Don’t usually go in for these memes, but this one was too funny not to publish.
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Don’t usually go in for these memes, but this one was too funny not to publish.
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This is a repost promoting content originally bookmarked via See more imports or more things Dan's reposted.
Bookmarked via Widescreen – Huge free wallpapers.
As you may be aware, Jon is developing the next generation of Abnib (preview – looks fab, eh?). To coincide (and integrate) with this, there’s now an Abnib Gallery, to which Abnib-ettes can post photos relating to the activities of themselves with other abnib-ettes: a place to collate our photographs of the fires we have on the beach, the things we get up to at Troma Night, etc. etc. I’ve put some of my pictures up there already: if you’re on the Abnib/Troma Night website and you want a login (so you can add photos, vote, leave comments, etc.), just drop me an e-mail or leave a comment and I’ll sort you out with access.
Fab storm last night: Claire and I went out in it to see the lighting from the prom, and got completely soaked.
I see that the council are still recommending that people don’t swim in the sea off Aberystwyth, with signs all along the promenade, after a pollution incident at the weekend, although they’ve allowed access to the beach again. I called the hotline number and determined that the sewage leak most likely occured at the pumping station near Rummers.
My suspicions were confirmed today when I took this photograph on my way to work: