Hasbro Alignment Chart

Hasbro seem to be rolling up a new character. Maybe this’ll help them.

Alignment chart "for Hasbro's newest character", with 9 cells. Lawful Good reads "The OGL will be strengthened to protect third-party creators and clarify our IP's boundaries." Neutral Good reads: "Let's get the community together to collaborate on future licensing." Chaotic Good reads: "Fuck it, we're going to Creative Commons the whole thing." Lawful Neutral reads: "The OGL will remain the same for OneD&D as it was for 5e." True Neutral reads: "Following community feedback, we're not going to change the OGL at this point." Chaotic Neutral reads: "We're going to leak version after version until you have absolutey no idea what's coming." Lawful Evil reads: "The OGL 1.1 will be implemented with the same text as seen in the leak." Neutral Evil reads: "The awful things in the leaked version aren't representative of the awful things that will be in the final version." Chaotic Evil reads: "The new OGL will only apply to SDL words with more than two vowels in, regardless of translation language."


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