What’re You Doing This Week?

For the benefit of the Abnibbers (and the other folks that hang around The Place), here’s a roundup of some of the events of the rest of the week:

Naruto Night from 8pm, as usual. Proposed anime for the night includes Bleach and Excel Saga, with the possibility of Full Metal Alchemist if the appropriate episodes can be obtained; Naruto otherwise.

Geek Night has been moved to Sunday this week to make room for Link Night: Claire, Paul, JTA and I, infused by the power of the Four Sword, will continue our quest to free Hyrule from the clutches of an evil Bad Link (and Ganandorf) and free yet more maidens and stuff. Yay. Player slots are filled, but spectators are welcome (and are certainly allowed to entertain themselves with, for example, the other GameCube). In addition, it’s proposed that Binky use this evening to perform the first part of his distillation experiment, as at least two of his experimental samples will have reached maturity by this point. =o)

Troma Night as usual. The theme this week is “Bring Your Own Pint Glass” – all attendees are requested to bring a pint glass with them (buy one, steal one, whatever – I don’t care), in exchange for which I’ll repeatedly fill it with any one of a selection of the various beverages that I’ve been brewing for the last few weeks, including wines made with grapefruit, peach, pear and pineapple, a spirit of Binky‘s devising (made from one or more of those previously mentioned, but probably the grapefruit), and lots and lots of cask beer. Bring your own bottle, as usual, if you think you’re going to need it, but a pint glass and a sick bag should be sufficient for most. Proposed on the film agenda is “a good old-fashioned Troma Night”-theme: a good film; a bad film; and an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

If you enjoy what you drink on Saturday, please consider donating a pound or so into “the tub”, the proceeds from which will be used to buy further materials for the making of more communal alcohol for Troma Night. Making alcohol in large quantities is cheap (on money – most of the investment is in time spent washing things, shaking things, boiling things, etc), but not quite free. And if you don’t enjoy what you drink or you’re as skint as I am, just consume anyway. Mmm… beer.

Geek Night. In accordance with the prophecy, this week’s Geek Night takes place on Sunday rather than Friday, to make room for questing and merriment on the part of the four incarnations of Link in it’s place. Usual deal this week.

1 comment

  1. Gaa I missed a Naruto night >_

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