Note #21293

Max props to the developer of puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth, who I just bought a coffee for.

The screen-scraper I wrote to bulk-export data from my Garmin sports tracker (because Garmin’s API is “only for corporate partners”, which is a magic spell you can say to make me write and open source a screen-scraper that targets your systems) stopped working today. Turns out Cloudflare could detect my automation.

Installed puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth. Fixed instantly. Awesome.

Note #21196

I bought Zach Weinersmith‘s Bea Wolf for my kids (9 and 6, the elder of them already a fan of Beowulf). It arrived today, but neither of them have had a chance to because I wouldn’t put it down.

My favourite bit is when Bea and her entourage arrive near Treeheart and the shield-bearer who greets them says “Your leader sparkles with power and also with sparkles.” The line’s brilliant, clever, and accompanies the most badass illustration.

Inked pencil sketch showing a resolute-faced young girl - Bea Wolf - in a teddy-bear hat, flowerprint dress, and star-spangled boots, standing cross-armed amongst four of her friends. Above, a line of text ends a quote, reading "Your leader sparkles with power and also with sparkles."
I’ll give it to my kids… eventually. But if you’re looking for a book recommendation in the meantime, this is it.


Note #20998

A white man wearing simple round spectacles with a silver wire rim, his finger to the corner of his mouth, looks into the camera.

Beginning to prepare/test my costume for an upcoming murder mystery party, I glanced into the mirror and briefly didn’t recognise myself. Glasses can do so much to change your face shape!

Hasbro Alignment Chart

Hasbro seem to be rolling up a new character. Maybe this’ll help them.

Alignment chart "for Hasbro's newest character", with 9 cells. Lawful Good reads "The OGL will be strengthened to protect third-party creators and clarify our IP's boundaries." Neutral Good reads: "Let's get the community together to collaborate on future licensing." Chaotic Good reads: "Fuck it, we're going to Creative Commons the whole thing." Lawful Neutral reads: "The OGL will remain the same for OneD&D as it was for 5e." True Neutral reads: "Following community feedback, we're not going to change the OGL at this point." Chaotic Neutral reads: "We're going to leak version after version until you have absolutey no idea what's coming." Lawful Evil reads: "The OGL 1.1 will be implemented with the same text as seen in the leak." Neutral Evil reads: "The awful things in the leaked version aren't representative of the awful things that will be in the final version." Chaotic Evil reads: "The new OGL will only apply to SDL words with more than two vowels in, regardless of translation language."

Note #20856

Things The Other Child Did Wrong That Lead To The Fight that I’ve heard so far today:

  • Clapped too loudly
  • Sang too loudly
  • Sang too quietly
  • Sang the wrong words
  • Put their feet too close to the dog
  • Ate the last grape
  • Ate the wrong grape (!?)
  • Finished brushing their teeth first
  • Clapped too loudly, again
  • Called somebody “buttocks”
  • Said somebody had buttocks
  • Expressed interest in going a different route to school
  • Put shoes on in wrong order

Note #20798

Finally got around to implementing a super-lightweight (~20 lines of code, 1 dependency) #spring83 key generator. There are plenty of others; nobody needs this one, but it’s free if you want it:

Note #20645

Unable to sleep, I found myself wondering whether anybody with a retro-hipster vibe had built a smart pocketwatch. All your smartwatch features, but in pocketwatch format.

Then I realised I was describing a mobile phone on a keychain.

Note #20582

The output of this data anonymisation/scrambling script makes me feel seen. 🏳️‍🌈

Screenshot of log output, reading: finding 'sexuality', shuffling 'value'.


Note #20578

Kids: We want porridge for breakfast.
Me: How do you want it?
Kids: Surprise us.

Presenting… oatmeal, honey and sultanas with a toasted marshmallow.

Two bowls of porridge with sultanas, each topped with a jumbo marshmallow (one pink, one white) being toasted by a blowtorch (mostly off-camera).


Note #20517

Was a 10th century speaker of Old Saxon a “Saxophone”? 🤔

Note #20304

After talking about impulse control, our “puppy school” OABT half-jokingly issued homework to photograph our dogs waiting patiently next to their initial, written in treats. #holdmybeer

Note #20176

Hey @VOXI_UK! There’s a security #vulnerability in your website. An attacker can (a) exfiltrate mobile numbers and (b) authenticate bypassing OTP.

Not sure who to talk to about ethical disclosure. Let me know?


Reassuring to see that @Firefox’s datetime-local implementation is year 100,000 compliant. 😂 #Y100K

Note #20099

Adapted version of XKCD comic #927. Titled: How WP plugins proliferate (see: authentication, crossposting, galleries, etc.). Situation: there are 14 competing WordPress plugins. Engineers in conversation agree that 14 is ridiculous and commit to developing a unified plugin that covers everybody's use cases. Result: there are now 15 competing WordPress plugins.

Almost nerdsniped myself when I discovered several #WordPress plugins that didn’t quite do what I needed. Considered writing an overarching one to “solve” the problem. Then I remembered @xkcd comic 927
