where your VPN endpoint says you are. You might like to plan accordingly.

2 Running Foundry as root is dangerous, and you should consider the risks for yourself. Adding a new user is relatively simple, but for a throwaway server used for a single game session and then destroyed, I wouldn’t bother. Specifically, the risk is that a vulnerability in Foundry, if exploited, could allow an attacker to reconfigure any part of your new server, e.g. to host content of their choice or to relay spam emails. Running as a non-root user means that an attacker who finds such a vulnerability can only trash your Foundry instance.

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Out of the Trees

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

After “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” ended, Graham Chapman worked with an up-and-coming young writer named Douglas Adams on a new sketch comedy show for the BBC. It was called “Out of the Trees,” and it bombed. Only one episode was made, and that aired only once, on January 10, 1976.

Once the Beeb gave up on “Out of the Trees,” they did to it what they did to so many other programs of that era: they erased it.

Chapman had recorded the show on one of the very earliest home videotape formats… it took two years to build a compatible player.

It’s neither Chapman nor Adams best work, and you can see how it got canned after only a pilot episode. But it’s not terrible.

But the lesson here is one about the challenge of archiving non-print media. Anything that needs a device to “play” it, whether it’s as simple as a vinyl record or as complex as a videogame, is at greater risk of being lost forever. And the faster the pace of technology moves, the more stuff gets left behind as technology moves on. Is a digital dark age looming? Are we already in it, but that won’t be known until some future date?

Dan Q found GC2HDCZ Tom Burts Cache 4

This checkin to GC2HDCZ Tom Burts Cache 4 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found while walking into High Wycombe to work after dropping my canine caching-companion (pictured) off at the nearby veterinary hospital for an operation. Didn’t need her help with this easy find, luckily! Shame about all the fly tipping littering this otherwise pleasant path. Greetings from Oxfordshire!

A champagne-coloured French Bulldog snuggles up against a human's leg, wearing blue jeans.


CapsulePress – Gemini / Spartan / Gopher to WordPress bridge

For a while now, this site has been partially mirrored via the Gemini1 and Gopher protocols.2 Earlier this year I presented hacky versions of the tools I’d used to acieve this (and made people feel nostalgic).

Now I’ve added support for Spartan3 too and, seeing as the implementations shared functionality, I’ve combined all three – Gemini, Spartan, and Gopher – into a single package: CapsulePress.

Diagram illustrating the behaviour of CapsulePress: a WordPress installation provides content, and CapsulePress makes that content available via gemini://, spartan://, and gopher:// URLs.

CapsulePress is a Gemini/Spartan/Gopher to WordPress bridge. It lets you use WordPress as a CMS for any or all of those three non-Web protocols in addition to the Web.

For example, that means that this post is available on all of:

Composite screenshot showing this blog post in, from top-left to bottom-right: (1) Firefox, via HTTPS, (2) Lagrange, via Gemini, (3) Lagrange, via Spartan, and (4) Lynx, via Gopher.

It’s also possible to write posts that selectively appear via different media: if I want to put something exclusively on my gemlog, I can, by assigning metadata that tells WordPress to suppress a post but still expose it to CapsulePress. Neat!

90s-style web banners in the style of Netscape ads, saying "Gemini now!", "Spartan now!", and "Gopher now!". Beneath then a wider banner ad promotes CapsulePress v0.1.
Using Gemini and friends in the 2020s make me feel like the dream of the Internet of the nineties and early-naughties is still alive. But with fewer banner ads.

I’ve open-sourced the whole thing under a super-permissive license, so if you want your own WordPress blog to “feed” your Gemlog… now you can. With a few caveats:

  • It’s hard to use. While not as hacky as the disparate piles of code it replaced, it’s still not the cleanest. To modify it you’ll need a basic comprehension of all three protocols, plus Ruby, SQL, and sysadmin skills.
  • It’s super opinionated. It’s very much geared towards my use case. It’s improved by the use of templates. but it’s still probably only suitable for this site for the time being, until you make changes.
  • It’s very-much unfinished. I’ve got a growing to-do list, which should be a good clue that it’s Not Finished. Maybe it never will but. But there’ll be changes yet to come.

Whether or not your WordPress blog makes the jump to Geminispace4, I hope you’ll came take a look at mine at one of the URLs linked above, and then continue to explore.

If you’re nostalgic for the interpersonal Internet – or just the idea of it, if you’re too young to remember it… you’ll find it there. (That Internet never actually went away, but it’s harder to find on today’s big Web than it is on lighter protocols.)


1 Also available via Gemini.

2 Also via Finger (but that’s another story).

3 Also available via Spartan.

4 Need a browser? I suggest Lagrange.

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