Apparently I’m too cool for Facebook.

Okay, that’s not what that message actually says, but that’s how I chose to read it. It turns out that my name isn’t real. I went through their forms to tell them that “no, really, this is my name”. They also asked me “what I use Facebook for”, to which I – of course – answered “chatting to friends and stalking exes, same as everybody else – why, what do YOU use Facebook for?” But when I submitted the form, it just ran me back around in a circle back to where I started.
Also: Facebook! Is that exposed HTML code in your message? Dear me.
I’d be less frustrated if I didn’t just send them a copy of my driving license earlier this year, in order to prove that my name was really my name. I guess that the media claims that Facebook keeps all of your information indefinitely aren’t true, and in actual fact they have the memory of a proverbial goldfish.
I’d be more frustrated if I actually used Facebook for anything more than pushing blog posts out to people who prefer to see them on Facebook, and occasionally chatting to people, thanks to the wonderful pidgin-facebookchat plugin.
So on average, I suppose, I’m pretty indifferent. That’s the Facebook way.
A couple of deeds poll later, and Claire and I are half-way to having changed our surnames. Our new surname: Q. I hereby declare this blog post to be the official FAQ of the Dan/Claire name change. So there, Ms Q. 1. You’ve changed your names? Yes, we’ve changed our names. I’m now “Dan Q”, and
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Have you had any trouble with Google Plus yet?
Nope. Surprising, really, considering that they were the social network that were loudest about the “real names only” issue.
I’m yet to have trouble of any kind from either, though it could just be a matter of time.
Change your name by deed poll to “Facebook Sucks”?
So, is it just a matter of time before the same thing happens to me?
@scatmandan @Eskoala are you guys related? :P
@jonny_boy27 Yes. @Eskoala and I were a couple for a long while, once. See for the story of our shared surname.
@scatmandan sorry, I thought your and @Eskoala ‘s shared surname was a quite extraordinary coincidence!
@Eskoala oh, right, so you are. Sorry, I just thought that was an extraordinary co-incidence!!!
@scatmandan evidently you need to send them a copy of that note the Passport Office sent you or something :)
For anybody who’s interested, the note @tajasel is referring to can be found at