Dan Q posted a note for GC1G4E3 Kinkering Congs Their Titles Take

This checkin to GC1G4E3 Kinkering Congs Their Titles Take reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Stemonitis doesn’t seem to have logged in for over three years, and it’s needed maintenance for its super-soggy log for about as long). I’ve sent a message to them offering to adopt this cache (it’s in a convenient place for me to maintain), but if I don’t get a response I’ll speak to an admin and see if they can transfer it to me (or else archive it as abandoned and I’ll lay an identical replacement in its place).

Edit: Stemonitis approves in principle. Just waiting for the adoption to go through.

Dan Q posted a note for GC1F4NV Chiltern Hundred Bonus

This checkin to GC1F4NV Chiltern Hundred Bonus reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Having difficulty getting to the website? Try using https://chilternhundred.drsolly.com/ and https://chilternhundred.drsolly.com/bonus.cgi rather than the web addresses listed in the description (which include a “www.”).

The SSL certificate presented by the web server covers “*.drsolly.com” which modern browsers to not interpret as including “www.*.drsolly.com”, so you may get “Secure connection failed” errors otherwise. (CO might like to update the links or else expand the certificate!)

Dan Q note OK045B Broad Street Webcam (Oxford Martin School)

This checkin to OK045B Broad Street Webcam (Oxford Martin School) reflects an opencache.uk log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I can’t log a “find” here because I set up the cache, but I wanted to show willing! So here I am, standing in the beginnings of what looks to be a serious rainstorm, capturing a screenshot with my phone. Gulp; should’a brought my coat!

Dan Q standing in the rain in front of the Broad Street Webcam
Dan Q standing in the rain in front of the Broad Street Webcam

Dan Q found GLVZTQ6E Oxford Science Park Meets Sandford-on-Thames

This checkin to GLVZTQ6E Oxford Science Park Meets Sandford-on-Thames reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found with fleeblewidget on a lunch date after a bit of a hunt. Maybe the GPS gods weren’t smiling on me, but the given coordinates looked to me to be on entirely the wrong side of the path: by my reckoning, the container is at N 51° 42.699′, W 001° 13.347′. SL, TFTC.

Dan Q found GLVZTDVJ Cowley to the Thames 3; the information point.

This checkin to GLVZTDVJ Cowley to the Thames 3; the information point. reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Quick stop on a diversion from my cycle ride from the city centre to Sandford. Funny: years of caching and I hadn’t seen a container like this until I see two of them in one week. TFTC.

Digest for May 2018


This month I completed my research into Oxford’s (former) zoo and I hid a series of geocaches to commemorate it and the wolves that escaped from it once, in the 1930s. I also toured a series of geocaches near Eynsham (listed below) while collecting ‘caching supplies from the military surplus store there.

I also shared (among other things) the story of the creation of a GIF file containing text showing the hex digest of its own MD5 hash, something which might initially appear to be impossible.

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Posts marked by an asterisk (*) are referenced by the summary above.




Dan Q couldn’t find GC5X8C6 Offey’s Adventure

This checkin to GC5X8C6 Offey's Adventure reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Solving the mystery to determine the cache location was the easy (and fun) bit: geocheck confirmed first time! But after half an hour of digging through damp vegetation (and the ocassional nettle) this morning, I had to admit defeat. :-(