For the first time in over seven years, I’ve recovered a handful more of my “lost” blog posts: articles that were written prior to the great server fuck-up of July 2004.

Since then, I’ve kept regular backups. A lot of the old stuff is sometimes cringeworthy (in a “did I really used to be such a dick?” way), and I’m sure that someday I’ll look back at my blog posts from today, too, and find them shockingly un-representative of me in the future. That’s the nature of getting older.

But it’s still important to me to keep all of this stuff. My blog is an extension to my diary: the public-facing side of what’s going on in my life. I back-link furiously, especially in the nostalgia-ridden “On This Day” series of blog posts I throw out once in a while.

The blog posts I’ve newly recovered are:
- Parcel of Goodies (1st December 2003), in which I get some new jeans and announce an upcoming Chez Geek Night (the predecessor to what eventually became Geek Night) at the Ship & Castle
- AbNib & Str8Up (2nd December 2003), in which I apologise for Abnib being down and perv over hot young queer people
- Orange Gives Me 80p For No Apparent Reason (2nd December 2003) and Justification Of What You All Already Thought About My Sanity, And About Orange’s Competence (5th December 2003), primarily about a very petty dispute I had with my mobile phone provider
- The Software Engineers Behind My Alarm Clock (3rd December 2003), containing my complaints about the engineering decisions behind my clock, which woke me up too early in the morning
- Troma Night (7th December 2003), about the most-recent Troma Night, at which we watched the tragically-awful A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell
- Something In The Water (10th December 2003), talking about several of the new romantic releationships that have appeared amongst my friends – of these, the one that had surprised me the most is the one that lasts to this day

- Worst 100 Films Of All Time(10th December 2003): my observation about how many Police Academy movies made it into the IMDb’s “bottom 100”
- Christmas Is Coming, The Exams Are Getting Written(12th December 2003), which is, as its title suggests, about Christmas getting closer, and exams upcoming
- Banned From Driving For Life, Before He’d Even Passed His Test(12th December 2003): a reflection upon a recent news story
- Gatecrashing(13th December 2003), in which I drop in uninvited on a stranger’s house party, and everything goes better than expected
- Final Troma Night Of The Year(14th December 2003); a short review of 2003’s final Troma Night – at this point, we probably had no idea that we’d have still been having Troma Nights for seven more years
- Christians Should Be Banned From The Internet(15th December 2003): a tongue-in-cheek critique on how awful contemporary web design for Christian-centric websites were
- Frustrating(16th December 2003), about things not going right at work, but things going very right in the bedroom
- The Right To Read(17th December 2003), an anti-DRM rant
- Out Of Place (18th December 2003), again stressed about work, but looking forward to some retro-gaming
So there you go: especially for you stalkers or those of you looking for a trip down memory lane – some links to what I was up to in December 2003.
For those of you who are really on a roll, here’s some further reading from the period: Kit, on the last Troma Night of the year; a religious argument that Alec kicked off (thanks,; Liz starting her first blog; Paul applies for a hardship loan;
That photo is very ‘aww’, your mom is pretty!
Yeah, I’d totally bang my mother when she was younger. I mean, if she wasn’t my mother, and all.
I followed the link “In over seven years” and figured you’d linked wrong.
Then I realised that 2005 actually was seven years ago. Jesus.
Nice post, though. I approve of digging up archivable remnants!
I thought you would. Turns out we’ve got not-dissimilar philosophies on the value of organised, sortable archives.
Like the stalker I am, I read all the posts and felt a little saddened to think that it was so long ago.
I’m moving on Saturday so it would be nice to catch up over the phone soon.
Not tonight though – I’m getting pissed with Matt and a few others from work.
Love you!
December 2003, goodness me! That sounds like such a long time ago. Thanks for the post!
And aww, that is a cute photo (of your family I mean! Although Andy and myself are pretty cute as well of course, haha)!