
Dan Q found GC56V1D U P 6

This checkin to GC56V1D U P 6 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My partner fleeblewidget and I are glamping up near Sawley to celebrate our 14th anniversary and came out today for a walk up Pendle Hill. Cache container was in the third place we looked; a nice easy find! Log a little damp but usable. TFTC.

Dan Q found GC46ZR0 B-by-B 3 feet and rising

This checkin to GC46ZR0 B-by-B 3 feet and rising reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My partner fleeblewidget and I are staying at nearby Calder Farm to celebrate our anniversary and took a walk this afternoon to find this cache. Only around 300m as the crow flies from the GZ we figured this would be a quick expedition, but there’s no convenient path down to the riverside from where we are. Our first attempt at an approach took us to the North end of the footpath, but this seems to be through a garden centre/nursery that’s closed, and we couldn’t confirm whether or not the public footpath was open “through” or despite this, so we doubled go past our accommodation and approached from the South instead, ultimately resulting in a ~2km walk to and from the GZ!

Coordinates seemed off by about 5m based on my GPSr and phone, but the hint pointed us towards the obvious candidate and the cache was easily visible (although a bit of a stretch to reach!). Log had been inserted deep into the tube rather than the lid of the container and we struggled to extract it but got there in the end (we put it back in the lid for the benefit of the next cacher). TFTC.

Dan Q found GC4F48A Wasted Treasure or Faded Relic?

This checkin to GC4F48A Wasted Treasure or Faded Relic? reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

An extended search by me, fleeblewidget, our kids, my mother, my sisters, their friends, and their kids eventually found this well-concealed container. Thanks for the history lesson, greetings from Oxfordshire, and TFTC!

Members of Dan's family hunt through the ivy of a tree.


Dan Q couldn’t find GC6AMEH The Numerical Meander 3

This checkin to GC6AMEH The Numerical Meander 3 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Made an extended search but had to give up. After a while I checked the hint which gave a strong clue as to what I should be looking for, but still no luck. Then checked past logs which seem to imply that the hint should be ignored? Wish I’d read them first! I’ve run out of time to spare on this expedition and had to turn back. Ah well.

Dan Q found GC1Y6GZ One Giant Step

This checkin to GC1Y6GZ One Giant Step reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Greetings from Oxfordshire! I’m staying in the holiday park just East of here as part of the first of a three week holiday (taken in an attempt to “make up” for holidays cancelled over the last year and a half owing to The Situation). I figured it’d be an easy and relatively direct hike from there to here, but I’d not counted on the work underway at the moment by the Forestry Commission! Several diverted footpaths later I finally found this “giant step”! Took Paul the Seahorse TB, SL, TFTC.

Dan Q found GC11KP7 C.O.D. Guardhouse

This checkin to GC11KP7 C.O.D. Guardhouse reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Stopped at the nearby Co-Op while driving back to our holiday accommodation after a bit of a walk over the hills around Upper Padley. While my partner fleeblewidget went into the shop (I’d forgotten my mask) I checked for any nearby geocaches and found this interesting curiosity! GPS coordinates spot on and the cache was quickly found. TFTC!


Dan Q found GC84BD8 Don’t fall in!!

This checkin to GC84BD8 Don't fall in!! reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Camo was a little lacking – cache was completely visible within a couple of metres – so I’ve tried to conceal it a little better. Thanks to the container’s camo this is probably plenty sufficient to keep it concealed. TFTC!

Dan Q found GC811W7 SideTracked – Uttoxeter

This checkin to GC811W7 SideTracked - Uttoxeter reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Passing through town I stopped to charge my car near Waitrose (pictured!), and as it filled up the battery tank I wandered over to find this cache. Coordinates might be off – my GPSr had me at the wrong side of the road! – but the hint was solid and after a little feeling-about free cache was in hand. TFTC.

Dan points to his car, plugged in to a charger.


Dan Q couldn’t find GC98N4G Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #9 James Bond

This checkin to GC98N4G Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #9 James Bond reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Cycling back to Stanton Harcourt from Witney I thought I’d try for just one more cache, while the light’s still in the sky. But try as I might, I couldn’t find this troublesome little blighter. Given the recent logs, I worry it might have been muggled.

Dan Q found GC98N40 Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #8 E.T.

This checkin to GC98N40 Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #8 E.T. reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My last cache before I pedal on to Witney for my pizza supper! I soon found the hiding place but it still took me a long while to find exactly where the cache was hidden… and even longer to extract it from the depths of its narrow hiding place. In the end I needed to manufacture a tool – a loop of metal made from a paperclip, taped to the tip of a pin – to snag it. Managed in the end, and felt like I’d earned my pizza. (Attached pic is of me about a quarter hour later enjoying my picnic!)

Dan sits on the grass with a Dominos pizza box and a can of beer. His bike is in the background, leaning on a stylistically-corroded piece of metal artwork.


Dan Q found GC98N3F Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #7 Elisabeth Moss

This checkin to GC98N3F Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #7 Elisabeth Moss reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Spotting the geotrail here was easy. Avoiding the spiky plants was harder, and for the first time today I regretted having dressed so lightly. Found the cache without difficulty, but returned from its hiding place with my shins covered in sticky-grass. Yet more picking away flora was needed before I could press on on my bike.

This trail’s been fantastic so far; I wish I’d brought the kids – they’d have loved it! Well, actually I’m glad I didn’t because it’s their bedtime, but under different circumstances I’d totally come back again and bring them!

Dan Q found GC98N2V Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #6 Treebeard

This checkin to GC98N2V Tar Lakes/South Leigh Loop #6 Treebeard reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

The combine harvesters have been out in force today – a small flotilla of them passed my house earlier this afternoon – and I soon found evidence that they’d been here before me. Fresh cut rows of corn, the straw piled up and ready for baling, dominated the golden fields. There are two major landmarks in sight here that made my ‘cacher brain tingle, but one of them isn’t on the path. I zipped over to the other and soon found the cache: nice to see a more-regular-sized one after so many smaller ones today.

Stopped for a drink break here because the heat was starting to get to me and – as the picture shows! – I was turning into a sweaty mess. But I was glad of the view, while I did so.

Selfie of Dan standing by a tree in a freshly-mowed cornfield.
