Their inclusion of non-news content such as plugs for iPlayer and their apps,
Their repeating of identical news stories with marginally-different GUIDs, and
All of the sports news, which I don’t care about one jot.
Well, it turns out that some people want #3: the sport. But still don’t want the other two.
Some people actually want to read this crap, apparently.
I shan’t be subscribing to this RSS feed, and I can’t promise I’ll fix it if it gets broken. But if “without the crap, but with the sports” is the way you like your BBC News RSS feed,
I’ve got you covered:
The Beeb continue to keep adding more and more non-news content to the BBC News RSS feed (like this ad for the iPlayer app!), so I’ve once again had to update my script to “fix” the feed so that it only contains, y’know, news.
I used to have a single minor niggle with the BBC News RSS feed: that it included sports news, which I didn’t care
about. So I wrote a script that downloaded it, stripped
sports news, and re-exported the feed for me to subscribe to. Magic.
Lately my BBC News feed has caused me some annoyance and frustration.
But lately – presumably as a result of technical changes at the Beeb’s side – this feed has found two fresh ways to annoy me:
The feed now re-publishes a story if it gets re-promoted to the front page… but with a different<guid> (it appears to get a #0 after it
when first published, a #1 the second time, and so on). In a typical day the feed reader might scoop up new stories about once an hour, any by the time I get to reading them the
same exact story might appear in my reader multiple times. Ugh.
They’ve started adding iPlayer and BBC Sounds content to the BBC News feed. I don’t follow BBC News in my feed reader because I want to watch or listen to things. If
you do, that’s fine, but I don’t, and I’d rather filter this content out.
Luckily, I already have a recipe for improving this feed, thanks to my prior work. Let’s look at my newly-revised script (also available on GitHub):
#!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire'bundler/inline'# # Sample crontab:# # At 41 minutes past each hour, run the script and log the results# */20 * * * * ~/bbc-news-rss-filter-sport-out.rb > ~/bbc-news-rss-filter-sport-out.log 2>>&1# Dependencies:# * open-uri - load remote URL content easily# * nokogiri - parse/filter XML
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'nokogiri'endrequire'open-uri'# Regular expression describing the GUIDs to reject from the resulting RSS feed# We want to drop everything from the "sport" section of the website, also any iPlayer/Sounds linksREJECT_GUIDS_MATCHING=/^https:\/\/www\.bbc\.co\.uk\/(sport|iplayer|sounds)\//# Load and filter the original RSS
rss =Nokogiri::XML(open(''))
rss.css('item').select{|item| item.css('guid').text =~REJECT_GUIDS_MATCHING }.each(&:unlink)
# Strip the anchors off the <guid>s: BBC News "republishes" stories by using guids with #0, #1, #2 etc, which results in duplicates in feed readers
rss.css('guid').each{|g|g.content=g.content.gsub(/#.*$/,'')} '/www/bbc-news-no-sport.xml', 'w' ){ |f| f.puts(rss.to_s) }
It’s amazing what you can do with Nokogiri and a half dozen lines of Ruby.
That revised script removes from the feed anything whose <guid> suggests it’s sports news or from BBC Sounds or iPlayer, and also strips any “anchor” part of the
<guid> before re-exporting the feed. Much better. (Strictly speaking, this can result in a technically-invalid feed by introducing duplicates, but your feed reader
oughta be smart enough to compensate for and ignore that: mine certainly is!)
You’re free to take and adapt the script to your own needs, or – if you don’t mind being tied to my opinions about what should be in BBC News’ RSS feed – just subscribe to my copy at:
My work colleague Simon was looking for a way to add all of the
upcoming UK strike action to their calendar, presumably so they know when not to try to catch a bus or require an ambulance or maybe
just so they’d know to whom they should be giving support on any particular day. Thom was able to suggest a
few places to see lists of strikes, such as this BBC News page and the comprehensive, but neither provided a
handy machine-readable feed.
Gosh, there’s a lot of strikes going on. ✊
If only they knew somebody who loves an excuse to throw a screen-scraper together. Oh wait, that’s me!
I threw together a 36-line Ruby program that extracts all the data from and outputs an
.ics file. I guess if you wanted you could set it up to automatically update the file a couple of times a day and host it at a URL that people can subscribe to; that’s an exercise left for the reader.
If you just want a one-off import based on the state-of-play right now, though, you can save this .ics file to your computer
and import it to your calendar. Simple.
Suppose you’re running an application on a Passenger + Nginx powered server and you want to add caching.
