Note #24625

This morning’s actual breakfast order from the 7-year-old: “A sesame seed bagel with honey, unless there aren’t any sesame seed bagels, in which case a plain bagel with honey on one half and jam on the other half, unless there aren’t any plain bagels, in which case a cinnamon and raisin bagel with JimJams on one half and Biscoff on the other half.”

Dan, looking confused, next to a cinnamon and raisin bagel with JimJams on one half and Biscoff on the other half (and their respective jars).

Some day, this boy will make a great LISP programmer. 😂



  1. Ruth Ruth says:

    Don’t wish that on my baby!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being a LISP programmer. Many of une LISP programmers I know are almost human beings!

  2. Spencer Spencer says:

    Will he use org-bagel mode to execute his code in emacs? 😆

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