Hot on the heels of the Oxford Steganography Series, a series of “hidden in plain sight”-themed
geocaches I placed earlier this year,
I’ve recently placed another geocache – GC591VV – and I think that – conceptually – it
might be completely unique.
Spoiler warning: this article contains minor spoilers about Oxford-based geocache GC591VV – “You Can’t Do It Alone”. You won’t find any shortcuts by reading
this page, but you might ruin part of the surprise.
Geocache GC591VV, ready to hide
The cache’s name is the first clue that there’s something unusual about it, and this theme continues in its description, where it insists that this is a cache that
is impossible to find by yourself. Experienced ‘cachers may have come across geocaches that benefit from a second pair of hands: usually to help “bunk you up” to a high
spot. Some really clever caches use your “buddy” to press a battery-powered radio doorbell while you “listen” for the cache’s hiding place nearby, or use your friend to stop up the
holes in a pipe as you pour water into it (in order to raise a floating cache to the surface). But every single one of these has a “workaround” – a way in which you can do it by
yourself, if you’re imaginative enough. I wanted to make a cache that genuinely required two people.
Creating this geocache took months of planning, scouting, construction, and – on one unfortunate occasion – standing around in the rain, deep in a forest, with a C debugger.
The cache description page repeatedly insists that to solve the cache, you need you and a friend to simultaneously visit two different waypoints. When you and your friend
get there, you discover why: at each, I’ve hidden a small electronic device, specially-built for this purpose (and instructions on how to use it). The two devices are a
synchronised pair, and each shows on its screen a pair of numbers. To find the location of the cache itself, you need to add the first number on Box One’s screen to the
first number on Box Two’s screen… and the second number on Box One’s screen to the second number on Box Two’s screen. But… the numbers change every 15 minutes: and because both boxes
are hidden on opposite sides of Oxford, there’s no way to get from one to the other within the narrow window. Truly: you can’t do it alone!
The numbers shown on the screens in this photo, taken during their month-long “stress test”, are fake (they point to N 51° 12.123, W 001° 12.123: that’s not where the cache is).
Once the two cachers have each other’s numbers, they can head on to the final coordinates: the actual location of the cache: they can race there, if they like (it’s
close-to equidistant from the two points) – though if they’re feeling that competitive, they’ll probably want to agree on some key exchange mechanism by which they
can swap numbers without giving the person to speak first a disadvantage: I’ll leave that mathematical exercise for somebody else to solve, though! In any case, I’ve been sure to
put two “first to find” prizes into the cache: one for each of the people who worked together to find it.
Each box is operated by a pile of dirt-cheap Chinese-made components, inexpertly soldered together by me.
How does this magic work? Well, it’s reasonably simple, so long as you’re familiar with the conceptual workings of time-based two-factor tokens and the predictability of computer random
number generators. I’m offering the source code and support in construction to anybody who successfully finds the cache, in order to try to inspire a new generation of digital caches in
Oxfordshire (and further afield!). But the essence of it is an ATmega328 chip acting
like an Arduino Nano, hooked up to a clock chip (powered by a long-life lithium “watch
battery”) that keeps it in sync with its partner, and – while a switch is pushed – fully-powered by a stack of AA batteries (which provide enough power to do the maths and light up the
Given how alarmed people sometimes get when they find sealed black boxes with digital screens, slowly counting down, I decided to include a reassuring note with each box.
The whole package is sealed up inside a custom-built acrylic box (courtesy of RazorLAB, whom I
discovered after Rory did a craft project using them), and I’m hoping that they’ll live at least a year before I need to get out there and replace the AA
This cache represents a huge leap in complexity over anything I’ve placed before, and – I think! – might be completely unique in design, worldwide. I’m really looking forward to seeing
what the community make of it! Want to go find it yourself? Start here!
You know the way that everybody plays Grand Theft Auto (at least, 1 through 3) or Saints Row at least once? That is: they ignore the plot and just zip around blowing stuff up? Well:
Just Cause 2 is a game that you’re supposed to play like that. Sure, there’s a plot (and it’s as stupid as it is zany, all the way from pulling statues over with tractors
through to the climactic fistfight on the back of a cruise missile), but who cares: you’ll spend your time using a hookshot to pull soldiers out of aircraft, steal the aircraft, fly the
aircraft into a radio tour while you jump away with your parachute, all the while shooting, hacking, and slashing anybody that gets in your way.
It’s completely silly, the voice acting is almost as appalling as the scriptwriting, and the plot makes no sense. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the most-awesome games ever. Play
an hour or play 5 minutes: this game’s great for “dropping into” when you need a few minutes of quick destruction as much as it’s great when you want to execute a thought-out mission.
And nowadays, it’s cheap, too – no excuse not to give it a go.
The original X-COM series (Enemy Unknown, Terror from the Deep, and even Apocalypse) were among the most-immersive, deeply-strategic, and thematically-beautiful games of the 1990s.
2012’s reboot was fun, but it failed to capture the sophistication and complexity of the original: it lacked the ability to perform micro-customisation upon your soldiers (Want a strong
guy whose job is just to carry ammo for everybody else? That’s fine!), bases (“Science” base at a secret location, surrounded by interceptor bases? No problem!), or mission strategy
(Plan to fight a retreat back to the dropship, dragging the bodies of the stunned aliens with you for later research, losing the battle but advancing the war? Go on then!). And it
suffered, for it.
Xenonauts, however, takes the genre back where it belongs: gritty, strategic, and with every game completely unique. More-impressively, it does so in a world that’s subtly-different
from that of the original series: starting deep in the Cold War, and with aliens whose motivation and strategy is innovative and new, even to fans of the original series.
It’s not perfect: you’ll read science reports that make reference to weapons you haven’t yet invented, because you’re doing things in the “wrong” order… but at least the game lets you
do things in the order that makes most-sense to you! I’d have enjoyed being able to use alien psionics against them, as you can in the original series (and even in the reboot), but
(unless I simply missed out on the appropriate research opportunities), that’s sadly absent. And there are a few bugs, although I didn’t come across any game-breaking ones.
But what Xenonauts is is one of the best strategy games I’ve seen in recent years. Whether you loved the original X-COM series, or the reboot, or didn’t play either… it’s got something
for you to enjoy. Go play it, Commander.
One last find with tajasel before I had to take her to catch her train. GPSr lied to me
by about 10 metres, but common sense (“where would I hide the cache?”) prevailed. Thanks!
Second cache tajasel and I found during a walk in-between storms, this afternoon. Took
a few minutes, but found without difficulty once we started looking in the right place.
Finally got around to spending a lunchtime hunting for this cache, and I’m glad I did: what a wonderful tour of some great backstreets, that I already thought I knew so well. Was slowed
down by some scaffolding partially-covering one of the clues, but a helpful man working on the site was able to show me what I’d missed (and to be fair, if I’d been paying more
attention I’d have found it myself eventually!).
Came out to investigate missing lid. Found lid a short distance away – possibly muggled. Cleaned cache contents, checked silica gel still doing its job, replaced lid. Game on!
Thanks, Go catch; I’ll try to get
out there for some maintenance at or before the weekend. If you’re having difficulty with the overlays, it’s worth checking that your printout is the right size (after talking to some
‘cachers, I’ve discovered that some computers are printing it a tiny bit smaller: users of these computers need to ensure that the “resize to fit page” or similar checkbox is NOT
checked, when printing). So long as your name appears in the log when I get there, though, you’re welcome to PM me and I’ll send you the number you’re missing. Thanks!