@misterjta, 31 Dec 2017

John Trevor-Allen on Twitter (Twitter)

1997 was the year my family got torn up when my dad was killed. Which became the reason I joined @NightlineAssoc. And @samaritans. And @BritishRedCross, and @3RingsCIC. The reason, basically, I discovered how important it was to be there for people that can't go through it alone.

JTA tweets: <Seasonal Introspection> Thanks to some intensely stressful family stuff, 2017 was the worst year I've had since 1997. By such a long way even 20-Godamn-12 isn't even in the running. But, here we bloody well are, and here we bloody well stay... ...and maybe there's an upside. 1997 was the year my family got torn up when my dad was killed. Which became the reason I joined @NightlineAssoc. And @samaritans. And @BritishRedCross, and @3RingsCIC. The reason, basically, I discovered how important it was to be there for people that can't go through it alone. So, if I've learned one thing from all the grey hairs I got since May 31st 2017, it's that there's more people out there who desperately need some help. Come on, 2018. I hope it's amazing for all of you. And in the ever-excellent words of Granny Weatherwax: 'Let's do some good'


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