This checkin to GC84ATC A bit of history reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Easy find while waiting for the museum to open this morning. TFTC.
Dan Q
This checkin to GC84ATC A bit of history reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Easy find while waiting for the museum to open this morning. TFTC.
GCEC8 (Green Thumb), in a community garden in the Fort Mason park, San Francisco, might be Dan’s new favourite geocache.
See also: Dan’s log of finding GCEC8 (or on Video is also available on QTube or on VideoPress.
This checkin to GCEC8 Green Thumb reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Thanks for sharing (and maintaining) this cache, and for making it possible for me to discover this wonderful corner of the city. SL, TNLN, TFTC, and greetings from Oxford, UK! FP for possibly being my new favourite cache.
See also: video of finding the cache.
This checkin to GCBD0A Laughing Sal's reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
What does the belly dancer do on her day off? Plays the ukulele (although not very well, from the look of things)!
Next question: at what time does the execution of the English man take place?
This checkin to GC6MH4A Pipe Dreams reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Easy find while exploring the city. Lucky I’m no shorter than I am! TFTC.
This checkin to GC8A3PC Currents Flow reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
My geosense was tingling as I approached the GZ and soon the cache was in hand. I’m guessing that the thing it’s attached to is not frequently used, if the cache has remained undisturbed for so long! TFTC!
This checkin to GC1ZBK2 49 Square Miles reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
09:56 Excellent cache in a great location. The hint was very helpful as even the small number of muggles around this early on was enough to require some stealth… and a useful TOTT – my phone, set to record video and held nonchalantly in the direction of the hide – helped too! Greetings from Oxford, UK, and TFTC!
This checkin to GCQAXD SC Fire - Agnew Rivermark reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
No luck here. Given the number of DNFs this has had, lately, I think it’s a goner. CO?
This checkin to GC6778Q A Bench with a View reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Didn’t look for long because the heat was killing me, but long enough to check all the obvious places: no luck!
This checkin to GC5M43P Ulistac Returns, Again reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Another easy find, once I’d paced around a bit to pick the best route to the cache. Thanks for placing these caches, without which I likely wouldn’t have discovered this delightful trail!
This checkin to GC25HDX Ulistac View reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
A quick find this afternoon after wrapping up at the conference I’ve been attending these last few days. Nice to see a good-sized container! Greetings from the UK! TFTC.
This checkin to GC2P93K TBAS #9 of 15 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Quick and easy find. This place has seen better days, hasn’t it?
This checkin to GC6HV76 Bilbos Hobbit trail # 5. Scarred Tree reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
The Elves may have left this place… but the geocache remains! Very easy find, and a satisfying conclusion to the series. Thanks for setting up/maintaining it, and greetings from Oxford, UK.
This checkin to GC6HV6W Bilbos Hobbit Trail #4, Mines of Moria reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Thanks, mellon, for another cache in the series. A quick and easy find.
This checkin to GC6GGMV Bilbos Hobbit Trail #2 reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Had to wait a long time this morning while muggles small and large passed by, but eventually found a window to go rummaging in the hobbit hole. Unfortunately the world’s slowest dog walker – who passed me earlier – is now only just reaching about where I suspect the next one in the series is, so I’ll probably have to skip that one.