Perhaps your application has a dynamic, public endpoint but the contents don’t change super-frequently or it isn’t critically-important that the user always gets up-to-the-second
accuracy, and you’d like to improve performance with microcaching. How would you do that?
Where you’re at
Not pictured: the rest of the Internet.
Your configuration might look something like this:
server {
# listen, server_name, ssl, logging etc. directives go here# ...root/your/application;
What you’re looking for is proxy_cache and its sister directives, but you can’t just
insert them here because while Passenger does act act like an upstream proxy (with parallels like e.g. passenger_pass_header which mirrors the behaviour of proxy_pass_header), it doesn’t provide any of the functions you need to implement proxy caching
of non-static files.
Where you need to be
Instead, what you need to to is define a second server, mount Passenger in that, and then proxy to that second server. E.g.:
# Set up a cacheproxy_cache_path/tmp/cache/my-app-cachekeys_zone=MyAppCache:10mlevels=1:2inactive=600smax_size=100m;
# Define the actual webserver that listens for Internet traffic:server {
# listen, server_name, ssl, logging etc. directives go here# ...# You can configure different rules by location etc., but here's a simple microcache:location/ {
proxy_passhttp://; # Proxy all traffic to the application server defined belowproxy_cacheMyAppCache; # Use the cache defined aboveproxy_cache_valid2003s; # Treat HTTP 200 responses as valid; cache them for 3 secondsproxy_cache_use_staleupdating; # (Optional) send outdated response while background-updating cacheproxy_cache_lock on; # (Optional) only allow one process to update cache at once
# (Local-only) application server on an arbitrary port number to act as the upstream proxy:server {
The two key changes are:
Passenger moves to a second server block, localhost-only, on an arbitrary port number (doesn’t need HTTPS, of course, but if your application detects/”expects” HTTPS you
might need to tweak your headers).
Your main server block proxies to the second as its upstream, and you can add whatever caching directives you like.
Obviously you’ll need to be smarter if you host a mixture of public and private content (e.g. send Vary: headers from your application) and if you want different cache
durations on different addresses or types of content, but there are already great guides to help with that. I only wrote this post because I spent some time searching for (nonexistent!)
passenger_cache_ etc. rules and wanted to save the next person from the same trouble!
Yesterday I recommended that you go read Aaron Uglum‘s webcomic LABS which had just completed its final strip. I’m a big fan of “completed”
webcomics – they feel binge-able in the same way as a complete Netflix series does! – but Spencer quickly pointed out that it’s annoying
for we enlightened modern RSS users who hook RSS up to everything to have to binge completed comics in a different way to reading ongoing ones: what he wanted was an RSS feed covering the entire history of LABS.
With apologies to Aaron Uglum who I hope won’t mind me adapting his comic in this way.
So naturally (after the intense heatwave woke me early this morning anyway) I made one: complete RSS feed of
LABS. And, of course, I open-sourced the code I used to generate it so that others can jumpstart their
projects to make static RSS feeds from completed webcomics, too.
Even if you’re not going to read it via this medium, you should go read LABS.
I love RSS, but it’s a minor niggle for me that if I subscribe to any of the
BBC News RSS feeds I invariably get all the sports
news, too. Which’d be fine if I gave even the slightest care about the world of sports, but I don’t.
If you’d like to see how I did it so you can host it yourself or adapt it for some similar purpose, the code’s below or on GitHub:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby# # Sample crontab:# # At 41 minutes past each hour, run the script and log the results# 41 * * * * ~/bbc-news-rss-filter-sport-out.rb > ~/bbc-news-rss-filter-sport-out.log 2>&1# Dependencies:# * open-uri - load remote URL content easily# * nokogiri - parse/filter XML# * b2 - command line tools, described below
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile dosource''gem'nokogiri'end
require 'open-uri'# Regular expression describing the GUIDs to reject from the resulting RSS feed# We want to drop everything from the "sport" section of the website
REJECT_GUIDS_MATCHING = /^https:\/\/www\.bbc\.co\.uk\/sport\//# Assumption: you're set up with a Backblaze B2 account with a bucket to which# you'd like to upload the resulting RSS file, and you've configured the 'b2'# command-line tool (
B2_FILENAME ='bbc-news-nosport.rss'# Load and filter the original RSS
rss = Nokogiri::XML(open(''))
rss.css('item').select{|item| item.css('guid').text =~ REJECT_GUIDS_MATCHING }.each(&:unlink)begin# Output resulting filtered RSS into a temporary file
temp_file =
temp_file.close# Upload filtered RSS to a Backblaze B2 bucket
result =`b2 upload_file --noProgress --contentType application/rss+xml #{B2_BUCKET}#{temp_file.path}#{B2_FILENAME}`putsTime.nowputs result.split("\n").select{|line| line =~ /^URL by file name:/}.join("\n")ensure# Tidy up after ourselves by ensuring we delete the temporary file
Filters it to remove all entries whose GUID matches a particular regular expression (removing all of those from the
“sport” section of the site)
Outputs the resulting feed into a temporary file
Uploads the temporary file to a bucket in Backblaze‘s “B2” repository (think: a better-value competitor S3); the bucket I’m using is
publicly-accessible so anybody’s RSS reader can subscribe to the feed
I like the versatility of the approach I’ve used here and its ability to perform arbitrary mutations on the feed. And I’m a big fan of Nokogiri. In some ways, this could be considered a
lower-impact, less real-time version of my tool RSSey. Aside from the fact that it won’t (easily) handle websites that require Javascript, this
approach could probably be used in exactly the same ways as RSSey, and with significantly less set-up: I might look into whether its functionality can be made more-generic so I can
start using it in more places.
