Dan Q found GCAD0V7 HJKM Gifts and TB Hotel

This checkin to GCAD0V7 HJKM Gifts and TB Hotel reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Amazing geocache, FP awarded! I’ve been visiting Amsterdam for the last few days to meet up with work colleagues from around the world, but this morning I’m having a bit of an explore/geocaching expedition before I catch a train back to the UK. TNLN, SL, TFTC!

Dan Q found GC9MY4J IJtunnel

This checkin to GC9MY4J IJtunnel reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My work team and I have been meeting in Amsterdam, but this is our “afternoon off” so we’re going to the maritime museum. I’m not convinced that the person I found was particularly beautiful, but I appreciated the hint anyway! Dragged one of my teammates along. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK (and around the world!).

Five men in thick coats stand at the entrance to a museum.


Dan Q found GCA7Q4A Elephant Parade

This checkin to GCA7Q4A Elephant Parade reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Big thanks to the cache owner for their note, letting me know that the cache location is still accessible. Somehow I’d not seen the obvious route. Followed a family of ducks and soon found the cache location. So excited I could jump for joy.

On a tree-lined canalside footpath, Dan leaps theatrically into the air as if in incredible excitement.
In fact, I did!

FP awarded in part for the lovely cache but mostly for the attentive CO who posted a note so promptly. TFTC!


Dan Q found GCA1JJ5 Gemaal Mercatorstraat

This checkin to GCA1JJ5 Gemaal Mercatorstraat reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My work colleagues from around the world have gathered for a meeting at a hotel near here. I woke a little early this morning and so I decided to come out and try to find a couple of geocaches before our team meeting starts.

After failing to find nearby GCA7Q4A “Elephant Parade” owing to construction work, I was hopeful of a find here. The coordinates put me exactly on top of a likely hiding place, and with a little exploration (and some pretending to tie my shoes!) I had the cache in my hand. SL, TFTC.

Dan, his hand cupped to his ear, listens closely at the green-painted door of a water pumping station.

Listened for water pumping but couldn’t hear any over the traffic noise, I’m afraid! Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.


Dan Q found GCADMXH Rembrandt park #3

This checkin to GCADMXH Rembrandt park #3 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I’ve recently changed team at work, so my new team and I have gotten together – from the UK, France, Poland, India and South Africa – here in Amsterdam to meet up in person and do some work “together” for a change: normally we work entirely distributed. After our day of work we did an escape room together, then on our way to dinner I dragged them out of their way a bit to find this geocache.

Quick easy find, TFTC! Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK (and from many other corners of the world, courtesy of Team Desire from Automattic!).

Dan waves to the camera; several other geeky folks walk along behind him in a leafy green city space.


Dan Q found GC7B9CP Platform 9 3/4

This checkin to GC7B9CP Platform 9 3/4 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Even on a Monday morning the muggles are lining up to hold the trolley. Not me. As an actual magician, I’ve no need for such frivolities. Instead, as I’m passing anyway on my way to a train to an entirely different magical land (The Netherlands), I just snapped a selfie with the sign visible in the background. Easy peasy. TFTC.

Dan, a queue of tourists behind him, points over his shoulder beyond them to a sign on a brick wall, "Platform 9¾".


Dan Q found GC1TK6P Narrow Minded

This checkin to GC1TK6P Narrow Minded reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

QEF while out hunting for some breakfast this morning between trains on my journey from Oxford to Amsterdam for a work meetup. Lovely thematic cache container in a great spot. FP awarded. TFTC.

Early morning sun reflects in the water of a peaceful wide canal in central London.

Hey, this is my 100th post of 2024!1


1 This being my 100th post relies on you using non-pedant counting, that is: allowing “checkins” like this to count as fully-fledged blog posts. There’s more thought given to this question in my blog post about Kev Quirk’s #100DaysToOffload challenge, but the short answer seems to be that the challenge’s creator would count this as my 100th post of the year, so perhaps you should too. If you don’t, though, then I’ve so-far published 74 posts this year and – thanks to Bloganuary and a general renewed focus on blogging I’m probably still on-track to make 100. And if I remember to do so I’ll post a footnote for you pedants when I do.
