This checkin to GC1EGCZ Symonds Yat Rock reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Came up during a break in the rain during our holiday weekend in the valley. Greetings from Oxfordshire! TFTC.
Dan Q
This checkin to GC1EGCZ Symonds Yat Rock reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Came up during a break in the rain during our holiday weekend in the valley. Greetings from Oxfordshire! TFTC.
This checkin to GC9Q4JG Timms Estate reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
I’ve been working in Banbury this morning while my car was being serviced at the nearby garage. Once I got the call to say it had been done and I could come and collect it I walked back past this cache. Instant find. TFTC!
This checkin to GC8W7QW Forgotten Bridge reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Routine maintenance visit. Came in via the path through the field to the North (pictured) which was pretty challenging because the “path” is almost as deep in vegetation as the cornfield that straddles it! Gloriously hot today, and the elder tree at the GZ smells lush!
Pleased to see a log entry from March by some picknickers who found the cache by accident. Delightful!
Cache remains in fine condition and ready to be found!
This checkin to GC9EXXC Shady Seat on The Green reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
On our way back from the village fete we stopped for a maintenance visit (and to eat our ice creams at the GZ!). Cache is in fine working order.
This checkin to GC9GKJA A Fine Pair # 1625 ~ Eynsham reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Quick maintenance check while in the vicinity. All is well!
This checkin to GC90RH3 Tiny Log Book reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
This morning two men from the council turned up at my door and asked if they could borrow my driveway to park their vehicle. We got chatting, and it turned out that they were going to be working on footpath maintenance nearby. Realising where they meant, I asked for more information about their work: their plan was to remove the footbridge which acts as the home to this geocache, and replace it with a new one a couple of metres over in order to bring the path in-line with its “correct” location!
So I wandered out with them and removed the geocache before they got started on removing the bridge. I might be able to replace it after the new bridge is built, but – based on their description of the new bridge – it might need to be a different design of cache, so for now I’m archiving this one. This is perhaps my happiest cache-archiving ever.
I confirmed that this team weren’t the bridge inspection team who wrote a lovely log in a cache of mine hidden under a different bridge in this area, but they said that they do occasionally find caches as part of their work and try to return them as-they-found-them. Delightful conversation.
This checkin to GC6GTY1 The Duck Pond reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
GPSr was spot on, but the nettles are tall and fierce age it was a bit of a battle to get to this cache, hidden beneath them. TFTC!
This checkin to GC8Q7ZB Freeland Circular Walk - Geocache 1 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Found easily. Strange choice of container; not what I expected! TFTC.
This checkin to GC8Q3X3 Final cache of series reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
This one was a challenge. Finding myself on a path alongside a wooden fence, I propped my bike up against the fence to search what seemed to be the obvious candidates, but no look. I returned to my bike to retrieve my handlebar-mounted GPSr to try to get a better fix and soon found myself tramping through waist-high nettles towards to GZ. Oh! There’s another path over here! That makes more sense. Found the cache pretty quickly once I’d got my silly self into the right place! TFTC!
This checkin to GC35ZN6 AZKABAN reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Good sized cache! My GPSr pointed me into the field at first and I had to double back. Log dry, but has clearly gotten wet in the past as done pages have begun to moulder. Okay to sign still, though. TFTC.
This checkin to GC6FEXP Octocache reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Came near here on an evening’s cycle from Stanton Harcourt and, seeing that the path wasn’t too muddy, decided to come and explore the woods. Lots of birdsong tonight! Was glad of the hint which saved me poking in the wrong holes. TFTC.
This checkin to GC7Q96B Oxford's Long-Lost Zoo reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
This has been muggled hard. I no longer live very close, so I’m removing the cache: I’ve extracted the remnants of the container from the GZ.
Shame to lose such a beautiful container, but it had a good long life and told many people the unusual story of this site, so it’s all good.
This checkin to GC49ERR #5 Billy Wynt - Up Top reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Wow, definitely had to go off the beaten track for this one. I took a route up and tightly alongside the fence, and only after getting to the GZ did I discover the easier way. Still a tough thing to find with the foliage so verdant. TFTC and thanks for the walk and the view, too!
From the top of the folly I can just make out my hotel in the distance (see photo)! Better go get some breakfast!
This checkin to GC49ERC #4 Billy Wynt - Take a Seat reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Found after a brief search, but not in the (pretty obvious) hint location. Looks like it had been found by muggles and just “thrown” back. Log was blank. SL, TFTC. Great view!
This checkin to GC49EQW #3 Billy Wynt - Feeling Peckish reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Had to give up on this one. 😢
Between a great fix, a clear clue, and CO maintenance only last week I figured this was a sure thing. But somehow it wasn’t to be, no
matter how many nettle stings I endured in the hunt.