Dan Q found GC1EA55 Halamanning Engine House

This checkin to GC1EA55 Halamanning Engine House reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Following yesterday’s Challenge Robin adventure during which I sent my partner’s brother on an extended treasure trail covering London and Penzance, we decided to have a more-relaxed day today with a gentle hike to a few geocaches (and with a pub lunch in the middle).

Ruin of Halamanning Engine House

This was the first of the caches we found as we made our way down from the River Valley Caravan Park where we’d been staying and hacked our way through the damp paths to this GZ. What a remarkable ruin – one of several like it, our subsequent explorations showed, but still quite remarkable how well-concealed and overgrown it is. A beautiful spot, and well-worth the journey. FP awarded; TFTC



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