Dan Q found GC3WYMN Tactically Clever Placing

This checkin to GC3WYMN Tactically Clever Placing reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I solved this puzzle ages ago but when I came to find it the GZ was so full of dubious and disgusting litter that I didn’t want to go poking around.

I decided to return today for a fresh search, figuring that the recent rains might’ve made it a more pleasant place to explore. I soon found the logbook, loose and damp, sitting alone on the floor. No sign of the cache container, whatever it once was. SL, and tried to return the book to a sheltered spot in its hiding place as well as possible but this is urgently in need of CO attention.

Damp geocaching log book,closed.

Damp geocaching log book,open.

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