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Rob Vincent said:


A screenshot of Windows 95's Solitaire program into which a bunch of surreal changes have been photoshopped. Suit pips and card numbers and letters are swapped around in impossible ways, the ocean from the beach-based card back design is leaking onto the playfield, and the text all warped and jumbled nightmarishly. The Windows title bar says "Solitolitololoreee".

I always preferred SkiFree!

A screenshot of SkiFree running in Windows 3.1 with a bunch of quirky edits. The window is warped to include a "Shroom Supply" with lots of mushroms, a sign advertises bagels, a helicopter has landed, two monsters are let's-say hugging on the ground, and the score box states Age, Sex, Location and Star Sign. The title of the window is "SkiFreeeeeeee".

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