
This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

I know only a small percentage of you use VR and to everyone else I might as well by telling you how spiffy the handrails are up in this ivory tower, but for what it’s worth, Boneworks is the first game in a while to make me think VR might be getting somewhere. It’s not there yet. The physics is full of little niggles as you might expect from a game trying to juggle so much. The major issue with the climbing is only your hands and head can be moved and your in-game legs just flop around getting in the way of things like two stubborn trails of cum dangling off your mum’s chin, but forget all that.

Speaking of VR, Yahtzee’s still playing with it and thinks it’s improving, which is high praise. So there’s hope yet.

I really need to dig my heavyweight gear out of the attic, but I’m waiting until we (eventually) move house. And I absolutely agree with Yahtzee’s observation about the value of VR games in which you can sit down, sometimes.

1 comment

  1. Hayley Hayley says:

    Have you had a play with the Oculus Quest? We got one in the Black Friday nonsense, and it’s much easier to have a quick game of something than the full VR set up we have. Ideal for games like Beat Saber, especially when people are visiting!

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