By 2005, Ruby had become more popular, but it was still not a mainstream programming language. That changed with the release of Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails was the “killer app” for
Ruby, and it did more than any other project to popularize Ruby. After the release of Ruby on Rails, interest in Ruby shot up across the board, as measured by the TIOBE language
It’s sometimes joked that the only programs anybody writes in Ruby are Ruby-on-Rails web applications. That makes it sound as if Ruby on Rails completely took over the Ruby community,
which is only partly true. While Ruby has certainly come to be known as that language people write Rails apps in, Rails owes as much to Ruby as Ruby owes to Rails.
As an early adopter of Ruby (and Rails, when it later came along) I’ve always found that it brings me a level of joy I’ve experienced in very few other languages (and never as much).
Every time I write Ruby, it takes me back to being six years old and hacking BASIC on my family’s microcomputer. Ruby, more than
any other language I’ve come across, achieves the combination of instant satisfaction, minimal surprises, and solid-but-flexible object orientation. There’s so much to love about Ruby
from a technical perspective, but for me: my love of it is emotional.
It’s inevitable these days: we will see an article proclaiming the demise of Ruby on Rails every once in a while. It’s the easiest click bait, like this one from TNW.Now, you may say “another Ruby
fanboy.” That’s fair, but a terrible argument, as it’s a poor and common argumentum ad hominem. And on the subject of
fallacies, the click-bait article above is wrong exactly because it falls for a blatantly Post hoc ergo propter
hoc fallacy plus some more confirmation bias which we are all guilty of falling for all the time.
I’m not saying that the author wrote fallacies on purpose. Unfortunately, it’s just too easy to fall for fallacies. Especially when everybody has an intrinsic desire to confirm
one’s biases. Even trying to be careful, I end up doing that as well…
Together with a friend I recently built Dropshare Cloud. We offer online storage for the file and screenshot sharing app Dropshare for macOS/iOS. After trying out Django for getting started (we both had some experience using
Django) I decided to rewrite the codebase in Rails. My past experience developing in Rails made the process quick — and boring…
Those who know me well know that I’m a bit of a data nerd. Even when I don’t yet know what I’m going to do with some data yet, it feels sensible to start collecting it in a
nice machine-readable format from the word go. Because you never know, right? That’s how I’m able to tell you how much gas and electricity our house used on average on any day in the
last two and a half years (and how much off that was offset by our solar panels).
The red lumps are winters, when the central heating comes on and starts burning a stack of gas.
So it should perhaps come as no huge surprise that for the last six months I’ve been recording the identity of every piece of music played by my favourite local radio station,
Jack FM (don’t worry: I didn’t do this by hand – I wrote a
program to do it). At the time, I wasn’t sure whether there was any point to the exercise… in fact, I’m still not sure. But hey: I’ve got a log of the last 45,000 songs
that the radio station played: I might as well do something with it. The Discogs API proved invaluable in automating the discovery of
metadata relating to each song, such as the year of its release (I wasn’t going to do that by hand either!), and that gave me enough data to, for example, do this (click on any image to
see a bigger version):
Decade frequency by hour: you’ve got a good chance of 80s music at any time, but lunchtime’s your best bet (or perhaps just after midnight). Note that times are in UTC+2 in this
I almost expected a bigger variance by hour-of-day, but I guess that Jack isn’t in the habit of pandering to its demographics too heavily. I spotted the post-midnight point at which you
get almost a plurality of music from 1990 or later, though: perhaps that’s when the young ‘uns who can still stay up that late are mostly listening to the radio? What about by
day-of-week, then:
Even less in it by day of week… although 70s music fans should consider tuning in on Fridays, apparently, and 80s fans will be happiest on Sundays.
