The Underground Blog

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted. is an experimental blog that is only available to read through a feed reader.

If you would like to read the latest posts, you can subscribe to the feed at, using the feed reader of your choice.

Chris first suggested this idea in the footnote of a post that talks about something I’ve been witnessing recently: that blogging seems to be having a renaissance1. I’ve for a few years been telling people that now is the second-best time to start a blog. The best time was, of course, ~20 years ago, but if you missed out first time around (or let your blog die as big social media silos took over): now’s the time to join the growing resurgence!

Anyway, he only went and actually did it! The newest member of RSS Club is likely to be… an entire blog that’s only accessible via a feed reader2.

There’s two posts published so far, and if you want to read them you’ll need to subscribe to using your feed reader. There’s tips on that page on getting an easy-to-use one if you haven’t already.


1 He also had interesting things to say about OPML, which is a topic close to my heart. I wonder if I ought to start sharing a partial OPML file of my subscriptions?

2 Or by reading the source code, I suppose: on the open Web, that’s always an option. The Web is, indeed, magical.

1 comment

  1. anonymous anonymous says:

    Oh this is nice– and answers a question I had about how to go about doing “Easter Egg Articles” that would only get out to…

    Read more →

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