Note #19508

When do I #blog? A breakdown of my top four #indieweb content types – articles, reposts, checkins and notes – by month.

Blog posts by type and month, a graph showing how articles barely change throughout the year but reposts are highest in the first half of the year, checkins peak in the spring and summer, and notes get a big boost in November.

Unsurprisingly my checkins, which represent #geocaching/#geohashing activity, grow in the spring and peak in the summer when the weather’s better!

At first I assumed the notes peak in November might have been thrown off by a single conference, e.g. musetech, but it turns out I’ve just done more note-friendly things in Novembers, like Challenge Robin II and my Cape Town meetup, which are enough to throw the numbers off.


Note #19021

I made a graph to show how the number of large hand tools stored in our garage has changed this last year…

Graph showing, over time, the number of large tools increasing as a rake, midi-spade, post holer, rake and others are acquired. Each acquired tool is labelled with what it is. However: a hatchet, a pickaxe and two log splitting axes are not labelled.

…but I forgot to label the axes.


Note #18760

Everyone Is Awesome LEGO mode showing BIPOC/LGBTQ+ colours.

Ahead of schedule on work project. Invited to 2nd COVID jab next week. Spent half of day working on laptop in sunny garden. Parcel arrived from @LEGO_group with Everyone Is Awesome model (pictured).

Today was a Good Day.


Note #18572

Hey @LloydsBank! 2009 called and asked if you’re done sending your customers links to unencrypted HTTP endpoints yet. How do you feel about switching this to a HTTPS link rather than relying on an interceptable/injectable HTTP request?

Text message: "Follow this link to download your free Lloyds Bank Mobile Banking app."


I’m On Fire

P2 user badge for me, showing my job title and team as "Code Magician on Fire"

In 2020 at @automattic my team, Alpha, forked into teams Fuel and Fire (I’ll tell you the story another time). But it took ’til now for me to notice that our internal systems use something like the string ${jobTitle} on ${teamName}. Which leads to this excellent title.


Note #18069

Can you tell me how to get in touch with your technical/security team @firstdirecthelp? Apparently my report about a vulnerability in your website contains characters that aren’t “valid” for your sucky feedback form… but it doesn’t say which ones.

Best Before

Thanks, supermarket bagels, for expressing exactly how I was feeing when I reached the kitchen this morning:

Label: Best Before 8 Jan 2021.

Look at Banner, Dan!

First thing I saw when I came downstairs this morning:

Happy Birthday banner with handwritten cardboard "Dan" sign hung underneath.

Totally a banner especially for my birthday, today, and not a repurposed decoration from Annabel’s yesterday.

Context for the oblivious:


Recursively repackaging .mkvs as .mp4s

A note for my own reference. If you want to repackage a lot of .mkv files as .mp4, without transcoding, here’s a one-liner:

for f in **/*.mkv; do echo "$f"; ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i "$f" -c copy "${f%.mkv}.mp4"; rm "$f"; done

Note #17836

Keyboard with Pride rainbow function keys

With thanks to @wasdkeyboards, my new #keyboard can show some #Pride. 🏳️‍🌈