The chunks of “bonus 80s” shouldn’t be surprising, I suppose, given that the radio station advertises that that’s
exactly what it does at those times. But still: it’s reassuring to know that when a radio station claims to play 80s music, you don’t just have to take their word for it
(so long as their listeners include somebody as geeky as me).
It feels to me like every time I tune in they’re playing an INXS song. That can’t be a coincidence, right? Let’s find out:
One in every ten songs are by just ten artists (including INXS). One in every four are by just 34 artists.
Yup, there’s a heavy bias towards Guns ‘n’ Roses, Michael Jackson, Prince, Oasis, Bryan Adams, Madonna, INXS, Bon Jovi, Queen, and U2 (who collectively are responsible for over a tenth
of all music played on Jack FM), and – to a lesser extent – towards Robert Palmer, Meatloaf, Blondie, Green Day, Texas, Whitesnake, the Pet Shop Boys, Billy Idol, Madness, Rainbow,
Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, Phil Collins, ZZ Top, AC/DC, Duran Duran, the Police, Simple Minds, Blur, David Bowie, Def Leppard, and REM: taken together, one
in every four songs played on Jack FM is by one of these 34 artists.
Amazingly, the most-played song on Jack FM (Alice Cooper’s “Poison”) is not by one of the most-played 34 artists.
I was interested to see that the “top 20 songs” played on Jack FM these last six months include several songs by artists who otherwise aren’t represented at all on the station. The
most-played song is Alice Cooper’s Poison, but I’ve never recorded them playing any other Alice Cooper songs (boo!). The fifth-most-played song is Fight For Your
Right, by the Beastie Boys, but that’s the only Beastie Boys song I’ve caught them playing. And the seventh-most-played – Roachford’s Cuddly Toy – is similarly the only
Roachford song they ever put on.
Next I tried a Markov chain analysis. Markov chains are a mathematical tool that examines a sequence (in this case, a sequence
of songs) and builds a map of “chains” of sequential songs, recording the frequency with which they follow one another – here’s a great
explanation and playground. The same technique is used by “predictive text” features on your smartphone: it knows what word to suggest you type next based on the patterns of words
you most-often type in sequence. And running some Markov chain analysis helped me find some really… interesting patterns in the playlists. For example, look at the similarities between
what was played early in the afternoon of Wednesday 19 October and what was played 12 hours later, early in the morning of Thursday 20 October:
19 October 2016
20 October 2016
Kool & The Gang – Fresh
Kool & The Gang – Fresh
Bruce Springsteen – Dancing In The Dark
Bruce Springsteen – Dancing In The Dark
Maxi Priest – Close To You
Maxi Priest – Close To You
Van Halen – Why Can’t This Be Love
Van Halen – Why Can’t This Be Love
Beats International / Lindy – Dub Be Good To Me
Beats International / Lindy – Dub Be Good To Me
Kasabian – Fire
Kasabian – Fire
Talk Talk – It’s My Life
Talk Talk – It’s My Life
Lenny Kravitz – Are You Gonna Go My Way
Lenny Kravitz – Are You Gonna Go My Way
Shalamar – I Can Make You Feel Good
Shalamar – I Can Make You Feel Good
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up
Madness – Baggy Trousers
Madness – Baggy Trousers
Eagle Eye Cherry – Save Tonight
Feeling – Love It When You Call
Fine Young Cannibals – Good Thing
Fine Young Cannibals – Good Thing
Blur – There’s No Other Way
Blur – There’s No Other Way
Pet Shop Boys – It’s A Sin
Pet Shop Boys – It’s A Sin
Zutons – Valerie
Zutons – Valerie
Cure – The Love Cats
Cure – The Love Cats
Bryan Adams / Mel C – When You’re Gone
Bryan Adams / Mel C – When You’re Gone
Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus
Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus
Queen – Another One Bites The Dust
Queen – Another One Bites The Dust
Shania Twain – That Don’t Impress Me Much
Shania Twain – That Don’t Impress Me Much
ZZ Top – Gimme All Your Lovin’
ZZ Top – Gimme All Your Lovin’
Abba – Mamma Mia
Abba – Mamma Mia
Survivor – Eye Of The Tiger
Survivor – Eye Of The Tiger
Scouting For Girls – Elvis Aint Dead
Verve – Lucky Man
Fleetwood Mac – Say You Love Me
Kiss – Crazy Crazy Nights
Kiss – Crazy Crazy Nights
Lightning Seeds – Sense
Lightning Seeds – Sense
Pretenders – Brass In Pocket
Pretenders – Brass In Pocket
Elvis Presley / JXL – A Little Less Conversation
Elvis Presley / JXL – A Little Less Conversation
U2 – Angel Of Harlem
