Dan Q did not find GC9VD2M Claremorris_01

This checkin to GC9VD2M Claremorris_01 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Two of us hunted for about 10 minutes without any luck. We found a the host object without difficulty and soon found a man-made hook upon touch we suspect the cache might once have resided. Eventually we had to give up and move on. Nice location, but might need CO attention.

Dan Q did not find GC5EJVD Town Gossip

This checkin to GC5EJVD Town Gossip reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Like many others before us, we failed to find this cache. Based in the hint, we’re confident we were looking in thir right place. A real shame for it to be missing, but my mum and I enjoyed this piece of art.

A sculpture (called 'gossip') is a bench with birdlike feet and a head comprised of a mouth with a long tongue and several listening tubes. Alongside it, Dan's mother - a woman wearing a grey bobble hat and a blue raincoat - attempts to mime the same mouth shape.


Dan Q found GC5GDTX Walls and Games

This checkin to GC5GDTX Walls and Games reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

A delightful walk under the walls of the castle and the priory while visiting Athenry on our way to a geohashpoint stone way North of here. Clues easily collected, we quickly found the cache and signed the log before the rain got any heavier! TFTC!

Dan stands in front of a ruined priory.



Guinness in the Bath

It’s been a long day of driving around Ireland, scrambling through forests, navigating to a hashpoint, exploring a medieval castle, dodging the rain, finding a series of geocaches, getting lost up a hill in the dark, and generally having a kickass time with one of my very favourite people on this earth: my mum.

And now it’s time for a long soak in a hot bath with a pint of the black stuff and my RSS reader for company. A perfect finish.

A pint of Guinness alongside a can, on a tiled bathroom shelf.


Dan Q wrote note for GC6VYP1 Congratulations

This checkin to GC6VYP1 Congratulations reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

We really wanted to attempt this one, but it wasn’t to be. We added up all the numbers we’d collected on our journey but got a number three out from the requisite checksum. We attempted to guess what we’d recorded incorrectly and had a couple of reasonable guesses, but the growing darkness was making it increasingly difficult (and a little dangerous) to be out exploring without torches, so we had to give up (we’d probably not have found it in the dark anyway).

The whole series was delightful and we loved finding them. It was a shame not to get the bonus (which was our own fault really: setting off too late and having to rush made us make a mistake, clearly!), but we had so much fun with the ones we did find that it was all worthwhile anyway. Big kudos to the CO; thanks!

Dan and his mum, lit by phone-light, stand in a dark forest.


Dan Q found GC6VYKF Reach For The Stars

This checkin to GC6VYKF Reach For The Stars reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

We had to try a couple of candidates in the growing dark before we found the right host, and even then needed to stretch quite a long way to open and close this cache container. But eventually we’d managed.

Dan Q found GC6VYK0 Riverdance

This checkin to GC6VYK0 Riverdance reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

We were slightly concerned about this one, given the cache description. Wading across a river didn’t sound fun given recent floods: it could be deeper and faster than expected. Fortunately there turns out to be a bridge here now, and doubly-fortunately we were able to find the cache without too much difficulty.

The sun was beginning to set over the horizon; we didn’t have long left to complete the loop…

Dan Q found GC6VYHH Under The Boardwalk

This checkin to GC6VYHH Under The Boardwalk reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Power-walking on around the trail we quickly found the clue object. I figured it was worth braving the (high) water and getting below the bridge, so I scrambled down and soon found the cache. Good location!

Dan clambers under a wooden bridge over a river.
