Dan Q found GL4ZB9QK Oxford United FC

This checkin to GL4ZB9QK Oxford United FC reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My favourite cache of the day! A wonderful little adventure!

I’d not noticed when I copied the data to my GPSr that this find was going to involve as much leg-work as it did! Starting in Headington, I collected the clues, zipping effortlessly around the locations by bike. Then, sat on the side of London Road, I came up with the coordinates. HOW FAR? Wow… it’s a good job I’m ready for a decent cycle, today, and I’ve got a few caches down that way that I’d like to collect anyway.

Several miles (and many caches) later I found myself getting close, hoping that I’d not miscalculated or gotten the wrong numbers. When I got close, it became clear to me where it was likely to be hidden: but the recent rain had made the ground treacherously slippy, and I struggled to get the cache, between groups of people walking past, without falling over!

I have no interest whatsoever in football, but I thoroughly enjoyed this cache… as well as enjoying learning a little bit of local history! TFTC!

Dan Q found GL4ZB8G2 Testing (R50) 1, 2, 3

This checkin to GL4ZB8G2 Testing (R50) 1, 2, 3 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found this on my way down from Horspath Nature Reserve. Nothing exciting happening on the test track, but I did notice that the signature before mine in the log was that of Fraig2010, who recently dropped off my Travel Bug at Famous Grouse, the final step of it’s journey! Maybe I’ve just passed him/her…

Dan Q found GL4ZB6WK Old SideTracked – Horspath Halt

This checkin to GL4ZB6WK Old SideTracked - Horspath Halt reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

During a nice stroll around this lovely nature reserve (including a look at the artificial “bat cave” that’s been formed out of the remains of the old railway tunnel), I found this cache after an embarrassingly-long hunt. I choose to blame my GPSr being thrown off by all the trees, but in actual fact it’s my bad observation skills that are to blame for this one taking me so long! Lovely little cache; delighted to have found it!

Bricked-up railway tunnel near a geocache.

Dan Q found GL4ZB6AQ Famous Grouse

This checkin to GL4ZB6AQ Famous Grouse reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

This cache was a primary goal of mine, today, because a travel bug I set off on it’s travels (a long while back, and in Wales), “The Oxford Scouting Party”, had safely landed here and I wanted to pick it up. Coming up the path from London Road after such rain was a mistake, because the path was wet and slippery, but I got there in the end and found the cache without too much difficulty (although I did need the clue to help make sure I was looking in the right place!). Took my travel bug, left a rubber bouncy ball and a sliding puzzle of a tiger.

And I did get to see a grouse or two on the way up! Two grouse? Grouses? Grice???

Thanks for a wonderful cache and an enjoyable walk.

Dan Q found GL4ZB5QD All Ducked Up

This checkin to GL4ZB5QD All Ducked Up reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

After a hard uphill trek through slippery mud (in inadequate shoes) I got to this easy cache. Lots of stuff in the box, but TNLN. Thanks for giving me an excuse to stop for a break before pressing on to Famous Grouse!

Dan Q found GL4ZB5G9 Blowing Away the Cobwebs

This checkin to GL4ZB5G9 Blowing Away the Cobwebs reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Should have been easy, but not one but TWO cars were parked right in the way of the cache… and one of them was being unloaded by it’s owners at the time! I stood around with my bike, looking like a wally, until they went away, and then squeezed past to find the cache. TFTC.

Dan Q found GL4ZB56N Zed’s Pico Cache

This checkin to GL4ZB56N Zed's Pico Cache reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Wonderful little cache in a devious little hiding place. Looked in the right place several times before I thought to let a curious finger do the exploring for me! Got strange looks from passers-by and so had to pretend to be on the phone… Great cache: thanks!

Dan Q found GL4ZB4T2 University Challenge 5 (munch munch)

This checkin to GL4ZB4T2 University Challenge 5 (munch munch) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I’ve visited dozens of times – I only live around the corner – but never realised that it was a virtual cache. Picture doesn’t include me nor my GPSr because (a) my GPSr (on my phone) is my camera and (b) I couldn’t find anybody to take the picture for me (there was only a confused-looking traffic warden around). So you’ll have to suffice with a picture of the landmark itself…

The Headington Shark.

Dan Q found GL4ZB20J Famished Equine

This checkin to GL4ZB20J Famished Equine reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Found without lid nor magnets, soaking wet, buried in pile of leaves: this one’s a goner. I’m removing the cache and I’ll arrange to get it back to it’s owner as soon as possible, but until then this cache should be considered absent!

Dan Q found GL4ZB1B2 University Challenge 14 (Poly)

This checkin to GL4ZB1B2 University Challenge 14 (Poly) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Excellent cache! One of my favourites of the day’s hunt: and I was so glad I wore laced shoes, as you suggest, because that made all the difference when it came to retrieving and replacing this fabulous little cache. Log was full – couldn’t find space to write – so I’ve instead taken a picture of this imaginative little cache (warning: photo contains minor spoilers about what you’re looking for).

Cache and its log.

Dan Q found GL4ZB0YP H. H. Park

This checkin to GL4ZB0YP H. H. Park reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

I love this park in the summertime, but in the depths of a wet winter it was more than a little difficult to get to the cache, and involved wading through ankle-deep water in the swampy area around the cache! Persevered, though, and found it in the end! TFTC.