I’m off work sick today: it’s just a cold, but it’s had a damn good go at wrecking my lungs and I feel pretty lousy. You know how when you’ve got too much of a brain-fog to trust
yourself with production systems but you still want to write code (or is that just me?), so this morning I threw together a really,
really stupid project which you can play online here.
It’s a board game. Well, the digital edition of one. Also, it’s not very good.
It’s inspired by a toot by Mason”Tailsteak” Williams (whom I’ve mentioned before once or
twice). At first I thought I’d try to calculate the odds of winning at his proposed game, or how many times one might expect to play before winning,
but I haven’t the brainpower for that in my snot-addled brain. So instead I threw together a terrible, terrible digital implementation.
Go play it if, like me, you’ve got nothing smarter that your brain can be doing today.
You know who’s having a killer month? Automattic. Everyone who’s leaving Twitter seem to fall in at least one of these three camps:
They have gone back to the blogosphere. (using WordPress, or WordPress.com)
They have gone to Tumblr
They have gone to the fediverse (of which a fairly large percentage are WordPress installs)
In all of these cases, Automattic wins.
Some smart observations here by Alex. A fourth point worth noting is that Matt has openly suggested that former Twitter engineers might like to come join us in Automattic and help make the web a
better place. We’ve changed our careers pages a little lately but we’re still the same awesome
I’ll be downright shocked if Matt isn’t working very hard to get Tumblr on the fediverse ASAP. He has so much to gain in supporting this movement, and very little to lose.
That’s definitely on his mind too, which I can safely say without leaking anything because he’s hinted at it himself. Exciting times.