Dan Q found OK0372 Mandala

This checkin to OK0372 Mandala reflects an opencache.uk log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

A moment of joy and serenity on my otherwise-uninspiring cycle to work. A wonder I’ve never been down this end of Plantation Road before, given that I’m a fan of the Gardner’s Arms further along it and there are certainly journeys I’ve taken to or from there that would have been just as easy to take via this end of the quaint street.

I tried looking at the mandala image in two different cardinal directions, and saw that it appeared in two different ways. Upright, it seems as though an infinity symbol divided (but you can divide infinity forever and still have an infinity), but rotated 90° it’s more like an hourglass suspended in a rotating frame (and so able to be flipped and started again). Either way, the metaphor to me is one of time.

Thanks for the cache; I hope more people get to find their way to this magical little corner.


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