Digest for October 2018


This month saw me share the Story of Scgary: how my childhood friend Gary and our various adventures together had become part of the mythology of roleplay scenarios used in the training of helpline volunteers at Aberystwyth Nightline.

I also shared news of a piece of interactive fiction produced for Halloween by my team at work, a parody of what websites are like in 2018, a Black Mirror-esque short storya YouTuber who’s engineering cybernetic augments to sense and react to the physiological signs of her arousal, and tips on winterproofing your vagina (sarcastic, obviously).

All posts

Posts marked by an asterisk (*) are referenced by the summary above.




Reposts marked with a dagger (†) include my comments or interpretation.

Websites in 2018

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

Websites in 2018

Are you a time-traveller? Just arrived in 2018? Want to know what the Web of our day is like? This. This is what it’s like (click through for the full horror).