To mark the second anniversary of QParty, I thought I’d cook Claire and I a meal consisting of foods that begin with the letter Q. How hard can it be, right? Turns out it’s more difficult than you might first expect.
My first thought was quails with qvark dumplings, but, would you believe it, both of these things turn out to be hard to get in Aberystwyth. Not wanting to have to resort to Quorn™, we ended up having a quirky mixture of foods that have probably never before been seen on the same plate:
- A quarter-pounder burger
- Pasta quills
- Quesadillas
- Quiche
I’d have liked to have put quinces in the desert somehow, or else flapjacks made from Quaker oats, but in the end we just had cherry pie and cream, which I insisted on calling queam.
Aside from those listed above, and quinoa, of course, what foods have I missed? Is there anything that you can eat that begins with a “Q” that I haven’t thought of?
The Polish store we had briefly by the garage sold quark dumplings….
Here’s a few:
You could flavour the food with cumin
@Andy: Yup, saw that list.
@Strokeyadam: I stared at your comment for ages, thinking, “but… cumin begins with a ‘c'” before I realised what you meant.