Geocaching Convex Hull now includes Turkey

Thanks to finding a couple of geocaches here in Istanbul, my geocaching “2D convex hull” (the smallest possible convex polygon that covers an area), which I wrote some code to draw last year, just expanded a little further to the East. 🎉

World map, with an irregular near-quadrilatral drawn such that it approximately connects Inverness (Scotland), Istanbul (Turkey), Cape Town (South Africa), and San Francisco (California, USA), encompassing the area within.

I’ve got a lot of the world left still to encircle, but I’m slowly extending my reach…

(previous map, for comparison:


Dan Q found GC892N8 Galata Tower

This checkin to GC892N8 Galata Tower reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My second visit of the day to the tower, has I didn’t have a working pen with me on the first. Decided to go all-in on using my working pen by drawing myself holding a sign, showing myself holding a sign, showing myself holding a sign… you get the idea.

In front of the Galata Tower, Dan holds up a sign that reads 'I am at Galata' and depicts him holding up a sign that reads 'I am at Galata' and depicts him holding up a sign, and so on...

TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.


Dan Q found GC67ZH1 Karakoy Tunel

This checkin to GC67ZH1 Karakoy Tunel reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

QEF after a meeting in a nearby coworking space with some work colleagues from around the globe. A little stealth was required: given what’s going on in the city right now, I definitely didn’t want to look suspicious to one of the nearby cops! Soon retrieved, signed, and returned the cache. TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!

Dan waves from a narrow but busy Istanbul city street.


Team Desire in Istanbul

With visa complications and travel challenges, this is the very first time that my team – whom I’ve been working with for the last year – have ever all been in the same country, all at the same time.

You can do a lot in a distributed work environment. But sometimes you just have to come together… in celebration of your achievements, in anticipation of what you’ll do next, and in aid of doing those kinds of work that really benefit from a close, communal, same-timezone environment.

A group of men sit on chairs, a sofa, and the edge of a desk in a comfortable large office space.


Kebab Menu Accessibility

Hanging with my team at our meetup in Istanbul, this lunchtime I needed to do some accessibility testing…

(with apologies to anybody who doesn’t know that in user interface design, a “kebab menu” is one of those menu icons with a vertical line of three dots: a vertical ellipsis)