Six Pounds And Eighteen Pence

That’s how much better off I am per month than I was previously. Or, as I see it, three pints.

Thank you, Gordon Brown.


  1. golfish golfish says:

    Except in Central London, where it’s barely 2 pints.

  2. Sian Sian says:

    Woo, 2p better off a year according to the calculator thing on I shall save up a few years and buy a drumstick lolly.

  3. The Pacifist The Pacifist says:

    Good for you. I’m £3.60 a month worse off. Care to buy me a pint?

  4. Rory Rory says:

    Isn’t it thank you Alistair Darling? Of course you probably pay more tax on those pints now :P

  5. Dave Thorp Dave Thorp says:

    If I had a job, based on my last jobs salary I’d be £5.83 a month worse off…. YAY

  6. Crusty Crusty says:

    Well…… in terms of ‘take home pay’ I’m nearly seven pounds better off a month – whoo hooo!

    Unfortunately my Council Tax, Water Rates, Electricity, Gas, TV licence, Insurances, Mortgage and other living costs have all gone up by considerably more than this, so overall I’m nearly two hundred pounds a month worse off than I was last year, despite getting a pay rise too….. broke and getting broker…. marvellous. Thanks a lot.

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