Irish Signs

I’ve only been driving in Ireland for several days, so less than 100% of the iconography of the signage makes sense to me instantly, for now. But this one’s a complete mystery to me.

Photograph showing a road sign; it's yellow, diamond-shaped, and depicts in black the silhouette of a person running from left to right. Above them is the silhouette of a car, much smaller than them and twisted anticlockwise by about 20 degrees. Impact/movement marks eminate from the lower of the car's wheels, as if it's a thrown object that's just bounced off the head of the runner.

Is this warning joggers than tiny cars might bounce off their heads? Or is it exhorting distant swerving motorists to put on their right indicator to tell people which way to run to avoid being hit by them? Or maybe it’s advising that down this road is a football pitch for giants and they’ll play “headers” with you in your car if you’re not careful? I honestly haven’t a clue.



  1. Grey Coat Grey Coat says:

    Aire Leanaí / Caution Children
    Typically found in urban residential zones, it warns to expect the raised likelihood that children may run out into the road,

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