Dan Q performed maintenance for GC7R0HB The Fairy Elevator

This checkin to GC7R0HB The Fairy Elevator reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Came by to check up on this cache following the previous log entry. Everything is fine here; tucked the paracord away a little more-tidily and did a little litter picking, and my preschooler took a pink flower with which to decorate a nearby fairy door.

Carry on ‘caching!

Dan Q posted a note for GC54KVD Oxford Medical History #2: Grey matter

This checkin to GC54KVD Oxford Medical History #2: Grey matter reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

(With owner’s permission) moved cache container about 30cm closer to the road in order to put it under better cover, as the bush that used to provide for its concealment has been severely cut back. Cache still intact and happy (but thanks to wynner71 for the shout).

Dan Q performed maintenance for GC7Q9FF Oxford’s Wild Wolf Two

This checkin to GC7Q9FF Oxford's Wild Wolf Two reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

You think when you chain a container to an abandoned concrete block that’s been “just standing there” fire years that it’ll be safe, don’t you? Turns out: not necessarily! Looks like a super-heavy vehicle managed to push this one over, damaging the cache!

I’ve replaced the container but for the time being it’s missing a pencil. Hint isn’t quite accurate any more either but it’s slightly-more visible anyway. Going to see what I can do about all of the above, soon, but for now at least this cache is back in functional health. Happy wolf-hunting!

Dan Q found GLW6FJQ9 A Meating place for Martyrs

This checkin to GLW6FJQ9 A Meating place for Martyrs reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

An easy find although as I approached the GZ I was concerned that some roadworks that are underway might have prevented me from getting to find the Wills and Bill, but they turned out not to be too near the actual location I was heading for. Answers sent. TFTC!

Dan Q couldn’t find GC4201 St Etheldreda’s (Central London)

This checkin to GC4201 St Etheldreda's (Central London) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Sometimes the muggles just aren’t on your side… I can SEE the cache but four people are just sitting around right next to it so I can’t get close. Ah well… another time perhaps!

Dan Q found GLW6CHW0 It’s Not Easy Being a Purple Whatever

This checkin to GLW6CHW0 It's Not Easy Being a Purple Whatever reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Maximum stealth mode required for this one! An easy find, but a hard retrieval and an especially challenging return! (Just about within my reach; if Red is of the same design then I’m afraid I think it’s missing.)

Love the customised log scroll. Oh, and Gonzo is clearly a Gonzo.

Dan Q found GLW6CMKQ 16th Century Pub (Central London)

This checkin to GLW6CMKQ 16th Century Pub (Central London) reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

A lovely little place. Reminds me of a similarly-old (and well-hidden) pub in Oxford. Bit early in the morning for me to stop for a drink, but enjoyed the visit anyway. Answers to follow.

Dan, outside a pub, holding a GPS receiver.
