Dan Q found GCAP4MF Church Micro 15127…Curbridge

This checkin to GCAP4MF Church Micro 15127...Curbridge reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I had an errand to run in the Windrush Place estate on the other side of the A40, and the geopup needed a walk, so I opted to park the car over in Witney so my four-legged friend and I could walk the remaining way over to Curbridge and find this cache.

Dan and his dog sit on a bench outside a churchyard.

The first challenge was, of course, getting over the pedestrian-unfriendly roundabout and across be bridge to Curbridge, but the second challenge wasn’t much easier. Which bit of the church was the extension? It wasn’t immediately clear and we had to make a few guesses before our numbers lined up to anything believable.

Finally, we set off. The geohound went crazy, and I soon realised why: our route was taking us almost exactly past the doggy daycare she attends twice a week. It was strange enough for me to find myself at a GZ I pass several times a week, but it must have been even stranger for the doggo, whose keen nose could probably tell that we’d unexpectedly come by somewhere so familiar to her!

The coordinates were bang on and I soon had the cache in hand. Thanks for a lovely walk and the opportunity to explore on foot a place previously only familiar to me by car. SL, TFTC!



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