CNet News has a story
on the BSA‘s attempts to educate children
that copyright evasion and piracy is wrong, with the help of their new cartoon mascot – a ferret (shown).
And yes, I’ve used the picture of their new mascot without their permission. <wink>
Is a ferret really the best mascot they could think of…?
The ferret disturbs me.
i think it’s more important to note that the ferret is obviously on speed.
“say no to piracy and yes to drugs”
I’d love to see a ferret on speed…
Hmmm…I would imagine that ferrets would pirate things if they could. Mine certainly have no qualms about stealing food.
BTW, wanna see a REALLY cute ferret?
That is a cute ferret (albeit not one on speed). One of yours?
Yup. That’s Elvis. I don’t have any pics of Lisa-Marie uploaded right now, unfortunately.
“Hey kids, it’s Judas the Anti-piracy Weasel!”
Funny that ferrets are amongst the most thievery-inclined members of the animal kingdom…
What I never understood was the government’s decision to have the road safety campaign fronted by hedgehogs; the animal famous for spikes and being dead on roads. “Hey kids! When it comes to crossing a road listen and follow the advice of soon-to-be-road-kill”
The Register want you to name him. <evil cackle>
I voted for Evel Knweasel. ;)