U2 – Angel Of Harlem
Trammps – Disco Inferno
Trammps – Disco Inferno
Cast – Guiding Star
Cast – Guiding Star
New Order – Blue Monday
New Order – Blue Monday
Def Leppard – Let’s Get Rocked
Def Leppard – Let’s Get Rocked
Phil Collins – Sussudio
Phil Collins – Sussudio
Shawn Mullins – Lullaby
Shawn Mullins – Lullaby
Stars On 45 – Stars On 45
Stars On 45 – Stars On 45
Dead Or Alive – You Spin Me Round Like A Record
Dead Or Alive – You Spin Me Round Like A Record
Dire Straits – Walk Of Life
Dire Straits – Walk Of Life
Keane – Everybody’s Changing
Keane – Everybody’s Changing
Billy Idol – Rebel Yell
Billy Idol – Rebel Yell
Stealers Wheel – Stuck In The Middle
Stealers Wheel – Stuck In The Middle
Green Day – American Idiot
Green Day – American Idiot
A-Ha – Take On Me
A-Ha – Take On Me
Cranberries – Dreams
Cranberries – Dreams
Elton John – Philadelphia Freedom
Inxs – Disappear
Kim Wilde – You Keep Me Hanging On
Living In A Box – Living In A Box
Status Quo – Rockin’ All Over The World
Status Quo – Rockin’ All Over The World
The similarities between those playlists (which include a 20-songs-in-a-row streak!) surely can’t be coincidence… but they do go some way to explaining why listening to Jack FM
sometimes gives me a feeling of déjà vu (along with, perhaps, the no-talk, all-jukebox format). Looking
elsewhere in the data I found dozens of other similar occurances, though none that were both such long chains and in such close proximity to one another. What does it mean?
There are several possible explanations, including:
The exotic, e.g. they’re using Markov chains to control an auto-DJ, and so just sometimes it randomly chooses to follow a long chain that it “learned” from a real DJ.
The silly, e.g. Jack FM somehow knew that I was monitoring them in this way and are trying to troll me.
My favourite: these two are actually the same playlist, but with breaks interspersed differently. During the daytime, the breaks in the list are more-frequent and longer,
which suggests: ad breaks! Advertisers are far more-likely to pay for spots during the mid-afternoon than they are in the middle of the night (the gap in the overnight playlist could
well be a short ad or a jingle), which would explain why the two are different from one another!
But the question remains: why reuse playlists in close proximity at all? Even when the station operates autonomously, as it clearly does most of the time, it’d surely be easy enough to
set up an auto-DJ using “smart random” (because truly
random shuffles don’t sound random to humans) to get the same or a better effect.
One of the things I love about Jack FM is how little they take seriously. Like their style guide.
Which leads to another interesting observation: Jack FM’s sister stations in Surrey and Hampshire also maintain a similar playlist most of the time… which means that they’re either
synchronising their ad breaks (including their duration – I suspect this is the case) or else using filler jingles to line-up content with the beginnings and ends of songs. It’s a
clever operation, clearly, but it’s not beyond black-box comprehension. More research is clearly needed. (And yes, I’m sure I could just call up and ask – they call me “Newcastle Dan”
on the breakfast show – but that wouldn’t be even half as fun as the data mining is…)
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks digging into some of the newer/fancier/shinier technologies that have been in the limelight of the development world lately – specifically Elixir,
Phoenix and Elm – and while I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them all (and instantly had a bunch of fun ideas for things to build with them), I also realized once more how much I like Ruby,
and what kind of project it’s still a great choice for…
It’s common for a Ruby developer to describe themselves as a Rails developer. It’s also common for someone’s entire Ruby experience to be through Rails. Rails began in 2003 by David
Heinemeier Hansson, quickly becoming the most popular web framework and also serving as an introduction to Ruby for many developers.
Rails is great. I use it every day for my job, it was my introduction to Ruby, and this is the most fun I’ve ever had as a developer. That being said, there are a number of great
framework options out there that aren’t Rails.
This article intends to highlight the differences between Cuba, Sinatra, Padrino, Lotus, and how they compare to or differ from Rails. Let’s have a look at some Non-Rails Frameworks
in Ruby.