This checkin to GC8RN2T NANOBLITZ C&D Nutkins reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Gave up before this one drove me completely… nuts. No luck in any of the many obvious hiding spots; I think it must’ve wandered off.
Dan Q
This checkin to GC8RN2T NANOBLITZ C&D Nutkins reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Gave up before this one drove me completely… nuts. No luck in any of the many obvious hiding spots; I think it must’ve wandered off.
This checkin to GC8R5ZK NANOBLITZ Pulling a Female reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
The recent winds had blown this little lady clear of her hiding place and into the tree next door. Thankfully I was able to retrieve her by her tether and return her to where (it looks like) she belonged. Log starting to take on water but not in need of maintenance yet, but possibly worth replacing the seal on the container later in the year. TFTC!
This checkin to GC8R613 NANOBLITZ Sound FX reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
I had to give up on the trail to Deansford Lane: too muddy for my boots! Instead heading East, I found this delightfully noisy cache! Bit of a stretch to reach but managed in the end, and honestly spent longer retrieving the log than hunting for the cache. Genius, FP awarded.
This checkin to GC8R5XX NANOBLITZ Me Robbin Box reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
A bit muddy down this path, but luckily the cache and its hiding place remain above the water level. And hey, it’s stopped raining! Nice. TFTC.
This checkin to GC8R5WH NANOBLITZ Like a Rat up a Pipe reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
First place I looked, but I still squeaked with delight to see the cache container! There were many options for my stop-and-cache plan on today’s journey, but I’m already glad I chose here: these caches are awesome, and that’s coming from somebody who normally hates nanos. FP awarded.
This checkin to GC8R5V9 NANOBLITZ Power Point reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
On a geohashing expedition, between the 2022-02-19 52 -2 and 2022-02-20 52 -1 hashpoints, I decided to pull over and do a little geocaching. This first find was very easy – coordinates were spot on, and the container’s unusual design stood out to me. I love a good “concealed in plain sight” cache. TFTC.
This checkin to GC1WXE1 A Road Anarchy A417 - Stand & Deliver reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Not the first place I looked! Came out this way, this morning, to find the nearby 2021-12-22 51 -2 geohashpoint (it’s about two kilometres West of this GZ) and, during my return journey, noticed that this cache was close by. TFTC.
This checkin to GC5VKVN Walk by the Firehouse #4 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
I first tried to find this cache back in 2018, but the cache container had been destroyed leaving only a fragment of it left. Today, as I was out on a lunchtime cycle nearby anyway, I decided to come and give it another go. I’d left my primary GPSr at home so I had to use my phone, which for some reason was declaring my position to be about 22m off target (and well into the fields, based on local aerial photography!) but my memory of the hiding place – coupled with a quick check of the clue – confirmed I was looking in the right place. I don’t know if it’s hidden higher up now or if I’ve just gotten shorter but it was a bit of a stretch to reach! SL, TFTC.
This checkin to GC9K2D0 The Footpath Wonder reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Saw the notification pop up and thought this was an obvious FTF opportunity, so me and a geokid zipped out and mounted a search. After about 20 minutes of hunting we double checked hint cache details – only a D2/T1: maybe we’re not on form today. Or maybe something else is amiss: a brand new cache by a cacher with no finds and no (other) hides, with no description and no hint? Did this perhaps get published prematurely? We’ll come back later in the week for another go, but for now this one’s a sad-face for us.
This checkin to GC1E9YX Uninhabited Island reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Geosense sent me straight to this one during a short visit to Stratford. Some fellow volunteers and I stayed at the hotel last night for our AGM and Christmas party and I couldn’t resist coming out to find this before heading back to Oxfordshire. TFTC.
This checkin to GC9EXXC Shady Seat on The Green reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
I was out on a head-clearing walk anyway this evening as I waited for my computer to catch up with me on some batch processing work, so I figured I’d check on this cache, which got a DNF earlier today. The cache is in its usual place and is healthy and ready to find… but the colours of some parts of the cache container might trick the eye when seen alongside all the recently fallen autumn leaves…
This checkin to GC8W7QW Forgotten Bridge reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Took a late hike out here for a maintenance checkup before winter: make sure the waterproof seal is good etc. Really creepy to walk out here alone in the night fog, silent except for the occasional startling loud bellow of a rutting muntjack!
All is good here, and I was delighted to find in the logbook perhaps my favourite ever log entry in a geocache I own… it’s from the Oxfordshire County Council Countryside Access Team!
This checkin to GC54MFQ (Mac)Donald Where's Your Troosers? reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Staying at the nearby hotel I came out last night to try and find this but quickly gave up rather than poke around in the gloomy night. I’d brought a torch for exactly this kind of purpose but accidentally left it in the car… and the car key in the hotel room!
This morning, though, was much easier. The hint object – which I hadn’t even been able to see last night! – was a great clue and I was about to find a root… I mean route… to it through the undergrowth. TFTC!
This checkin to GC9GKJA A Fine Pair # 1625 ~ Eynsham reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Dropped by for a maintenance visit. All is well except for a discrepancy between the paper and online logs, which I’m following up with the cachers in question.
Update: I’ve verified that everybody who’s previously logged this cache online has found the cache and held the physical logbook, even if they haven’t signed the physical logbook.