
Note #14917

The 5 year-old and the 2 year-old are playing at running a veterinary surgery (the 5 year-old’s department) and animal shelter (the 2 year-old’s department).

Annabel and John playing vets

The 5 year-old’s filled me in on the tragic backstory of this particular establishment: she and the 2 year-old are twins but were orphaned soon after birth. They were adopted by different families but then those families all died, too, and because everybody else in the world already had children there was nobody to adopt them and so they had to look after themselves. 67 years of schooling later, at age 15 (maths might need some work…), the pair of them decided, at the end of secondary school, that their shared love of animals meant that they should open a vet/shelter, and so they did.

When they’re not busy fitting collars for unicorns or treating yet-another-outbreak of canine chickenpox, they’re often found patrolling the streets and shouting “does anybody have any sick or injured animals?”. Except during naptime. Their work has a naptime, of course. (I wish my work had a naptime.)

It’s a tough job. Sometimes animals need quarantining in the safe. Sometimes you’ve got to fit an elderly crocodile with false teeth. Sometimes you’ve got a hippo whose owner says that it thinks it’s a duck, but thanks to your years of training you’re able to diagnose as actually thinking it’s a goose. Sometimes it’s a swan that won’t stop vomiting, or a snail that lost it’s shell and now has diarrhoea. It’s hard work, but the twins find it rewarding.

Imaginative play rocks.


Review of Kidlington Green Gardens

This review of Kidlington Green Gardens originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Basic green space unfortunately bordered on all sides by moderately-busy roads, giving the area the feel of a traffic island. Trees are decorated each Christmas, and cycle racks are available, but no other amenities to speak of. More a passing-through place than anything else.

Review of Gosford Hill [bus stop]

This review of Gosford Hill originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

No shelter or seating, but this is principally a “dropping-off” point for passengers coming from Oxford and so that’s fine. Bus stop is in layby to mitigate disruption to other traffic.

Review of Gosford Hill [bus stop]

This review of Gosford Hill originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Shelter, but no seating. No digital display board, and it could really benefit from one. Bus stopping area is a layby in order to reduce impact on traffic. Rubbish bin, but no recycling facilities.

Review of Osborne Close [bus stop]

This review of Osborne Close originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Convenient dropping-off point for buses from Oxford. No shelter or seating, but for most people this is a disembarking point anyway. Recycling and waste bins nearby.

Review of Broad Close [bus stop]

This review of Broad Close originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Somewhat awkwardly-placed bus stop: already-narrow footpath on this side of the road ends just a little to the South-West of this bus stop, and there are few convenient crossing points.

Review of Broad Close [bus stop]

This review of Broad Close originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Shelter, but no seating. Digital display board showing next up-to-three buses due, with reasonable accuracy. Recycling bins adjacent, but you’ll need to cross the road for a non-recyclable waste bin.

Review of Osborne Close [bus stop]

This review of Osborne Close originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Shelter, but no seating. No digital display board (go around the corner to Yarnton Road if you want to know how soon your bus is coming). Note that coming from Oxford the 2A takes a circuitous route to get to this end of Grovelands: you’re usually faster to catch a 2, 2B or 2C even if you have to wait longer for it.

Review of Oxford University Security Services, OUSS

This review of Oxford University Security Services, OUSS originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Ever wonder what happens to those bikes which get abandoned locked to University bike racks? These guys happen to them. I’m sure they do other useful things, too, but clearing up precious bike storage space is what wins my love.

Review of Sheldonian Theatre [bus stop]

This review of Sheldonian Theatre originally appeared on Google Maps. See more reviews by Dan.

Check carefully before you travel: the 11 (formerly T1) doesn’t usually turn around on Broad Street at all but instead terminates on St. Aldates! This bus stop is not clearly marked, when it’s in use at all.

Dan Q couldn’t find GC87403 CR#2 Crossroads

This checkin to GC87403 CR#2 Crossroads reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Searched at the GZ for about 10 minutes but then had to give up owing to a tight schedule (I was on my way back from my expedition to the 2019-08-01 51 -1 geohashpoint but only had limited time before I had to get on with some work in the afternoon).