Permanent Record

“Dan Q” <***>
Subject Access Request – Dan Q, pupil Sep 1992 – Jun 1997
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 15:18:07 +0100

To Whom It May Concern,

Please supply the personal data you hold about me, per data protection law. Specifically, I’m looking for: a list of all offences for which I was assigned detention at school.

Please find attached a variety of documentation which I feel proves my identity and the legitimacy of this request. If there’s anything else you need or you have further questions, please feel free to email me.

Thanks in advance;

Dan Q

“Dan Q” <***>
“Jodie Clayton” <*.*******>
Re: Subject Access Request – Dan Q, pupil Sep 1992 – Jun 1997
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:48:33 +0100

Dear Dan Q,

We do not retain records of detentions of former pupils, and we certainly have no academic records of pupils going back thirty years ago.

Fulwood Academy

Jodie Clayton | Office Manager with Cover and Admissions
Black Bull Lane, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9YR
+44 (0) 1772 719060

“Jodie Clayton” <*********>
“Dan Q” <***>
Re: Subject Access Request – Dan Q, pupil Sep 1992 – Jun 1997
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:00:49 +0100

But, but… I was always told that this would go on my permanent record. Are you telling me that teachers lied to me? What else is fake!?

Maybe I will always have a calculator with me and I won’t actually need to know how to derive a square root using a pen and paper. Maybe nobody will ever care what my GCSE results are for every job I apply for. Maybe my tongue isn’t divided into different taste areas capable of picking out sweet, salty, bitter etc. flavours. Maybe practicing my handwriting won’t be an essential skill I use every day.

And maybe I will amount to something despite never turning in any History homework, Mr. Needham!

Dan Q


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  1. Ruth Ruth says:

    Yeah but if you’d done your history homework you’d be president of the world by now…

  2. Dean Dean says:

    Maybe Pluto isn’t actually a planet.

    My “you will never amount to something” teacher was art. Apparently I was bad at it (true enough) and needed to practice above and beyond the homework (that I occasionally skipped) if I ever wanted to get anywhere in life. It hasn’t been a limiting factor to date but maybe art is just biding its time.

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