Dan Q found GLG6FQ40 Constellations 4-9

This checkin to GLG6FQ40 Constellations 4-9 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

As presquevu continued our adventure around the Constellations series, we got close to this cache… only to find that we were not only in the wrong field, but on the wrong side of the road! We found ourselves a gate (and a great possible hiding place for a cache!) and made our way across the road, where we found a likely-looking footpath to get us to the GZ. But alas, as others have noted, the footpath came to a gradual halt and looks like it’s been out of service for some time.

We made our way back to the road and there found a convenient spot at which there was a gap under the fence. We slid under (unconcerned in our already-muddy state about getting a little extra dirt on us), found our way to the location, and quickly found the cache. Not a bad hiding place, all things considered… but perhaps the description and/or hint need updating to reflect the fact that it’s not so simple to get there, any more!


Dan Q found GLG6FQM4 Constellations 9

This checkin to GLG6FQM4 Constellations 9 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

The last stop of presquevu and I’s Constellations adventure, as #10 wasn’t showing on my GPSr (as it was out of service the last time I synchronised this area of the county) and the eleventh, #12, eluded us. Glad we found this one, though: our coordinates were about 14m out but the hint set us right and we soon had the cache in hand. Thanks!

Dan Q found GLG6FNFT Constellations 6

This checkin to GLG6FNFT Constellations 6 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Excellent container: one of the best I’ve seen of its type! The lid for the container had been forced on backwards by a previous finder and way slightly stuck, but we managed to pry it loose (and returned it, of course, reassembled correctly). Despite the fact that it hadn’t rained for a couple of days, presquevu and I had already found ourselves slipping on some of the muddier slopes, but nothing could have prepared us for the muddy deluge at the nearby truck turning spot! We splashed through and found ourselves more than a little mucky, for it, but the walk was worthwhile nonetheless.


Dan Q found GLG6FMEM Constellations 4

This checkin to GLG6FMEM Constellations 4 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Glad to see the “danger” and “no kids” tags on this one, but presquevu and I were surprised to see that it, like the others in this series, recommend that they’ve visited on a clear night! Being out here at night, on foot, sounds to me like a good way to get hit by one of the many cars and trucks on this busy and dangerous road!

Like some others – according to the logs – we spent some time on the wrong side of the road with this one, and when we eventually opted to take the hint it didn’t help us much until we’d already given up and were about to walk away. Found the cache in the end, but that felt like a lot of effort and a great deal of danger for the payoff!


Dan Q found GLG6FF6C Constellations 3

This checkin to GLG6FF6C Constellations 3 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

A tougher find for presquevu and I. At first, my GPSr seemed to imply that the cache might have been on or under the obvious nearby landmark, and once we realised that we were wrong there was a reasonable amount of hacking-through-the-undergrowth required to get to the actual GZ. Nice spot for a geocache – we saw a heron and a rabbit on our walk to this point, among other wildlife.

Dan Q couldn’t find GC1TPQM Constellations 12

This checkin to GC1TPQM Constellations 12 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

presquevu and I spent a while hunting for this, but were interrupted by curious-looking dog walkers and didn’t want to continue to look so suspicious within such close range of a school. So after this DNF, we called it a day and went to find ourselves a nice pub lunch. Thanks for the series (that which we did of it, at least): with the exception of the bit on the scary road, we had a wonderful time.

Dan Q couldn’t find GC1TPH1 Constellations 5

This checkin to GC1TPH1 Constellations 5 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

presquevu and I were glad to get off the main road and back onto these lovely winding footpaths. Unfortunately we weren’t able to find this cache, though: it looks like some work has been done this year to repair some of the damaged fences, and we wonder if this might have affected the cache’s hiding place. :-(

Dan Q posted a note for GC1TPPC Constellations 10

This checkin to GC1TPPC Constellations 10 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

presquevu and I narrowly missed this one – we must have walked right by it – because it wasn’t sync’d to my GPSr! What a pity – looks like a great cache: we may have to come back and finish the series, starting from here.

Dan Q found GLG58G8P Thrupp wander #2

This checkin to GLG58G8P Thrupp wander #2 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Carrying on with my walk with fleeblewidget and her baby, we saw deer foraging for crab apples out among the trees. Found the cache without difficulty (quickly guessed what we were looking for) but the log was stuck and we couldn’t extract it to sign. :-(
Lovely spot for a great hide, nonetheless. FP awarded.