Dan Q found GLMC2CK5 Have you got the right equipment

This checkin to GLMC2CK5 Have you got the right equipment reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

When I first saw this appear I thought that I’d have the FTF in the bag this morning. After all: nobody would come out last thing on a Tuesday night to start a multicache series, would they? Hah.

Well, come the morning I saw that I’d been beaten and opted to, instead of tackling the rush hour traffic, come along for a leisurely lunchtime look-see. The first waypoint was easy: I’m already equipped for wardriving so I just drove my car past the place (I didn’t even have to stop!) and then checked my laptop later – sure enough, only one detected SSID looked anything like GPS coordinates. The second waypoint slowed me down: for some reason, it took my GPSr a good long time to latch on to the Chirp and get the data I needed. Next up was the NFC tag, which was an easy find in the third place I looked. And finally, on to the cache itself which the coordinates lead me straight to.

Fantastic to see people doing things a little beyond the norm: things that take a little effort. Thanks for fab little adventure this lunchtime, and for a nice little cache. FP awarded.

Dan Q archived GC54F7B Oxford Steganography #2 – Selected Text

This checkin to GC54F7B Oxford Steganography #2 - Selected Text reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

It’s proved impossible for me to re-create the lenses used as clues in the parts of this series that have been “muggled”, and it seems that the only solution is to dis-assemble and archive the entire series. The bonus cache (#5) will remain available until March 2016 for anybody who’s solved the puzzle but hasn’t yet found it.

Dan Q archived GC54F78 Oxford Steganography #1 – Open In New Tab

This checkin to GC54F78 Oxford Steganography #1 - Open In New Tab reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

It’s proved impossible for me to re-create the lenses used as clues in the parts of this series that have been “muggled”, and it seems that the only solution is to dis-assemble and archive the entire series. The bonus cache (#5) will remain available until March 2016 for anybody who’s solved the puzzle but hasn’t yet found it.

Dan Q archived GC54F7J Oxford Steganography #3 – X-Ray

This checkin to GC54F7J Oxford Steganography #3 - X-Ray reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

It’s proved impossible for me to re-create the lenses used as clues in the parts of this series that have been “muggled”, and it seems that the only solution is to dis-assemble and archive the entire series. The bonus cache (#5) will remain available until March 2016 for anybody who’s solved the puzzle but hasn’t yet found it.

Dan Q found GLKZW2HZ Silver Screen

This checkin to GLKZW2HZ Silver Screen reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

FTF! Happened to be in the city centre eating my sandwiches and looking at my phone when the alert came in: new cache, less than a kilometre away! Hopped on my bike and bombed it down to find this wonderfully subtle cache. Tweezers would definitely have helped here, but a safety pin that I happened to be carrying worked pretty well too. Nice cache, hope it lasts! TFTC.

Dan Q found GLKZDAQT A Cryptic Cache

This checkin to GLKZDAQT A Cryptic Cache reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Solved the puzzle yesterday but didn’t get the chance to come hint for this one until this morning, even I took a diversion from dropping my niece off at nursery to come and hunt! Sapphirites wasn’t kidding: getting to the GZ by the obvious route (from the South) would be easier with wellies right now, don’t know about coming from the North but I suspect it might be better. Fun cache, nice puzzle, good hiding spot. TFTC.

Dan Q found GLKZAE27 Take it to the Bridge

This checkin to GLKZAE27 Take it to the Bridge reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found via a diversion from my cycle home this evening. Beaten to the FTF by Go Catch, of course, but that’s something I’m used to, these days! TFTC: nice to see a new cache this far out of the Oxford ring road.

Dan Q posted a note for GC6AH8Y A Cryptic Cache

This checkin to GC6AH8Y A Cryptic Cache reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

1st to solve… but I doubt that I can get there, first: probably won’t have time to visit until later this week, maybe even the weekend, unless I can rejigger my travel plans a little bit. Love the puzzle, though!

Dan Q posted a note for GC54F7N Oxford Steganography #4 – Tilt

This checkin to GC54F7N Oxford Steganography #4 - Tilt reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

This is definitely now inaccessible and has been muggled. I’m scouting for a new location for this cache, but in the meantime, anybody who wants to complete the series can send me a private message stating the co-ordinates of this cache and I’ll provide them with the secret code from within it: that way – so long as you’ve found #1, #2, and #3 – you can still eventually find #5!

Thanks for your patience, and happy ‘caching!

Dan Q posted a note for GC13WZQ Swing Lower (Historic Site)

This checkin to GC13WZQ Swing Lower (Historic Site) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I suspect that SummersSquad‘s assertion that this should be archived is incorrect. The area around the old swingbridge has been fenced off for some time (it was when I logged the cache, last year) but this does not affect the ability to find the cache. The cache description already makes very clear that the cache is not on the swing bridge.

I’m reasonably confident that the GZ cannot be contained within the fenced-off area, as this would also prohibit either access along the waterway (which would be listed on the Canal & River Trust website, and it isn’t) or else would involve the closure of the nearby road bridge (which would prevent road access to the Northern end of Rewley Road, which seems unlikely given the number of people who live down there!).

I’ll try to visit the site within the next week to confirm my suspicions, but for the time being I’d suggest NOT archiving this cache.

(I’ve sent a message to SummerSquad to clarify the situation)

Dan Q posted a note for GC4H3P7 Alleyways of Oxford – Brasenose Lane

This checkin to GC4H3P7 Alleyways of Oxford - Brasenose Lane reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Spotted another ‘cacher today. Hunting for geocachers is turning out to be almost as much fun as hunting for geocaches! Photo attached (photo is in GZ, so there might be minor spoilers depending on whether you think the photographed ‘cacher is looking in the right place, or not!)

Suspected 'cacher on Brasenose Lane
