Why You Should Never, Ever Use Quora

This article is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

Yesterday, Quora announced that 100 million user accounts were compromised, including private activity like downvotes and direct messages, by a “malicious third party.”

Data breaches are a frustrating part of the lifecycle of every online service — as they grow in popularity, they become a bigger and bigger target. Nearly every major online service has had a security breach: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, Tumblr, Uber, Evernote, eBay, Adobe, Target, Twitter, and Sony all extensively leaked user data in the last few years.

Security breaches like these are a strong argument for using a password manager, but not a compelling reason to avoid a service you love, unless you plan to quit the internet entirely.

But this does seem like a good time to remind you of all the other reasons why you should never, ever use Quora.

Short summary of why you shouldn’t use Quora (even ignoring the recent security scare), for those who can’t be bothered clicking-through:

  • They claim to want to share knowledge, but they hoard and restrict access to knowledge
  • They’re actively hostile to the free exchange of data, both technically and politically
  • They directly oppose the archiving and backup of the knowledge they hoard
  • They won’t last (even remotely) forever

Just don’t use Quora.


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