Dan Q found GC4MHJ0 Octo (MK Artwalks)

This checkin to GC4MHJ0 Octo (MK Artwalks) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Today’s the last of three consecutive days that I’ve spent working in Milton Keynes. On each day I’ve taken a short walk while I’ve eaten my lunch to find a nearby geocache. This was today’s.

After admiring the sculpture I snapped a selfie while I waited for my GPS signal to settle. The coordinates and the hint made the location seem obvious, yet somehow I did three laps of the hiding place before I reached down to what by all accounts was, indeed, an obvious hiding place!

Muggles weren’t too multitudinous, so I soon had the cache hidden again back in its snug little spot. TFTC!

Dan poses for a selfie in front of a figure-8/moebius strip sculpture, on a sunny day.



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