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Yesterday, as Claire and I ate our lunch, we had an idea. It was a gorgeous Sunday, warm like Easter break should be, so we thought – why not gather those folks who remain in town for a big game of hide & seek in Aberystwyth Castle. This was great fun last Autumn and the easter before: childish fun, running, hiding, diving over rocks and injuring oneself… fab.
We were surprised at how many people were able to join us: Matt, Katie, Sundeep, Bryn (until he was called away by the prospect of a barbeque with some friends in Llanbadarn), Liz, Andy K (recently discharged from A&E after burning his hand with a frying pan, the idiot), Faye, Andy R, Sian, and a mystery girl called ‘DD’.
We played until the sun went down, which always makes the game extra-fun and challenging, then retired to Kanes’ for beer (or whiskey) and chit-chat. By the end of the evening, the pub was ours alone.
Other people have things to say about the evening, too: